Russia was starting to regret this. Really, regret this. It was just his luck that when he was in a fragile state of mind and looking for some sort of help, any kind of help, the first person to stumble along his path had happened to be the annoying, self-center albino called Prussia. As soon as the man had offered his assistance, Russia should have immediately declined… but he had been desperate.

The whole thing had gone something like this:

Russia was making his way down a long dirt path, wandering aimlessly. It was still relatively early in the morning, but he was still trying to shake off what had occurred between himself and Canada previously the night before. All he had wanted was a kiss, but as soon as he came close to the little country, Canada had ducked away from him, murmuring something under his breath about having a cold and not wanting to spread germs. If it had been a one-time occurrence, the tall Russian man probably would have let it go, but Canada had been avoiding him for nearly two weeks now. What was he doing wrong…?

"Well hello there, Herr Russia." Came a semi-familiar voice with a slightly irritating German accent. "What are you up to this morning?" Prussia stepped out from around a tree, his blood-red eyes glinting mischievously.

"I am taking a walk," Russia said slowly, as though it should be obvious.

Prussia raised an eyebrow, a cool smirk tugging at his pale lips. "Oh really?" he mused, taking a step toward Russia and walking around him in a slow circle, his piercing red gaze slowly traveling up and down the other man. "Because to me, it looks like you've got something on your mind."

Russia stayed silent, simply staring at the boy.

"I'm right, aren't I?" Prussia shouted suddenly, beaming. "Well, of course I'm right! I'm awesome, aren't I?"

Russia rolled his light lavender eyes. "If you have a point, Mr. Prussia, please get to it." He said in his calm, sweet voice, though there was a warning tone behind his words.

"Weeeeeeeeell," the albino purred, shifting cheerfully from foot to foot. "I was thinking that I could help you out with whatever's going on."

It was Russia's turn to raise an eyebrow. "And why would you do that?" he asked cautiously, wondering what reason the self-serving Prussia could have for helping him.

"What?" the other boy looked hurt. "Can't a guy help another fella out sometime without getting interrogated about it?" he turned his back to him, as though to walk away. "Whatever, I guess a capable country like you can take care of things on hi-"

"Wait." Russia cut him off. "Fine, maybe you can help."

Prussia laughed after Russia had explained to him his dilemma. "That's it?" he laughed. "Your problem is easily solved, mein freund."

"It is?" Russia asked, his innocent-looking eyes widening.

"Suuure!" the other boy chuckled. "All you have to do is spice up the love life a little, make things more interesting. Take lil'Mattie out on a really special date, to start with."

"A… date." Russia repeated, the word tasting strange and foreign on his tongue. "But I've never been on a… date. I would not know what to do."

Prussia covered his mouth with his hand, smothering a snicker between his long, pale fingers. "Never been on a date?" he asked incredulously. "Well, I can still solve that." He stood. "I'll pick you up at eight."

Before Russia could argue, the albino had disappeared back into the foliage.

And that was how he got here. Sitting in a crowded movie theater. With Prussia, of all people. According to the albino's plans, he would show Russia what a real date was like, and the next night Russia would take Canada on a similar date, now that he would know what to do.

But what Russia didn't know, was that this had all been a set-up. An hour or so before leaving to pick up Russia, Prussia has updated his Facebook status to 'Going out on a date with Russia'. Since he and Canada were close friends, he was sure he would get the update. A date wasn't really what Russia needed- he needed to make Canada jealous enough to make him realize how much he loved Russia. At least, in Prussia's slightly—(okay, maybe more than 'slightly') –insane mind, that was what he believed the solution to be.

Canada snuck into the back of the movie theater, scanning the back of heads before them. Almost immediately he recognized Russia's pale hair, as well as Prussia's unmistakably bright white hair beside him. "I can't believe it…" he whispered. "I… I thought maybe that status had been a joke."

Beside him, Hungary gripped the handle of her frying pan furiously. "That… that bastard!" she screeched, though somehow managed to keep the sound quiet, not wanting their cover blown. She and Prussia weren't officially dating, but he had taken her on some dates before. She knew he was bi, and she had accepted that, but… she couldn't believe he would do something like this to her!

"I'm sorry, Hungary," Canada looked down, his eyes filling with tears. "But when I saw the status… I just thought you should know."

Hungary wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "No, I'm glad I found out before I wasted too much time on him." She whispered, blinking when she felt her eyes stinging. No… she had to comfort Canada right now. She would have time to take care of herself later.

Prussia feigned a yawn and slowly stretched an arm around Russia's shoulders, smirking slightly and biting back a snicker. He had known that Canada would follow him, but it never occurred to him that Canada would bring Hungary with him (and he still didn't realize that she was there). He leaned in toward Russia, playfully nuzzling his cheek.

Russia's spine went rigid. "What are you doing?" he asked stiffly.

"Showing you what you need to do to Canada tomorrow night," Prussia purred, turning his head ever so slightly, licking and nibbling at Russia's earlobe.

Hungary's eyes narrowed dangerously, remembering how Prussia had done that to her not just the night before. How many other people had he done this to? Was he really too much of a man-whore to keep his hands on just one person at a time?

"Do… do you think Russia likes that?" Canada whimpered, wrapping his arms around himself. He never did those kinds of things to Russia. He was just too shy sometimes! Is that why he was here with Prussia? Because the confident albino wasn't afraid to take control of a situation and take things further than Canada would ever even dream of?

"Germany! Germany, look!" Italy said excitedly, tugging on his boyfriend's sleeve. "Its our friends!"

"Was zur Hölle?" Germany's eyebrows furrowed. "What are Russia and Prussia doing here together? And why are Hungary and, uhm, uh…"

"Canada-san," Japan interjected quietly from his other side, his head resting on the sleeping Greece's shoulder (the four of them were on a double-date).

"Yes, that's it!" Germany amended quickly. "Why are Hungary and Canada hiding behind that row of seats over there?"

"Maybe they came to bring us PASTA!" Italy suggested happily, only to be shushed by a grouchy old woman sitting in the row of seats in front of them.