A/N: Okay. Sorry for the delay guys. I know I said fifteen reviews but I didn't know en I would have comp. acces next…so R&R lovelies! I do not own the lovely Cassandra Clare does…

"Ouch! God izzy! Easy." I complained, Izzy was gonna be my best man because I had no one else. I was going to pick Jace but Magnus wanted him in a Slightly different role. I have no idea how Im gonna keep a straight face during the ceremony.

"Hello? Alec? You still with me?" Izzys impatient Voice brought me out of my thoughts straight into a state of panic. Im getting married today. My parents were surprisingly supportive of it. Considering I was marrying a male warlock.

"come on, we have to get there before it starts!" She said enthusiastically. I nodded and she looked at me in concern.

"Are you alright? Your not geeting cold feet, are you?" she asked. I shook my head.

"No, im excited. Ready to venture into something unknown with magnus. I love him, Iz. I really do." I smiled hugely and she squealed and tackled me with a bear hug. She puled away and we left.

Next thing I knew I was waiting under the alter waiting for it to start. We decided to hold the wedding in small park. I let Magnus plan but I insisted that it be small. He conceded. The traditional wedding march started and I watched as Jace, in a baby pink tuxedo walking down the aisle. He was carrying a basket filled with rose petals and with every step, he threw down huge handful. I bit my lip to keep in a laugh. He finally finished and stepped to the side. Clary walked next. She was Magnus's only bridesmaid. She came to the end and when the next person came up, my heart skipped a beat. Magnus walked down the aisle in a simple tux. His hair was down and he was lightly coated in glitter. He was beautiful. When he arrived and put his hand in mine, I knew I was in heaven. The cerimoney passed in a blur and by the time I had to say 'I do' I was in tears. The minister declared us partners for life and I kissed him with all I had. He puled away and had tears in his memeorizing eyes.

" I love you, my Alexander. For the first time in my eight hundred years. I am happy" I just answered with a kiss and I pulled him into my arms. Where hopefully, He'll always stay.

A/N: I hoped you liked this. I tried. Please read and review. Itll make me write better and very happy!