I was deep in the Forbidden Forest. I was having a hard time walking over the roots and fallen trees. I looked to my left and saw Harry Potter walking with me. He looked older; he had cuts on his face along with dirt. He had a small beard growing and he looked so nervous. I looked at my hands and saw a huge strange cut on the palm of my hand. I had a strange necklace around my neck and I noticed that my hair was really long.

Potter began climbing down a little hill and I saw Voldemort talking to Bellatrix. I followed Potter into the clearing and Voldemort finally turning around to see us. He chuckled and held up his wand.

"Come to die."

"Alexandra, get out of the Dark Lord's way!" My mother yelled motioning me over to her. I just stared at her and became angry. My father was standing next to her with no expression on his face at all. My once loving father had no love in his eyes. I took a step closer to Potter and grab his hand holding it tight.

I had no idea what I was doing, but I was going to go down with Potter if I had to. All I felt was anger and hatred towards my parents. "Philip is dead because of you. You take down Harry… I'm going with him!" I screamed. Voldemort smirked and pointed his wand directly at Potter. All I saw was a familiar green light and my mother screaming my name.

"Alex! Wake up!" My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly bumping heads with Draco. He groaned and rubbed his head. "You alright?" Snape said walking into the bedroom with a vile of yellow liquid. I felt a sharp pain go up my leg and groaned. Snape nudged my shoulder and handed me the vile. "Drink all of it."

"This is going to taste disgusting, isn't it?" I asked pulling the stopper off the vile. I drank it as fast as I could, but the after taste tasted even worse. I gagged and wiped my tongue off on my sweater. That didn't help at all like I was hoping it would. "That was beyond foul!" I snapped gagging again. Once the taste finally left my mouth, I didn't feel any pain at all in my ankle or leg.

"Now tell us what that dream of yours was about?" Snape pulled up a chair and sat down. Draco helped me sit up more and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Well it wasn't exactly a dream or a nightmare… It felt like a vision." I ran my fingers through my hair and when I did that I noticed a snake-like mark on my palm. It was on the same palm as in my vision. I held my palm in front of my face and looked closely at it. Draco stared at it wide eyed and looked at Snape, who looked extremely nervous. "Please tell me that isn't what I think it is." Draco whimpered pulling me closer to him like someone was going to snatch me away.

"What is it?" I said as Snape took my hand looking at it closer. "You have been marked." He said simply still staring at the palm of my hand. "And what does that mean?" I whispered not really wanting to know what it meant.

"It means no matter where you go… If you escape from here, any Death Eater can sense it and they can either kill you or bring you back to the Dark Lord." Draco whispered. He wouldn't look at me; all he was doing was staring at my palm. My heart stopped, what the hell was I going to do now? I was trapped here and there wasn't anyone could do to save me. Suddenly I got very angry. How could he do this to me? I jumped up from the bed and stormed out of the room. I ignored the pain in my ankle and jogged down the steps.

"Alex, stop!" I could hear Draco calling after me, but all I could see was red. There was a voice in my head that kept telling me to beat the shit out of Voldemort. I slammed opened the sitting room doors and every single Death Eater stopped talking. They stared at me and my father's face was completely white. "My dear Alexandra! Welcome!" Voldemort stood up and gestured around to the Death Eaters sitting near him.

"You are a foul man! How dare you?" I screamed my fist balled up into fists ready to punch. "Alexandra!" My father hissed at me and Draco was trying to drag me out of the room, but I stood my ground.

"What are you talking about, love?" He stood up and began walking towards me. Every Death Eater, he walked by they dropped their heads with their eyes closed. I was guessing it was some sort of a sign of respect. I had no respect towards this man. I opened my right hand and showed him my palm.

"I took a nap and woke up with this! I am not some animal you can bran!" His grin fell off his face in a flash. He grabbed me around my throat and pulled me up. I gasped her breath and I heard my father stand up so fast his chair fell back. "You are mine and I will do what I want with your flesh! You are my weapon against Potter and my soon to be wife. Learn how to respect me!" He threw me back into Draco. Draco quickly caught me and dragged me out of the sitting room.

I collapsed on the marble stairs still having difficult time breathing. Draco kept on rubbing my back and breathing heavily himself. "What were you thinking?" He said bring my head to rest on his chest. I shook my head, "I was so angry. I couldn't control it."

"I'm contacting Hermione tonight." He whispered helping me up and wrapping his arms around me tightly. I didn't say anything. I knew I wouldn't be able to talk him out of it. Why he wanted to contact her instead of Potter was a mystery. I wanted to tell him there would be no use in doing that, but he placed me back in his bed walked to his office. How was she going to help us now? There was no point at all. My spirit was broken for the first time ever. I had no idea what the next year would bring, but I knew for a fact that I wasn't going back to Hogwarts.

Hey guys! Thank you for reading my story and sending positive feedback my way! It was so much fun writing this story and I have to say I got really addicted to it.

So, I want to know if my readers want a sequel! The sequel would follow the seventh book and it will not be at Hogwarts. I already have some great ideas for it, so please tell me if you would like a sequel or not. Again thank you to all my readers!

Love, Tom Felton Lover999