Disclaimer: I do NOT own hetalia or the characters nor reader just the story! Also credits to Cagkzie for her 100 things guys should know, and hilarious moments in my life, that inspired me to write this.

Number 13:

One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. Love."


Nanuk X Latvia

Finland pulls Nanuk's blonde hair into an elegant knot, he leaves two curled tresses free, allowing them to frame her face perfectly. He smiles at his sister for she looked beautiful.

"You look amazing Myki" He says

"Really? Thank you Fin-fin" She smiles up at him. Before Finland could reply Sweden calls for his help on deciding what to wear. As soon as he left Nanuk's phone rang.

Ring Ring Ring-pick up-


"So Nanuk, you'll come tonight right?" America replied

"Oh hi America! Yeah I wouldn't miss it America, your parties are so much fun!"

"Good! I even invited er whats his name again?" America asked

"Its LATVIA America!" Nanuk face palmed on the other side of the phone call.

"Er right Latvia! Dude this New Years Party is going to be AWESOME!"

"Yes it will be" Nanuk laughed " Oh yeah have you made a New Year's resolution, yet?"

"Uh no...whats that?"

Cue face palm.

"Its kind of, like you make a list of things you want to change for the new year. Like start over again. For you I think maybe laying off a bit from the burgers?" Nanuk grinned.

"Gah never!" America cried" Pfft and yours?"

Nanuk paused to think. She hasn't gave it much thought of it yet. The New Years was about to being and she hasn't thought what will be her New Years Resolution. A familiar face popped into her mind. That smile that always made her heart melt.

Those familiar innocent purple eyes.

"Yeah, America"




"I'm going to tell him I love him!"

At the Party

"WELCOME EVERYONE TO THE HERO'S NEW YEARS PARTY!" America shouted,quite loudly,to the crowd. "SO LETS PARTY!"

Myki cheered along with her fellow nations as the party had began, then began her search for the purple eyed Baltic Nation.

The hands on the clock surged forward it was already 11:30 pm. She couldn't find him anywhere. Myki had looked for him everywhere. It has been 2 and half hours since the party began and she has not seen a glimpse of Latvia.

'I haven't seen Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Belarus either' Myki stopped " Then Latvia-"

"Sorry we're late America" a voice rang out

"Dude so not cool to show up 2 HOURS late!"

"I apologize, the lights are so pretty here we had to look around"

Myki turned to see the Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia and lastly the Baltic Country who was looking down, staring at the cream tiles. Myki smiled, a warm feeling enveloped her.

"Latvia!" Myki cried out waving "Over here!"

Latvia looked up his eyes widening to see Myki. Latvia was about to go towards her till Russia's crushing hand landed on his head. He bent down to Latvia and whispered into his ear. Myki couldn't tell what it was but, the look of Latvia's eyes stopped her. Russia let go of Latvia smiling happily as he walks off to find China. Latvia appeared in front of her in no seconds flat.

"Myki can we go outside I want to tell you something" Latvia said

11: 26 pm

Myki nodded and followed him. The backyards was illuminated with bright lights and the light bounced off the white snow. The sky was dark and the stars shined like tiny flames. The party behind Myki seemed distant and so far away, and the quite country next to her seemed lost in thought.

11: 34 pm

"Latvia what's wrong?" Myki asked her hand grabbed onto Latvia's gently " Latvia..what did Russia said?"



Latvia looked at her a sad look appeared.



"He said I will never be loved by the one I love"

Myki froze. A smile forced onto her face. What was that sound? The sound of something that slowly breaking.

"Russia's cruel." She said shaking her head she looked at him" Latvia I don't know who the girl you love is, but...she must be crazy not to love you"


Latvia looked at her stunned. Myki smiled at him. His hand held onto her hand tighter. Time felt as if it had stopped. The sound of laughter from the party fell deaf onto their ears.

"Latvia, I want you to know that even if you love someone else, that" Myki paused to look up at the sky. Latvia stares at her wanting her to continue. The light made her purplish eyes shine. Latvia watched in silence awe as she turns to him smiling.

Latvia felt a surge of memories flood his mind. The memories of Russia's cruel words and bullying, the pain of all of it. The pain of having no one. Then the memory of meeting Myki rushed in to his head. The memories of her with him no matter what.

11: 57

"Latvia I love you."

"Myki...the girl I love" Latvia said quietly, he looked up into her eyes and said the words that wanted to come out for years "Is you. Myki I love you!"

11: 59

"ALRIGHT LET'S COUNT DOWN!" America shouted in to the mic

"1...2...3...4.." Everyone chanted

"Latvia I want you to know that I will love you no matter what" Myki whispered


"Myki I don't care what Russia will do to me, I won't care as long as I have by my side I'll be happy no matter what" Latvia said.


"I love you" they both leaned in closing the gap between them.


Authors note: