LAST CHAPTER! EYES OPEN FOR THE SEQUEL! It's called "A Future Changed?"
Here's the last chapter up and ready to go!
The Present…
"Where did they go?" Hatorra asked quietly.
Suddenly a portal opened up within the temple sending the group into panic.
"What the fuck is that?" Yusuke yelled.
Another group appeared in front of them and the portal disappeared. All eyes were wide.
"Holy. Shit." Yusuke said, his jaw almost touching the ground.
An older version of himself in his hanyou form stared back at him. It was their future selves.
"Well…looks like it worked," Future Yusuke said and he grinned.
Before the shock could be dealt with properly, Future Hatorra crumpled to the ground holding her stomach. Future Hiei knelt down beside her quickly. Blood seeped from her mouth steadily.
"M-Maybe I should have stayed behind…" she murmured.
Present Hatorra stared at her future self in a trance before noticing that her future daughter was tearing up.
"Kat," Present Hatorra said and both answered.
"Uh, my Kat, not you," the Present Hatorra clarified.
Present Kat walked up to her.
"Can you heal her? Well…me," she asked and Present Kat sighed.
"She's going to take a lot of my energy. Lay her down," Present Kat said quickly.
"I'll help you," Yukina said and then it happened.
The Future group seemed to notice the people that were dead in their time were very much alive here. Future Hiei stared at his sister as she healed his wife with Kat.
"Yukina…" he said quietly and Future Yuki ran up to her, throwing his arms around her tightly.
"Mom!" he cried and before anyone could do anything he was off of her and flying into Kuwabara's arms.
"Dad!" he yelled hugging his father tightly.
"Keiko…" Future Yusuke said staring at her.
Keiko blushed slightly, but didn't break eye contact until Future Hideki slammed into her, hugging her tightly.
"Mom!" he yelled happily.
"K-Kuwabara…Genkai…Koenma…" Future Yusuke added getting choked up.
"I forgot you'd all be here," he said smiling sadly.
"We're not dead yet Urameshi!" Kuwabara yelled and Future Yusuke laughed.
Future Hatorra sat up and hugged Yukina tightly.
"I thought I'd never see you again," she whispered and Yukina smiled as tears fell from her eyes.
Future Yusuke cleared his throat and all attention shifted back to him.
"I'm sorry we just kind of popped in on you guys like this, but this is our last chance," he said quietly.
"If you've been following, and I'm sure you have, you know what we've been through and what we're currently going through. We don't want that life for our families and neither do you. So we came here to help you," he said quickly.
Present Yusuke looked at him confused.
"Help us in changing the future?" he asked.
Future Hiei nodded.
"We just killed Enma. It wasn't easy and we're wounded, but with your combined power…we can do it again," he said and Koenma's eyes widened.
"You've all come to assassinate my father?" Koenma asked in disbelief.
The Future group nodded. Future Hiei helped his wife to her feet. Future Kasei jumped in his arms.
"It's your time to step up and rule," Future Kurama said calmly to the young prince.
Koenma looked nervous.
"But we can't do it without your help. And we don't have much time. When the remote hits the 0 we'll have to go back to our time. Hopefully, if we do this, our time will be different and better," Future Yusuke said, showing them the remote.
The dial was set at 5. They had five hours.
"Will you help us?" Future Hatorra asked slowly.
The Present group was silent for a moment. Present Hatorra took Present Hiei's hand tightly.
"We'll help," she said for the both of them.
Present Hiei nodded slowly. Present Kurama looked at Present Kat. They seemed to be communicating silently.
"We will help as well," Present Kurama said and Present Kat nodded.
Present Yusuke looked at Keiko holding their son tightly.
"I'm in too," he said quickly.
"Me too!" Kuwabara yelled grinning.
The Future group smiled. Then it was time.
Koenma's Palace…One Hour Later…
The Future and Present group appeared with Koenma in his office. The Future kids were with Keiko, Yukina, and Botan back at the temple with Genkai. The Present kids were with Shiori for the afternoon. It was best to keep them separate.
"We don't have much time. My father will know you're here any minute. We have to act fast," he said and Future Yusuke walked up to him.
"We'll take it from here. You go back to the temple and hide out. Can't have you dying on us…again," he grinned.
Koenma nodded uneasily. But before he could go, Future Hiei stopped him.
