Here is the second chapter to "Look Out Hogwarts!" Hope you like and please review! To vote for Sakura and? The poll is now on my profile

"Normal talking"


'Hat talking'

'Inner Sakura'

Danm Those Pedotards!

Sakura never would have expected her so called "mother" to be witch, But once she step through those very very very 'BIG' doors and was called a child she thought she was better off than most people…..yeah right! First she got abandoned by a bunch of two faced pansies, and then she had to travel the world because of a stinky shoe! Third she got fucked of by an old dude with a fricken long tashe for looking like a bloody child! She felt like the only people who would hit on her were going to by Kabuto and Orochimaru! Oh wait Orochimaru only went for boys…... danm that pedotard. Oh well at least Kabuto would have taste…..maybe.

Anyways…Sakura was placed in front of a stool by her "grandfather" as Tsunade Puts it. They insisted that she be placed in one of Houses. Once she took her place on the stool and old woman came up to her with a ratty looking hat in her hand. She then placed it on top of Sakura head. Before she knew what was going on the Hat began to talk to her.

"So you think I'm 'RATTY'?" the hat said. Sakura blushed in embarrassment but kept a straight face. A couple of people on end table on the right started to snigger at the remark.

Sakura's Mind

'Their the Slytherin right?'


'That blond one over there is kinda cute'

'So you like Draco then?'

'That's the blonde's name?'

'It's cute!'

'You think every guy is cute Inner'

'To be honest you seem like the sort of girl who would fit in to any house but which one should it be? Hmmm'

'I want the one with the cutie there'

'Inner shut up!'

'Make me!'

'Fine then but you'll regret it for the rest of your life' Sakura began to make had signs.

'Wait not that Jutsu!'

'Told you many times before that I'll do this but you never learn!'

'Please don't'

'To late! Eternal binding of the soul no jutsu!'

Out side

Many of the people who were waiting for the hat to place the girl in a house found it amazing how fast her facial expressions would change every five seconds. But some people threw side way glances to words the girl's parents noticing their worried expressions they gave the girl. Before anyone could blink Sakura nose and ears began to bleed. The girl's parents ran towards her as Sakura began to fall from the place she was on the stool. The students began to chatter amongst themselves worried about the girls well being. Her parents gave a sign of relive when the girl's eyes began to open. Her parents began to whisper amongst themselves, most likely trying to find out what had happen to the girl. Before anyone could move to check on the poor girl, The hat shouted in a load voice to the students.


With Sakura

"Sakura what happened?" whispered Tusnade in concern.

"I sealed Inner away" she stated as she moved forwards but winked in pain at the movement.

"Sakura you didn't use that jutsu did you! That's highly dangerous! That can cause some bad emotional side effects!" Whispered Jiraiya.

"Don't worry! It's not like gon-Hey that guy over there with the ginger hair is kinda cute!" Stated Sakura when she looked him over with lustful eyes.

Tsunade and Jiraiya faced palmed at the girl's statement. Tsunade signed and went to ask Sakura something but was cut of by the Hat shouting.


Tsunade and Jiraiya stared at the hat with blank faces and both of them asked the same question.


"Hey don't look at me like that! The girl fits in with them a lot!"

"What the hell! She should have been in gryffindor!" Shouted Jiraiya

"Well you're not the one who can read her mind are ya! There's something not right with it after that jutsu she seems….what's the word…..not insane…..Really depressed that's the one!"

"ah" the both said stupidly

In kanoha

Whe the rookie 12 now 10, steppend through the gates off Konoha they were suprised at the lack of welcome's from the people of the village. Heck one of them came up and punched Kakashi when he walked past them. When they made it to the tower to report to Tsunade about their mission they were suprised to see Ibiki working on some paper work in her chair.

"HEY WHERES TSUNADE!" shouted Naruto.

To say the least when Ibiki lifted his head up from the work he was doing he shot Naruto and everyone who bursted in to "his" room without knocking a deadly glare. Inside his mind he was recoling a memory where the hokage had bursted in to his room demanding he would be the hokage till she returned from this "so called mission" of her's. Let's just say that the man he was dealing with couldn't be more happy at the man leaving...that was in till Anko took over for him. That poor poor man. Oh well nothing we can do now.

He cleared his voice and said "She's..currently...on lets say a mission for the benfit of the village."

"benfit?" Naruto stated dumbly.

"Tsunade has accepted a Z class mission and if been asked to take her place in till she returns" he stated.

"A Z class mission? I didn't there was a mission level like that? What is it?"

" may have never heard of it because it...isn't required for ninja' your lower class level."

"What i'm the stongest one here!" Naruto shouted with anger

"hm. I beg to differ" Ibiki said with a smirk on his face

"I bet i could do a Z class mission" Kakashi stated plainly

"Really now? do you even know what level ninjas can even take missions like that?"

" but i know i can"

"You'd have to be the Hokage or a Hokage in training" he said with a blank stare.

"yeah so! I'm going to be hokage anyway so get me one of those Z class missions to get me some Hokage training" Naruto demanded with a smug look on his face.

Ibiki stared plainy at before his face broke out into a smirk. To say the least the Rookie 10 where shittin them selfs.

"So your going to be hokage?"


"Really now guess you guys haven't heard"

Ino interupted by asking "Heard what?"

"That Tsunade has picked a new Hokage to train and they are currently on that Z class mission for training"

"Impossible! who could be a better hokage to be other than me!" Naruto shouted in rage.

"Oh you know this person rather well" Ibiki said with slite humor.

"Wait! It can't be!"

"oh so you know who it is then?"

"Sasuke's back! and he's going to be the hokage?" Naruto shouted with tear's in his eyes. Ibiki couldn't take it any more before blurting out.


"Huh?" They all said at the same time.

In Hogwarts

When Sakura woke up that morning she changed into Her knew school uniform. She put on her knew black mid length skirt, With a long sleeved with blouse and a sweat shirt that had the Houses logo on it. She made her way to the bathroom mirror to brush her hair up in high ponytail. Ads Sakura was making her way out of her room she but on her white knee length socks and then her black lolita shoes.

Once Sakura made it to the class that morning she was suprised when a greasy haired man walked upto her with a smirk on his face before he bent down to her hight level.

"my~ aren't you a cutie for your age" he moked.

Sakura's eye twitched at this before her eye's gleamed other with happiness.

"Oh sensei thank you for that compliment! But i have to say aren't you a little to young to be a pedofile?" she said in a sugary sweet voice before stamping on his foot and grabing his shirt.

"If you moke me again you'll find yourself one ball down then you were" she whispered in his ear. When she let go of his shirt and began walking into the empty class room she turned around swiftly around to face him.

"You know if you had a shower now and again you could lurr in kids more easily heck you might get your self a snake to rape you danm Pedotard!"

Thanks for reading sorry it wasn't as good as the last chapter! but i hope you liked it though.

please review and vote for a pairing on my poll on my profile