
"Ehmegods! You and Katie! Ehmegods!" Delilah from Aphrodite in her thick nasal voice said as she randomly strolled by Travis. Connor and Travis were walking to breakfast, and Travis was a bit too sleepy since Connor was sleeptalking again to understand what had happened.

So, he crooked a brow and turned to look at Connor. Connor raised his hands in defense, "I didn't do a thing," Connor swore.

Travis nodded but his face expressed that he didn't believe Connor, like any sane person would. "Liar! You were breathing!" he joked and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

After the brothers walked for while, Chris caught up with the two. Coming to walk by Travis, Chris elbowed the oldest brother in a teasing way. "So, Travissssssss…" he began, biting his lip.

"Chrissssssss?" Travis responded in a more negative tone.

"You wouldn't believe what I heard last night…"he started.

"Try me," Travis dully challenged, yawning to either add emphasis to the 'try me' or because he was actually pretty tired.

"So a little birdie-" he began to say.

Connor interrupted. "You sound so much like a girl that it's not even funny. And I don't know where you would've picked it up being Clarisse is definitely not a gir-okay shutting up now," he teased until taking a hint to shut his pothole from Chris's glare.

After waiting to see if Connor was really finished, Chris continued. "Anyway, someone told me that you and Katie, uh, mingled."

Travis stopped in his tracks. "What?" he shrieked.

"I know, I'm sorry man. I didn't start it I swear, and I don't know who, b-but if I do I'll pay him a visit…un-unless it's a girl of course because-" Chris began to ramble before being interrupted by Travis.

"This is great!" Travis exclaimed. "This is just what I needed! Thanks bro!" and with that he sprinted off after blowing a kiss to Chris.

"What. The. Hades?" Chris and Connor simultaneously muttered.

Travis raced off to meet (more like 'accidentally' bump into) Katie. This was it. It was all playing out in his head. She'd want to consult him, and she'd tell him why they'd never even be a couple in the first place. A gallant man he is, he'd tell her she's wrong and then romantically kiss her to change her mind. And his #swag would be back! Cha-ching!

Miraculously, he bumped into Katie. Actually more like tripped over her. "What the Hades!" she screeched. She'd been kneeling down tying her shoes and Travis just didn't see her so…he seriously tripped over her.

"Oh my gods, Katie. I'm so sorry; I did not see you there!" he apologetically said, scrambling to his feet and making haste to help her up.

"Good gods! Do I need to wear neon yellow for people to see? Good gods…" she grumbled as he offered her a hand. She took his hand and let him pull her up. "You better pray to the gods almighty there isn't a single grass stain on my shirt…" she said, searching for a green blotch. "Is there any on my back?"

There were a couple of green stains. "Nope, you're good."

"Oh phew. Good. Well, where were you heading to anyway?" she asked, pulling some hair out of her face.

"Um…I was actually looking for you," he quietly said.

"Pikachu? What…speak louder, "she asked, leaning in closer to hear what he said.

"Yes, I was looking for Pikachu, Katie. I was looking for you!" he said, much louder.

She was taken aback. "Why?" was all that came out of her lips.

"Um, there are some rumors flying around that, um…we hooked up last night."

Her eyes were larger than her boobs, I mean, her eyes were larger than saucers. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I'm serious. Hermes take away my good looks if I'm not," he said, placing his right hand up.

He was dead serious.

Katie nodded. "Well, who told you that?" she asked.

"Chris, but Delilah from Aphrodite was being weird this morning, saying 'Ehmegods, you and Katie!' It was weird, I repeat."

"How could people get the impression that we uh…did that? I mean, the chances of me and you being together? Smaller than Justin Beiber's chest hair. And even if we did eventually go out (though I doubt it)….well Kim Kardashian's wedding would be longer than us staying together."

This was the moment to prove her wrong.

"Well, Katie. If you actually think about it, we would make a cute couple," he interrupted.

She blinked. "Hah, yeah right. And so would Thalia and Nico," she said sarcastically. "We're so different and fight so much. It's insane people think we like each other."

Okay, how does one make this situation romantic-er?

One voice in his head said, Do it now! Prove her wrong man!

No way, she'd slap you! She doesn't like you at all, she just insulted the thought of you being with her! another said.

Then a third responded, maybe she's testing to see if you really want it! Playing hard to get!

Lastly one said something totally insane.

And being Travis Freakin' Stoll, he listened to it after no consideration actually.

