Disclamiar: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight or any of their charters. I just own the plot and Bella/Evie's appearance.

Hope you guys like it, now READ ON

"You…don't…want…me?" He has got to be kidding me.

"No, Bella, you're no good for me," His cold eyes stared into mine. "Promise me one thing."

"What!" I said harshly. Why should I promise Edward anything, I already promised him my love forever? I guess that was short lived.

"Don't do anything reckless, for Charlie's sake." He said, his eyes softening a bit.

"Fine, whatever."

"Goodbye, Bella, forever." He said kissing my head. It took all my strength not to push him off. Finally he left. God, that took forever. I can't believe I really loved him. You're probably wondering why I'm not trying to run after him, stumbling everywhere and crying. Let me start by saying that I'm not really Bella Swan. My name is Evangeline Arabella Black but Evie to my friends and Angel to my Dad and Harry Potter. Yes, THE Harry Potter. My mom is Bellatrix Lestrange and my Dad was Sirius Black. Mom went to visit Lily and James Potter with me the day Voldemort came. He killed James and came into Harry's room where Lily, Mom, Harry and I were hiding. Lily and my mom sacrificed their selves and their love for the both of us is the reason we are still here. The spell rebounded and hit Voldemort leaving me and Harry with a lightning bolt scar; Harry's above his left eyebrow and mine just below the corner of my left eye.

Charlie is really one of my best friend's brother, Charlie Weasley. After the Triwizard Tournament, Harry and Dumbledore wanted me to come to America for safety. So really I just turned 16 not 18. Also, I never really loved Fuckward. He ran my life, and so did Alice for that matter. They always tried to protect me but even I could have handled the James situation better. Jasper had the right idea. He was going to attack when their backs were turned at the baseball field. I know this because me and Jasper and talk to each through our minds. You see Jasper knows about magic. Dumbledore said that the Whitlock's had some magic abilities but Jasper didn't show any signs when he was 11. Jasper promised to protect me (even though I don't need it) while I was here in America.

When I opened the door, I looked around for Charlie but I could find him


"You know I am right behind you," he said in a normal voice but I still jumped 5 feet in the air.

"No need to scare me half to death. I would like my friends to see me again with my heart still beating" I said panting, trying to make my heart beat regular again.

"So I take it you want to go home, right?"

"Yeah, I do. Dickward just dumped me. Literally, he just left me in the forest to fend off tigers and lions and bears."

"Oh my. Aren't you just a little drama queen." Charlie said with a smirk.

"Ha ha, very funny. Can you tell Dumbledore that I want to come home?" I said with puppy dog eyes.

"Sure Evie, but why don't you tell him yourself," I look behind Charlie to see that Dumbledore was on the porch.

"Professor, how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough. I will be happy to take you back to Hogwarts. I am sure your friends miss you very much." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"I'll go pack," I'm pretty sure that I looked an idiot with the huge grin I was wearing. Hey, I am just really happy to go back and see my friends and my cousin Draco. He is nice to me because of it. But still, Draco is a Malfoy and can be a handful (understatement of the year). Also, I'm really happy to see Harry again. I sorta, kinda, maybe, have a little crush on him.


Watching Harry go into the maze is probably one of the hardest things I have ever done. I have a really bad feeling about this task. I think-no, I know-someone will die and I'm worried it's Harry. Ron and 'Mione think I'm paranoid but I know one of the champions isn't coming back alive.

It's been an hour since they went in and I'm more anxious than ever. All of a sudden I am sucked into a vision which I am guessing is the future.

I see Harry and Cedric in a graveyard and I see Harry bend over a headstone that says Tom Riddle. He yells at Cedric to get back to the cup when a green light comes nowhere and hits Cedric in the chest. When the light faded, Cedric wasn't moving.

I was pulled from my vision by Hermione shaking me.

"Evangeline Black! Wake up!" she said, well, yelled at me my hand went to my scar just below my left eye.

"What?" was my brilliant response.

"You've been out for 5 minutes. What happened?" Ron asked, ever so politely (note the sarcasm).

"Cedric, he's dead. Harry's in trouble. I think Vol-," but I didn't get to finish my thought. I was being pulled by my navel and I landed in a graveyard.

How did I get here? I thought to myself. Could I really be at the same graveyard as my vision? If so where are Harry and Cedric?

"Did anyone tell you that the cup a Portkey?" I heard someone say just to the left of where I was standing.

