Hey people! I hope you like this chapter! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW


God dammit . . . Fang was an amazing football player.

Yeah, that's right. I just gave him a compliment, not that I would ever admit I did. But I couldn't help it. It too fucking true to deny.

Damn him.

It was only the second quarter and he'd scored 3 touchdowns. He had the crowd on their feet, screaming his name and you could tell he was loving it. At half time he ripped off his helmet and punched the air, screaming along with the rest of the crowd. Girls were all jumping up and down for him, even most of the cheerleaders.

Wait. It was half time. Which meant . . . It was time for the cheerleaders to give their big cheer and dance. Time to humiliate mysef . . .

Boys from the bleachers yelled out perverted comments as us cheerleaders ran to the middle of the field. Suddenly, I started pulling down at the sides of my skirt, wishing it was longer.


This was always my least favorite part during a game. I have no idea why cheerleaders put themselves up to it - about 98% of the guys at my school were all douch bags. Doing a slutty dance in front of them isn't gonna magically turn them into gentlemen . . . it's just do the opposite.

But as I sat down on a bench and started chugging down my Gatorade, I noticed Max running out with the rest of the cheerleaders, tugging at the hem of her skirt, looking uncomfortable.

This is gonna be good, I think to myself as I start smiling.

Suddenly, a remix of songs start blaring through the speakers which were attatched to the bleachers. The song Look at Me Now started playing and the girls started dancing. And oh God, they all looked so ridicules - except for Max. I was for some stupid reason, transfixed on the way she rolled her hips as she got lower and lower to the ground . . .

I snapped out of my daydreaming as the song Feel So Close started playing, and three groups were formed with one small girl in the middle of each, Max being one of those girls.

Then, she was being thrown into the air! She held her stance in the air, breathing in deeply, I noted, as if she was nervous. But she didn't need to be nervous. Everyone in the crowd was applauding her. Actually, it was mostly boys.

I heard a guy named Sam shout out, "Hey new chick, wanna give me a private cheer in my dorm later?"

For some reason this pissed me off. I snapped and turned around to look up at Sam, leaning over the edge of the bleachers. "Hey, Shithead, go fuck yourself!"

Sam looked down at me, furious. "Dick! Come up here and do it for me!"

"I could do something else for you," I say as I clench my fists at my side.

He starts cracking up at this, leaning into his friends. "Oh, looky here! Big bad Fang standing up for the new girl, Maxie, how cute."

I shook my head, turned back around to the cheerleaders and crossed my arms over my chest, resisting the urge to pull Max off the field and away from all the perverts behind me.

"Yo, lover-boy, guess what I'm gonna do tonight," I heard Sam from behind me.

I cocked my head back to look at him.

His smile was sickening as he turned back to look at Max. "I"m gonna be doing her."

That was the last straw. I lunged up for him, catching him by the collar of his shirt. He screamed out at me, asking what the hell I was doing but I couldn't hear him, I was too busy trying to tugging him down off the bleachers.

Hands were on my shoulders, I realized, pulling me back. My Coach.


Well, my life is officially over. I realized that the music had stopped and everyone was turned to me, staring awkwardly. I looked over at Max, who was giving me a questioning look. She had no idea what was going on.

"What the hell are you doing, Fang?"

I looked at my Coach, who's shaking me by the shoulders. I shake my head, "Sorry, Coach . . . I don't know what happened."

Slowly, things started moving again. Half-time ended and the game began again, only for the second half, my mind was only half there. Yes, of coarse we won the game with 3 more touchdowns made by yours truly, but my motivation was gone.


"You're gonna love this party!" Nudge insisted, as she pulled me towards a dorm room that had music vibrating from the inside out. It was an after party for the football game our school had just won and apparently, it was mandatory for all players and cheerleaders to go.


Nudge hadn't even given me a chance to change out of my cheerleading outfit, god dammit.

"Who's dorm is this?" I ask Nudge as we walk in. Teens are running around, giggling, carrying red plastic cups, sway to the sound of the music playing.

Nudge gets a wild grin on her face. "Fang and Iggy's dorm. This is their party."

My eyebrows arch, impressed. "Wow . . . They sure are, uhm, popular."

She nods in agreement then pulls me into the circle starting to form in the middle of the room. I see Iggy and Fang, handing out drinks, smiling as they sit down with everyone else. For a second, Fang and I make eye contact. He nods at me, then ducks his head as he stands up.

"Anyone wanna play Truth or Dare?"

There's a couple sqeals of agreement and then before I know it, we're playing. Nudge sits beside me on one of the two beds, smiling like an idiot.

Then, it's Iggy's turn. He looks to me with a smirk, and I can't help but fear what comes next. "Max, truth or dare?"

"Dare," I say with confidence.

This only makes Iggy smile wider as he leans into Fang, wrapping his arm around him. "I dare you to take off your underwear and give it to Fang to keep for the rest of the night."

Oh God. I can feel the blood rush to my cheeks as the rest of the boys snicker and the girls giggle. Glancing at Fang one last time before I turn around to take my underwear off from under my skirt, I see him smirking, looking at the ground again.

Sighing, I walk over to Fang with my black lacy thong in my hands. I hear someone whistle as I hold them up in front of Fang, but I don't care.

Gingerly, Fang takes them from me in his large, masculine hands. He looks up at me briefly, giving a small half smile.

"Uh uh, Maxie, you're not done yet," Iggy tsks me as I move back to my seat with Nudge, careful not to flip up mys skirt. "You need to give him your bra, too."

"What the hell, Iggy?" I say, close to flipping out.

"Max, you don't have to," Fang tells me softly.

Iggy nods. "Right. Of coarse she doesn't have to. She's too much of a wimp."

Thats all I need him to day before I start ripping off my bra from underneath my uniform. The whole time I glare at Iggy while he grins broadly. I look over at Fang again and chuck him my bright lacy blue bra, my arms over my chest as I sit down to Nudge, furrious. She rubs my back, saying how good of a sport I was.

Iggy snatches my bra out from Fangs hands and looks at the label. He looks up at me with an admiring expression. "30D. Not bad, Max."

"Next game!" Fang announces, turning the attention away from him.

I mouth the words "thank you" to him; he gives a small smile back. But it's hard for me to accept it while I see my thong and bra hanging out his back pocket . . .

"Let's play 7 minutes in heaven," Nudge offers.

Iggy holds up a glass bottle and places it in the middle of the room. He spins it softly, allowing it to turn a couple times around the room.

You have got to be fucking kidding me, I think to myself as it slows down near me. It stops.


Iggy can't take it. He's rolling on the floor holding himself. "Alright, Maxie, into the closet. Someone will be in there with you soon." He wiggles his eyebrows at me as I close the door to their closet with me inside.

Patiently, I wait.


Why was I hoping the bottle would land on me? I had no idea why . . . What I did know was that Max was waiting in the closet for someone - without any underwear on underneath her cheerleading uniform.

I need to get my hormones in check.

But as the bottle started slowing down across from me, dread washed over my entire body as the boy in front of me smiled.

"Alright, Sam, get in the closet, have fun," Iggy tells Sam.

When the hell did Sam get here? There was no way this could seriously be happening. He was such a perv and I was supposed to let him go molest Max? What the hell?


Someone came into the dark room, and emeideatly started kissing me roughly. He forced my mouth open, pushing me against on of the small corners in he room. His hands started trailing down my body, rubbing my chest much to my discomfort, and then started creeping down to the hem of my skirt.

Someone help.

So how was it? I hope you liked it sooooo tell me in a review! A REVIEWWWWW! Ha! I'll be updating soon!