"I started the rumors, Katie."

There was a cold moment of silence. "What?"

"I started the rumors. That we hooked up."

She looked ready to slap him, confused, speechless, touched, and vicious all at the same time. "Why? Why would you- What the Hades is wrong with you?" she began to raise her voice.

"Let me explain-" he tried to calm her down.

"Are you trying to get me back for something? Am I some tool for a prank? Oh, I know what you were thinking: I'm going to let Katie's guard down about me then I'm gonna crush her reputation and her heart. Is that what you meant?" she spat, her eyes murderous but some tears were welling up.

Travis ran a hand through his hair, "Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie, if you'd allow me to-"

"What else do the rumors say? Obviously you would know since you-" she began to get up in his face.

"Katie, shut up." He knew that wasn't a good tactic to calm a girl down, especially one who looks like she might go on a shooting massacre, but he needed to get her attention. And she needed to shut up.

"What is it then?" she asked crazily, throwing her hands exasperatedly in the air.

The 500 drachmas meant nothing to him now. This was real. He didn't care if he lost the money. He couldn't lose a friendship with Katie. What was coming out was genuine and Connor can rub that money in his face if he wants, he doesn't care. Travis didn't want his swag back right now. He wanted Katie to understand and finally know the truth. He knew the truth all along that he's liked her. For like ever since the Easter on the Roof thing. And now he knew that, he was willing to let her know.

"It's just that…ugh. Look, I lied. I didn't think you'd react like that. I was hoping that if I told you that I started them, you would let me tell you that I started them because I want to be with you," he finally said.

"W-what?" she said, confused. "That is such a stupid idea."

"I know, it just seemed like a good idea at the time. In my mind it played out nicely," he explained with a shrug.

"Well your mind's messed up anyway to think that we'd…" she drifted off. " As awesome…We couldn't be a couple. There's like some unwritten law against us I bet or-"

"Katie, I know we like want to throttle each other all the time but I don't know. Opposites attract I guess?" he told her.

She scrunched her nose. "Yeah, they do. But why? I mean, there's so much tension-"

"Probably and hopefully the sexual kind-" he commented.

"Between us," she continued, scolding him with her eyes, "and I think that we need to become better friends before we take the huge leap of a relationship."

After a long awkward silence, the two began to burst out laughing. Waiting for a relationship to happen? Please, this is the 21st century, people. These two have known each other for years even if it's been from pranks to little chats with Chiron. These two had eye sex all the time!

"So you wanna be milady for the next couple of hours before your dad comes?" he popped the question.

She bit her lip. "I lied actually about my dad. I wanted to make you feel bad…though now I think of it, that's a stupid way to make someone feel bad. Anyway, yes. I'd love to be your lady for the next couple of weeks."

"Really? Like, you're serious?"

"Demeter take away my intellect if I'm lying," she swore.

She was dead serious.

"Okay, then. Wow, that was…harder or easier than I thought," he said aloud as the two began to walk off. "Does this mean I get to like, hold your hand and stuff?"

"I guess, yeah. You're so awkward!"

"No, I must be spending too much time around you! I'm naturally graced with the charm and elegance and poise of a gazelle, it is you that is awkward!"

"Hmph. I thought that since we're in a relationship, we'd be nicer to another."

The two began to crack up. Like they'd ever stop teasing one another! That'll be the day!

"We're so late for breakfast, aren't we?" Katie realized, scrunching her nose.

"Wanna get rid of that 'tension' now and go over to the stables?" he suggestively asked.

"No, no thanks. I'd rather get to the first kiss in a couple of weeks actually. We need to set out our priorities first, like now we can hold hands. That's good. Little baby steps. Then next week, we can cuddle. Then after that, I might let you-" Travis shut her up with his lips. She didn't even move as he kissed her, she just closed her eyes.

"Or we can head over to the stables?" he asked her again, breaking apart.

"Did you not just listen to what I said? I think that…" and so Katie continued with her awesome plan of the relationship.

But Travis wasn't thinking about that. He just won 500 drachmas. No, not the bag of coins he had given to Connor. He won Katie, who was worth more than 500 drachmas really. So he won like infinity drachmas.

And his swag was back too, let's not forget the important stuff now.


Aw. I finished.

It was fun though. Let's not forget that! I'm going to be posting more Tratie I promise!

(I don't own PJO or the characters nor zanything else that could possibly get me sued. Or any swag; I own none of such thing.)