"Wait," he said and turned to Present Hatorra.
"Go with him," Future Hiei said firmly and Present Hatorra's eyes widened.
"What?" she asked shocked.
Future Hiei sighed and rolled his eyes.
"If this backfires, the kids will need someone to be with them to keep them safe. You have survived war and loss and still you breathe as you can see. Go back with Koenma," he repeated.
Present Hatorra scoffed, but when she looked around no one was saying otherwise. Her eyes widened. Future Kat smiled.
"You have the strongest will I have ever known. You have to protect our kids," she said quietly.
Present Hatorra looked at her future self. Future Hatorra shook her head.
"I'm all worn out now. I did my time. I'd never make it for a second time around. I'm getting too old for this. You're still young and strong," Future Hatorra said smiling sadly and answering Present Hatorra's unasked question.
Present Hatorra turned to Present Hiei.
"Come back alive, Hiei," she said quietly.
Future Hiei shivered.
Hatorra grabbed Hiei last minute as he was about to jump through.
"Come back alive, Hiei," she said and he nodded firmly and jumped through.
Present Hiei nodded firmly and Present Hatorra placed a small kiss on his lips.
"I love you," she whispered and his eyes widened.
She hugged Kurama tightly and then Kat. Finally, Yusuke and Kuwabara were next. She walked up to Koenma and took his hand.
"I better see all of you when you guys get back," she said sternly and smiled.
Then they disappeared. Present Hiei turned to his future self.
"She'll be alright. We all will," Future Hiei said not looking at him.
"Let's do this," Present Yusuke said powering up.
Everyone nodded and did the same.
Genkai's Temple…Three Hours Later…
Hatorra sat staring at her future daughter. All she wanted was to go to Shiori's house and get her present daughter. This was someone else's child from another life. Kasei smiled at her.
"My mom and dad our going to make everything better so that we can have a better future," she said softly.
Hatorra smiled and nodded.
And if they don't, I have to keep everyone alive all by myself.
She shook the thought. Kasei stared at her. Daisuke spoke up then.
"You look like Aunt Torra, but something's different," Daisuke said sitting across from her.
Hatorra stared at him.
"I'm younger," she said shrugging.
Daisuke shook his head.
"You're softer," he said and Hatorra frowned as he nodded.
"What does that mean?" she asked confused.
"It means it hasn't happened yet," he said quietly.
She frowned. Future Kasei looked down at her hands.
"What hasn't happened yet?" she pushed further.
"The thing that makes you into the Aunt Torra I know," he said and Hatorra thought it best not to push further.
"They only have two hours left and there's no word from dad," Kasei sad looking at Daisuke.
Daisuke shook his head.
"They're going to be okay Kas. We're going to change the future and be alright," he said firmly.
"Yeah, I bet they've already won," Yuki said and Kasei grinned at him.
"Do you think we'll all be as close as we are now in our new future?" Kasei asked and Hideki nodded quickly.
"Hell yeah! We'll still be the same. There just won't be any war," he said and Kasei smiled weakly.
Hatorra watched the children talk to each other. She hoped they were as close as they were now.
Then the ground shook violently. Kasei was thrown off her feet, but caught by Hideki, who held her close. Daisuke's eyes widened and he got to his feet as the shaking stopped. Hatorra stood up. Keiko stumbled to her feet with Yukina, Koenma and Botan.
"Do you think—" Kasei started, but Hatorra cut her off.
"—they're fine," she said sternly and Kasei was shocked to see a bit of her mother in this young woman.
Two Hours Later…
Hatorra watched the children begin to fade away.
"This is it!" Hideki yelled and the children held hands.
"Bye mom!" Kasei yelled.
Hatorra's eyes widened as the children vanished before her eyes.
"Did it work?" she asked no one in particular.
Botan grabbed her oar.
"I'm going to get the children from Shiori's house. I'll bring them back here," she said quickly.
The other women nodded. They wanted their children in their arms now. Hatorra watched the door as Botan exited and waited.
They have to be alright. They have to be.
Into the Night…
Hatorra had just tucked Kasei into bed. She made up some bogus story about how the guys were called away for a little while to the Makai. Her three year old bought it. Keiko and Yukina decided to stay at the temple too with Botan and Koenma. The kids were all sleeping together, protected by a shield of ki.
