-Pondering with no right Conscience-
Twice I've almost walked into the male's restroom! I've noticed more people notice me as a girl.
I don't really mind but it's creepy…What do girls do in their spare time? I wonder is it the same as a boy?
How do they keep hair out of there faces? …hair pins probably…
Why would Shinra-san make something like this anyway? He said he was bored …so he definitely has too much time on his hands.
Hmm, there has been such good weather lately. Maybe I could go to the pool…wait I need a bathing suit…and I only have swimming…
Huh? Is someone calling my name?
I open my eyes sitting up in my chair and look around. At first I don't see anyone but then I feel something taping my shoulder. "Oh, it's you Kida"
Seeing that he finally got my attention he rolled his eyes. "Oh it's you Kida, that's all you reply? I've been-"
Starting to daze again I hit my pencil off my table and straight into his forehead. He stopped talking.
"Mikado~, so cruel! You've changed! Not only your body but your personality -….OW!"
I kicked him under the table. "Anri-chan~, Mikado's bullying me~!"
I held in a laugh as I watched Anri look the other way with a straight face. "Sorry but You deserved it Kida-kun"
Haha! That's right Kida! I can be evil too.
"Annnnrrrriiiii-chan~! Not you too!" Kida whined pouting at both of us.
In reply we just laughed at him.
At Lunch I sat went to sent with Kida and Anri as usual but a large group of boys were blocking my path.
"Excuse me,…I need to get to my table" I'd explained trying to go around them.
Feeling a cold hand on my shoulder I look to the tallest boy of the group. "We just want to chat with a pretty girl like yourself~"
Creepy….now I see why these guys don't have girlfriends…..
"Maybe we can talk after lunch then?, I actually want to eat…today"
Another guy of the group came closer to me saying "But, we need to talk to you today, how about eating with us instead?"
I backed up from them. "No, I want to eat with my friends. Whatever you want is nothing I can give so leave me alone"
Taller guy grabbed my wrist pulling me with him even when I tried to pull away. Now what….?
Screaming girls always gets someone's attention, maybe I should try.
Deciding just that I sucked in a breathe and screamed, "LET ME GO!" and like I thought it worked.
Everyone in the cafeteria stared at us. Okay, maybe it worked a little too well….
Seeing everyone's eyes on them the boys backed off and I headed to Kida and Anri.
When I sat down Anri gave me a worried look and Kida practically yelled, "Are you alright!"
Looking at them looking at me I felt just a bit guilty. "I'm fine Kida, Anri….really"
Seeing that they clearly did not believe me I just sat quietly and started to eat.
Now it's silent…, I didn't upset them did I?
I heard a sigh from Anri and suddenly Kida slammed his hand on are table.
The sound scared me at first and I stuttered ," K-Kida?.."
Anri's eyes were wide as mine as she stared at him wondering what he was going to say.
"Isocan'ttakethissilence so! , Want to go shopping for some new clothes for Mikado after school?, I'll pay!"
Darn, Kida…you just made me feel more awkward than I did already!
I rolled my eyes at first but when I thought of my situation and that Anri was nodding to the suggestion I agreed.
"Okay Kida-kun"
"YAY! We're finally speaking to each other again!…I miss talking to you guys!"
When he said that it got quiet again but suddenly we all smiled and burst into laughing fits.
"Hahahaha, you can't even last fifteen minutes in silence, you're horrible~!"
"You're impatient Kida-kun…hahaha!"
"I MISSED YOU TWO even for two seconds! Hahaha!"
You really did that just to cheer us all up didn't you? You really silly Kida! I love that about you…!
Wait….did I say love…I mean….l-like…him..wait !, when did it become him that I liked?
Author's Note: Thank-you Dillon4211 and Nightrel for reviewing this story! (:
Your reviews give me motivation! Thank-you again!
Also thank you readers for reading this, favorites and putting this story on alert!
Note, if this appears in the middle of a chapter- ~~~
it simply means there's been a time skip or change of setting.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you later!