Yo! Instead of making long chapters, I thought I'd give you a bad trade-off instead. I'm going to give you an author note, YAY!

Anyway, I'm going to be doing some major planning if I can get organized. It might be fulfilling yet not so fun, yah know?

Anyway, I'd like to thank everybody for making it this far. Know that I'm going to be gone for 3 weeks just planning while juggling school work, collaborations that I'm trying to make with people, friends, and stuff like that. Keep in mind that every chapter up until this point was free-form like I didn't know where I was going until I got there. I have big plans for the story and the storyline that I have locked in my head now is going to be epic. I'm not kidding... the thoughts in my head have points from 100 chapters from now.

Naruko's epic journey involves many things… I will go over all of them that I wish to share in the most non-spoiling sort of way I can muster. There will be repercussions if you read on.

Now… from here on, it is SPOILERS…



Spoiler #1

There will be an Invasion of Konoha Arc. Guess who, guys?

Spoiler #2

There will be another time skip, where everyone is an undisclosed amount of years old.

Spoiler #3

Someone or someone(s) will gain some awesome powers. I'm not saying who.

Spoiler #4

Remember that dead woman that was in the prologue? Well, she's about to get very important…

Spoiler #5

There's something hiding underneath everybody's noses. Not saying what.

Spoiler #6

New characters!

Spoiler #7

Many people are probably confused about the new characters that have been introduced… I'm going to find uses for them, trust me. They're probably going to become very recurring characters and hopefully they will provide some comedy.


Lucky 7, right? Alright, cool!