Chapter One- A Meeting with the Headmaster

"Welcome to Hogwarts, Natalie. A pleasure to meet you my girl. I do believe it's the first time for both of us."

At the entrance to the Headmaster's office, Natalie Malkae stood, her mouth gaping slightly and her eyes wide with wonder. In front of her, Albus Dumbledore, the man she had read and heard so much about, was standing with his hand extended to her. Her mind was blank, her muscles were constrained and her throat was dry. She was numb with shock. Slowly and almost mechanically, she brought her hand to meet his and somehow managed to mutter a weak hello.

Dumbledore gave her a warm smile and gestured towards the desk and chairs at the back of the office. "Come. Do sit down. We certainly have a lot to talk about." He then turned towards the older woman who had just walked in with Natalie and exclaimed loudly, "Kalissa! What a long time it has been. You look just as young as you did 16 years ago."

Kalissa, Natalie's guardian, gave a hearty laugh as she embraced Dumbledore. "Albus, you always were a terrible liar. But, yes, it has been too long."

Natalie, who had regained her composure, was very embarrassed at becoming so flustered; usually, she never acted so foolishly in the presence of other people. While the two greeted one another, she looked around the office. The room emanated a very serene, majestic air. Portraits of what appeared to be former headmasters and headmistresses that lined the room on both walls, an enormously polished desk mounted by a lustrous silver inkpot and the Headmaster's extremely high backed chair contributed to this sense of tradition and power. To Natalie's discomfort, all of the heads' eyes were on her. Some looked at her kindly, others scrutinized her suspiciously and a few just stared at her in blank confusion. Trying to ignore the portraits, Natalie turned her attention to other parts of the office. She noticed pleasantly that Dumbledore's unusual additions to the rooms had given it more of a human feeling. His various instruments, some like the Pensieve that she recognized and other completely bizarre looking ones, as well as the messy disarray of books and papers on his desk were all signs of a brilliant man yet one who had his own imperfections and flaws. The office in short perfectly matched the personality of her childhood hero.

"So how have things been, Kalissa?" asked Dumbledore as he conjured another chair and guided her to it.

"Oh just as usual, Albus. You know, all these years, trying to pass on some of my knowledge to the younger generation. I'm getting along but of course times are getting difficult for all of us now ," responded Kalissa cheerfully.

Natalie felt the urge to roll her eyes after her guardian's remark about passing on knowledge to the next generation. Obviously, the teacher in her would never fade. Kalissa, who was not a blood relative of Natalie, had truly not decayed with age. Her black hair ran gracefully down her back, her face retained its round and polished look and her movements were still quick and calculated. As the two caught up on the new developments in their lives, Natalie turned her focus to Dumbledore. She saw the unmistakable long, white mane of hair and those famous twinkling blue eyes. He sat and conversed in a very relaxed manner, characteristic of a man who is untroubled and at ease with the turbulent world around him. But as Natalie looked at his face, she realized this was definitely not the case. His face was much more withered, wrinkled and creased than the dynamic and bright face she had seen in countless pictures. The lines were more ingrained and the edges more jagged and bony. She suspected something more than age had caused these changes. Heavy sacs under his eyes and the scrunched marks on his forehead confirmed to her that even he was not immune to the worries and fears of Voldemort's return. As he clapped his hands in hilarity to one of Kalissa's stories, both Natalie and her aunt gasped. His raised right hand, which had been previously immersed in his pocket, was completely mutilated.

"Oh my, Albus. What in Merlin's name have you done to yourself" asked a mortified Kalissa.

"Just an injury I picked up from one of my recent ventures. A spell miscalculated and my hand rather suffered. Do not worry. It looks much worse than it feels," answered Dumbledore indifferently as he returned his hand to his pocket. His tone seemed a bit too forced. Both Natalie and Kalissa remained rather unconvinced. It was clearly something he was not going to reveal too much about.

But Kalissa, being her typical curious and relentless self, pressed. "Honestly, Albus. You have to take care better of yourself. You are getting older and we both know magic does not recognize age. That really does not look like a backfired spell."

Before, Dumbledore could respond or steer the conversation in another direction, the door to the office creaked open. The two visitors jerked their heads to see a tall, elderly woman with long, dark hair tied in an elegant and a stern, reproachful face enter the office. Natalie recognized her as Minerva McGonagall, a very close friend of Kalissa and a Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts. She and Kalissa had been in the same year at Hogwarts and kept in touch ever since. Natalie herself had met Professor McGonagall many times during her childhood when she came to visit Kalissa. At first impression, Natalie knew she seemed strict and staunch but underlying her stern scowls and stiffness, a gentle and tender kindness existed. Minerva gave both of them small smiles; they had already met in the entrance hall. She then stared expectantly at Dumbledore, clearing her throat slightly.

