Authors note: Hello everyone! This is my first fan fiction ever, but I've been working on it for years! Anyways, this is the first chapter. It is my take on the prequel to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky, but mostly Sky. Spoilers abound!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pokémon or game elements in this fan fiction, just Haley and her mom, and the different personalities of the Planetary Investigation team's members. Enjoy!

Pokémon: The Paralyzed Planet


I live in a world of darkness. In this world of darkness, no sun shines, the day never comes, and the wind never blows. The darkness is caused by time being stopped. The planet is paralyzed, unmoving. Thus, the sun never rises, and the winds no longer blow. My name is Haley, and I am 14 years old. I am fighting the darkness, and trying to restore the world to its original state. Let me tell you my story.

Chapter 1: Dusknoir

There was a knock on the door. My mom paused. "Who could that be?" We never got visitors. Pokémon mostly stayed away, and humans were few and far apart. My mom got up and opened the door. She let out a gasp.

"What? Who is it?" I got up and made my way to the door. Before I got there, however, a voice sounded from the doorway.

"Excuse me Madam, but I must speak with your daughter."

"My daughter? I have never seen you before, so why should I even let you in? Haley, do you know this pokémon?" I came forward. There, in the doorway, was a large pokémon, taller than my mom, with one eye and a protuberance on his head, like an antenna. He had a dark gray, very large body, and his stomach had a mouth on it. He was floating above the ground, his short tail nearly touching it.

"Sorry, I have no idea who you are." I addressed the pokémon. He looked unsurprised.

"I didn't expect you to. I am Dusknoir. My employer would like to meet you."

"Your employer? What would they want with me? How do they know about me?" I was flabbergasted.

"You can see things, can't you? Things other people can't." Dusknoir spoke matter-a-factly.

"How do you know that!" I spoke sharply. I had never told anyone about my visions other than my mom. Dusknoir smiled. "Well, my employer knows a lot of things that other people don't."

"Who is your employer?" My mom spoke now.

"My employer's identity is confidential." Dusknoir spoke lightly, but firmly.

"Don't you think I should know who my daughter is going to see before I make the decision?" Dusknoir laughed.

"You don't have a choice in the matter. I came to tell you that Haley is coming with me, whether you like it or not. It will be easier if she comes of her own accord, but I will take her by force if I have to."

I gasped. "Mom, maybe it's better if I just go with him. I can take care of myself, you know." My mom looked pained, but she knew that she couldn't win a fight with this pokémon.

"Ok, I can see that I can't stop this. But be careful."

I smiled sadly.

"I always am. Bye, mom." I grabbed my bag, which had my exploring needs inside of it. Dusknoir led the way outside. He turned to me.

"I am sorry about being so forceful, but my employer really wants to meet you, and he won't take no for an answer. I also have to tell you, the way to his tower is long and yes, dangerous. I can see that you have experience exploring, but this road will be fraught with dangers such as you have never faced. Granted, I will be with you, but I am not infallible." I frowned, wondering.

"Why does your employer live in such a dangerous place?" Dusknoir smiled.

"It's not dangerous for him. You see, my employer is Dialga."

"WHAT?" I was beyond surprised, I was amazed. "I thought Dialga was like, dead or something. If Dialga is alive, then why is time still stopped? Doesn't he govern time?" Dusknoir's smile disappeared.

"He can't fix time, because Temporal Tower collapsed."

"Temporal Tower? What's that?" Dusknoir paused.

"I'm not sure I should be the one telling you this, but you'll find out soon enough, and I've led you on. Temporal Tower is the tower where Dialga governed time. Temporal Tower regulated time, so when it collapsed, time went out of control, and Dialga was powerless to stop it."

"Is there no way to reverse the destruction of Temporal Tower? Or fix the tower in some way?" I asked.

"Not that we know of. Dialga has tried to think of ways to fix the tower, but it is damaged beyond repair." I was shocked. I had always thought that Dialga was dead or had lost control of himself. Now that I knew that Dialga was alive, just helpless, I felt angry.

"Didn't Dialga notice that Temporal Tower was collapsing? Why didn't he do something while the tower was still standing?" I demanded.

"Dialga noticed, alright." Dusknoir began again, his voice ominous. "He tried to fix the tower, and when he failed, he sent for help." Dusknoir's voice deepened with disgust. "The other legendary pokémon couldn't be bothered to help Dialga, and Temporal Tower was left to collapse unaided." Dusknoir's voice shook, and then died as he finished his tale.

I was shaking by the end of the story, and when I spoke, my voice resounded my fury. "Why didn't Dialga force them to help him? Why didn't he punish them? It's their fault that we now have to live in a world of unrelenting darkness, a darkness that is irreparable!" Dusknoir shook his head.

"Dialga couldn't force the others to help him, and after time stopped, Dialga lost control for a while. He was in no fit state to punish anyone, even if he had wanted to. And it wasn't their fault that Temporal Tower collapsed. They were as powerless as Dialga. They shouldn't have refused to help Dialga, but it wasn't their fault." I stared at Dusknoir in disbelief.

"How can you stand up for them? Aren't you as angry as I am about this darkness? You can't LIKE living in this dark and depressing world!" I didn't understand.

"I am no longer angry. I have accepted that there is no way to reverse the darkness, so I do not dwell on what cannot be changed." Dusknoir replied. "We must go if we're going to get anywhere today." He avoided my gaze, as if he was hiding something. I decided not to press him, because he clearly didn't want to talk about it, and I didn't know him that well yet.

"Where do we start?" I asked.

"This way," Dusknoir led the way, looking relieved that I had stopped questioning him. We climbed down a waterfall, and continued on our way.

Authors note: How did you like the chapter? I'm going to be posting this every week hopefully, but don't kill me if I don't get them out in time, I am a procrastinator. Good thing I already have a bunch of chapters written, because I have a thing for deadlines… but anyways, REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW! Please…