Chapter 1: a new power

(White Chapel)

"Ethan, Ethan you will never believe what I found!" yelled Benny as he ran across the hallway to Ethan's locker. "What?" asked Ethan as he turned his head to look at Benny. "Well" Benny said as a sudden smirk started to appear on his face "I think I found the perfect love potion this time, one that won't make every girl that came in contact with it hate us in the end. Ethan's eyes widened at the thought of him getting Sarah to fall for him again but knowing this time in the end she wouldn't try and kill him. He quickly shook that thought out of his mind and began to glare at Benny. "What?" Benny looked surprised "I thought you liked Sarah?" Ethan quickly blushed then answered "I do but I want her to like me for me not because of a dumb love potion. "Hey" Sarah said coming up behind Ethan "what are you guys talking so secretly about?" the two boys stared at each other before Benny shook his head. Sarah stared at Benny then at Ethan. "What?" she asked furiously "what is it?" Ethan sighed "I guess it can't be helped" he took a deep breath before speaking again. "Benny is trying to create another love potion, one that won't have the girls that come in contact with it try and kill us afterwards" Sarah's eyes widened in shock "yeah because that worked out so great last time" Benny began to speak but was interrupted by Ethan "don't worry" he said looking into Sarah's eyes "I'm against it, there will be no love potion making." Sarah began to blush still holding Ethan's gaze "yeah…um…yeah" she kept stuttering before she finally got the words out "goodbye Ethan."

(In Ethan's house)

"Hello" said Sarah as she walked in the house. "Well Jane is already asleep in her room but she tends to wake up late at night and in case she does I left some drinks and food for her in the fridge" said Mrs. Morgan before shutting the door behind her. Just like that Ethan and Sarah were alone. Great I'm alone with Ethan Sarah thought "hey" he yelled furiously "were not completely alone my sister is here asleep, remember." Sarah put her hand over his mouth "shhhh your sister is asleep let's try not to wake her" Ethan nodded his head and she let go of him. "By the way what was that about" she whispered. Ethan tilted his head a bit "what?" Sarah looked a bit surprised "you just yelled at me for no reason." Now it was Ethan's turn to look surprised "you just said great I'm alone with Ethan" Sarah's eyes suddenly widened "no" said Sarah as she shook her head in disbelief "I didn't say that I thought it" Ethan stepped back frightened by those words that had just some out of Sarah's mouth. Not only is this creepy but I think that Sarah will hate me for invading her privacy Ethan thought to himself. Sarah stepped closer to Ethan in the eye "I could never hate you" she said still hold his gaze "even if you do invade my privacy" Ethan began to tense up a little "how did you know I thought that?" Sarah's eyes began to turn green then changed back to their usual brown "you thought that as in I read your mind?" Ethan nodded "so we can read each other minds, cool right?" Sarah slowly shook her head in amazement