"Oh, thank you Minerva. I do tend to diverge a bit too often. We've been chit-chatting so much that I forgot the entire purpose of this meeting. " He turned his head to Natalie who tried her best to meet his gentle gaze. "Now my dear, you haven't said a word since you stepped into this office. You certainly do have an interesting past. There is a lot to discuss. Minerva, do come make yourself comfortable." Another chair appeared by Natalie and her aunt which Minerva sat in stiffly.

Natalie's stomach gave a lurch. They were going to talk about her past. Merely the word "past" evoked painful and bitter feelings. Ever since she first found about the identity of her mother when she was four, she had felt confined to living under the shadow of the terrible woman whose womb she had sprung from. She had never fitted into the magical world nor amounted to anything more than a very talented but friendless witch. The fact that her mother was one of the most hated people in the wizarding world had always made her feel alienated and in her mind, created a boundary between her and the rest of the magical community. Beyond this humiliation tainted with sadness and loneliness, a deep fear of becoming just like her raving lunatic of a mother existed. She knew she was completely different but a nagging voice in her head said "You share the same blood."There was always the terrifying possibility of becoming like the woman who had tortured people for fun, destroyed so many families and attempted to kill her only daughter. As she contemplated this last thought, Natalie gripped the sides of her chair and closed her eyes.

Dumbledore, who had been eying Natalie carefully, spoke with for the first time, a serious note in his voice, "Miss Malkae, there is nothing to be ashamed of. From what I've heard, you're an extremely intelligent and open minded girl, far from your mother. She was corrupted by prejudice and hatred, things that I've been told you do not possess."

Natalie opened her eyes and smiled weakly at Dumbledore. Kalissa put her hand on Natalie's shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile.

Dumbledore, still gazing intently at Natalie, said, " So let's get to the task at hand. Natalie, you are aware that we are currently in a very dangerous situation. Lord Voldemort is quickly regaining the same power he had 16 years ago. The wizarding world is sadly again becoming filled with fear and disunity. More importantly for you and Kalissa, he is beginning to target those people who he considers the most dangerous. Amelia Bones was the first to go and I fear Kalissa will be next on his list. Where she is currently living and working is obviously not a safe place for either of you. For the time being and until things subside slightly, she will be living under the Order's protection. She will also be working with us to find out more about Lord Voldemort and what else he intends to do. You will be, I am glad to say, be staying at Hogwarts while Kalissa is in hiding. So I suggest you get used to your new temporary home."

Natalie, who had been informed about these recent events by Kalissa, was not surprised. She knew a very difficult and precarious path lay ahead for her and Kalissa. However, the steadiness and calm certainty of Dumbledore's voice raised her spirits considerably. But Dumbledore had not addressed something which had been biting at her insides since he had mentioned her past. If she did not ask, she was fully aware that this issue would be knagging her for a while. She gathered all her courage and said without a quiver in her voice, "Erm, Professor. I have just one question. Is there a chance that my mother will come after either me or Kalissa?"

Dumbledore considered the question for a moment and answered slowly, " I really do not think that Bellatrix will have any real intention of attacking you. She does believe you to be dead and does not know of the connection you share with her. But Kalissa, that's an entire different animal." He exchanged an amused look with Kalissa before continuing. "Let's just say that she and Bellatrix are not on very friendly terms. Bellatrix is a nasty case and to be honest, there is a real chance of her coming after Kalissa. However, I doubt Bellatrix will be able to penetrate the protections the Order has established. In any case, your aunt is an extremely powerful witch so you do not have much cause to worry."

Natalie nodded and then bowed her head. The name "Bellatrix" resonated in her head. She physically felt it bouncing around her brain, taunting her and hissing in her ears. A small part of Natalie, the child that wanted to see her mother, half hoped her mother would show at least the tiniest compassion to her. However, the blunt, excruciating reality was that she was merely another worthless and pathetic victim to that woman.

Kalissa, who had remained unusually solemn and silent during these last moments, opened her mouth to speak. "Albus, these portraits… are they trustworthy?" Many of the headmasters and headmistresses furiously glared at her. " And who else is aware of Natalie's past?"