"Do you think they're alright?" Yukina asked meekly.
Hatorra bit her lip.
"They'll be fine. Yusuke promised they'd come back. He promised," Keiko said clearly distraught.
"I can't get a link to any of them. Hatorra, can you get one?" Yukina asked quietly.
Hatorra shook her head.
"I tried…"
Fifty times.
"I can't reach any of them," she said softly.
"Well, I'm not being summoned. That's always a good thing," Botan said and Hatorra smiled weakly.
"They have to make it," Koenma said closing his eyes.
And then he disappeared. Hatorra's eyes widened and she stood up in alarm.
"Koenma?" she called.
But he was gone.
"Where did he go?" Keiko asked nervously.
Suddenly, a large portal opened up and the guys came tumbling out. Hatorra gasped as blood mixed with more blood and no one moved. Keiko screamed and covered her mouth. Yukina and Botan stared mouth agape.
"Botan, Keiko, get bandages, hot water, and towels, lots of towels. Yukina, help me access the worst injuries and begin the healing process," she said firmly.
Botan and Keiko disappeared into the back while Yukina ran over with Hatorra to access the situation. Hatorra didn't know who to go to first. She wasn't exactly the best healer.
"Yusuke's taken the worst of it. I'll start with him. Kat has the least amount of injuries, but a small concussion. She'll be fine once she wakes up," Yukina spoke quickly.
Hatorra stared at Yukina in healer mode. She was good.
"They probably knocked her out so she couldn't heal them," Hatorra said kneeling down and shaking the ice Kitsune awake.
Kat stirred and groaned softly.
"Get up, we need your help," Hatorra said loudly.
Kat's eyes opened and she blinked. Hatorra offered her a quick smile before pulling her into a sitting position. Kat's eyes widened and she was to her feet in a second. She was unsteady, but she began healing Kuwabara, who looked half dead.
"We won," Kurama said shocking the girls.
His eyes were open slightly. Kat brushed her fingers over his cheek.
"Just keep your eyes opened Kurama, you'll be fine if you stay awake," she said soothingly.
Hatorra jumped when she felt a hand touch hers. She glanced down to see Hiei also had his eyes opened some. She smiled softly and took his hand.
"So it's over?" she asked quietly.
Hiei managed a small nod and then let out a shaky breath. She let her other hand rest against his chest lightly.
"Stay awake okay?" she asked and he nodded again.
Keiko and Botan appeared with the bandages, towels, and hot water. Hatorra dipped the towel in the hot water and let it run over Hiei's arm.
"How many times did you release this?" she asked wiping some blood gently off his dragon.
"Several…" he said and she smirked and shook her head.
Yusuke sputtered some and opened his eyes. Yukina wiped her forehead.
"Our f-future s-selves k-kicked t-total ass…" he murmured grinning.
"Okay, he's out of the woods. Keep him awake Keiko," she said and proceeded over to Hiei.
Kat would take care of Kurama once she finished with a now semi-awake Kuwabara. Yukina emitted and green glow onto Hiei's chest and smiled at him.
"Kasei and Yuki will be so happy to see you're alright brother," she said and he let a small smile escape his lips.
After a while the guys were sitting up and bandaged. They were out of it, but talking some here and there.
"So it's over now? Enma's dead?" Botan asked shocked.
The guys nodded slowly.
"It wasn't easy and it was a good thing we had our future selves there. We wouldn't have had a chance. Enma was ready for us as soon as we got there," Yusuke said softly.
"Yeah with thousands of his guard to protect the coward," Kuwabara said tiredly.
"It was an extremely difficult task, but it's over now," Kurama said and Kat pulled him closer.
"Koenma disappeared right before you guys came out of the portal," Hatorra said unsurely.
Kurama nodded.
"To claim his father's throne. We saw him there before we got here," Kurama explained.
"So what happens now?" Keiko asked meekly.
"What do you mean?" Yusuke asked frowning.
Keiko shrugged.
"We have our kids. But what about our future?" she asked and everyone remained silent.
She was right. Hatorra glanced at Hiei.
What will happen now that the future has changed?
LOOK FOR THE SEQUEL: A Future Changed?
I hope you're still with me and staying with me! And of course I hope you love the ride! More rides are to come! Please give me reviews! They fuel me! :D