"Oh, don't worry about them. I have them under oath to repeat nothing of what we have discussed them today. If they break that oath, they know they will not be helping themselves at all. As for the latter, only you, me and Minerva. Other members of the Order know of your hiding but none have any idea about who Natalie is."

"And what about holidays? When I will be able to see Natalie, again?" asked Kalissa, with a slight tremor. Natalie realized with a sharp pang that she and Kalissa would be separated for an indefinite time, at least until December. Since Kalissa was a teacher at Durmstrang, Natalie's former school, they had lived together for much of Natalie's life. Natalie had been vaguely conscious of this future estrangement but had not addressed its full enormity for both of them. Now she knew that she would miss Kalissa badly. She had never known life without Kalissa and did not know how she would be able to handle being so far apart.

"Ah, thank you for reminding me, Kalissa. Minerva has told me that you two are exceptionally close. I don't really see any reason why you cannot stay with one another during the holidays. Of course, some security precautions will be need to taken care of but like any other student at Hogwarts, Natalie will able to visit whenever the school is closed." Natalie was slightly relieved

Dumbledore then looked eagerly at Minerva who gazed at him momentarily in puzzlement before quickly nodding in comprehension. She positioned herself to face Natalie. With an air of formality but a voice laced in compassion, McGonagall said, "Miss Malkae, at the very least, your sixth year of education will occur here at Hogwarts. The education system from Durmstrang to here does not change though you'll find that our syllabus is slightly more diverse. At the Opening Feast, you will be sorted into your house. The four houses are as you know Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Whichever house you shall be placed in, your life at Hogwarts will revolve around that house. You will live within the dormitories of that house, eat with its members and attend classes with those in your year from the house. Until the school year begins, I have arranged for an old, unused classroom near my office to be turned into a bedroom for you. Most of the teachers at this school reside at Hogwarts during the summer. Any of them will gladly answer any questions you have or provide you with some company. The castle as you will soon find out is a beautiful place. "

Dumbledore nodded calmly at Minerva. "Thank you Minerva. As usual, you were wonderfully concise and detailed." The smallest outlines of a blush appeared on Minerva's face. He then fixed his piercing and intense gaze again on Natalie. " As for Bellatrix I do not think I need to tell you that it would be unwise for you to make your parentage known among the students here. People at Hogwarts, I am afraid, are still far too judgmental and focused on bloodlines. In terms of your safety, it would be best if your personal details remain disclosed." He paused and then added with a tinge of sarcasm, "Of course,that is unless you want to become a sort of celebrity in the school. We do have some of those, as you might have heard. "

Natalie, a bit perturbed at being thought of as an attention seeker, said defiantly, "I don't care for anybody who associates me with her."

Dumbledore gave a quiet chuckle. "Oh, I see she has your fire, Kalissa." Both Kalissa and Minerva looked amusedly at Natalie, whose face had gone a light pink.

Dumbledore turned his attention to the oddly shaped watch on his left hand. "Time truly does not wait for anybody. Kalissa, I think we should be going or we may late at our destination. Tardiness is something I don't think we can afford."

All of them left their seats, exited the office and walked down to the Entrance hall. As they walked, Natalie focused on taking in the sights of her new home. She did not want to even think about her ominous and lonely future. But once they reached the Entrance hall, the terrible and heavy sense of dread that had been tearing at the insides of her stomach quickly climbed up to her throat. She felt her head fill with trepidation and fear, rendering her incapable of contemplating anything else. Her eyes were welling up and in embarrassment, she turned her head to face the floor.

Dumbledore, who was twiddling his thumbs, stopped walking and turned around. "I will wait outside for you Kalissa. Minerva will show Natalie around the castle and guide her to her room." Minerva nodded, silently moving off to a corner of the Entrance hall.

Kalissa, who had been alongside Natalie and whose eyes were also very red, put her hands around Natalie's slumped body. She lifted Natalie's chin so both their heads were level. In a firm, motherly voice, she stated, "Natalie, there is no need to worry. We'll be able to see each other in December and March. I'll be safe. I've done this before and that was without Albus' protection. Now, none of them will even come close to me." She then looked around at the castle before returning her attention to Natalie. "You'll be perfectly fine at Hogwarts. The castle is wonderful, the school is much better than Durmstrang and after a few days, you'll forget about me. I know you'll do extremely well." Kalissa then embraced Natalie. Natalie clung to her as tightly as she ever had and could not stop the tears from rapidly streaming down her face. She felt Kalissa gripping her body tightly, savouring and appreciating the warmth of the connection. After what seemed an eternity, Kalissa finally released Natalie, gave her one last smile and briskly left the castle.