"Nope," It sounded like Cedric and Harry talking.

"Harry, Cedric? Is that you?" I asked

"Angel, how did you get here?" Harry asked.

"I'm wondering the same thing but I know it isn't to have tea. This is not part of the task. I reckon wands out." We pulled out our wands and I got a strange feeling that we were being watched.

"Someone's coming," Harry said suddenly. I looked around and saw a hooded figure waking toward us and it was carrying what appeared to be a baby or was just a bundle of robes. Three words: HE IS SHORT. I mean, he looked shorted than Alice. Never knew that was possible. I thought idly.

The three of us shared a look, the returned our focus to the person. They stopped in front of a marble headstone about six feet in front of us and just looked us. Just stood there and looked.

Then, my scar exploded with pain, I fell to my knees and held my scar. I saw Harry doing the same thing. It felt as if the left side of my face was being torn open. Then I heard a cold, high pitched voice say, "Kill the spare."

There was another voice. "Avada Kedavra!"

"NO! CEDRIC!" I yelled as a bright green light came from the short man. I didn't even need to look. I knew he was dead.

The man came over to Harry and I who were still on the ground and forced us against the marble headstone that read TOM RIDDLE.

He tied Harry and I from our necks to our ankles. I couldn't move and my wand was laying abandoned near Cedric's body. My scar was hurting more than ever.

"Do it…now!" that same high pitched voice said. This is NOT good. The man walked over to a big black cauldron that is large enough of a full grown man to fit in and dropped something fleshy and what looked like a baby into it.

The man took off his hood and I recognized it as Wormtail. He started speaking. His face showed tremendous fear and his voice shook.

"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son!" he raised his wand and the ground right below our feet opened up and a large bone rose and then fell into the cauldron at his command.

"Flesh of a servant w-willing given you will revive your master." He stretched out his left hand the one with the missing finger. He griped a dagger in his other hand and brought it down swiftly to cut it off. I noticed Harry closed his eyes during this. Wormtail collapsed and the hand fell into the water with a sickening splash. Then, he turned to us, still trapped on the headstone.

"B-blood of the enemy…forcibly taken…you will…resurrect your foe."

I tried to turn away but was held too tightly. Wormtail had a dagger and cut into my left forearm and another dagger into the crook of Harry's right arm. That blade was dull and hurt like a bitch. I looked over to Harry only see him looking at me with worry shining in his eyes. Even at a time like this he is worried about me more than the situation.

~-~-~-~-End Flashback~-~-~-~-

Ever since then I have secretly liked him. No madder what I can always trust on Harry to be there. I think 'Moine might know but she hasn't said anything about it.

"I'm packed and ready to go, Professor," I said as I got downstairs.

"Um-Evie?" Charlie started "You might want to change your appearance. You still look like Bella Swan."

I looked in the mirror that we had in the hall and realized that fact for myself. I changed my hair to its normal raven black with bright baby blue highlights along with the famous Black family sharp facial features. Also my blue eyes can look like you're staring into the ocean, even at a quick glance, but can turn to ice faster than your mind can process if you get on my bad side. (I do have quite a temper just so you know.) Plus, I am much curvier than plain old Bella Swan. I could even give Rosalie a run for her money (not to be vain or anything).

"Ready Professor," I said eagerly.

"Good-bye Evie. I'll miss you kid." Charlie Swan and Weasley aren't that different if you really think at it.

"Miss you to Charlie. I'll write letters and be sure Ron does to." We both laughed and hugged good-be.

Since I was born England and Dumbledore moved me to live with Renee Dwyer, the American Ministry of Magic thought the England Ministry of Magic put the trace on me and vice versa. So, I can basically do magic whenever I want, as long as I'm careful.

We both apparated to Dumbledore's office; some things never change.

"I suppose you would like to go see your friends now. They are in the Great Hall having dinner." But it was only-oh, wait, the time difference.

"Thanks Professor. But do you mind if I wait till tomorrow to see them? I can go to the Room of Requirement for the night." I asked hopefully. I have a surprise for tomorrow.

"Sure if that is what you want. And be sure to be on time we have new students coming in and are going to be sorted at breakfast." New students, but it's the middle of September. Why now after term already started. Well, you're coming in the middle of September. Why am I such a smart-ass?

"Okay, Professor," I replied and headed off to the Room of Requirement before anyone could see me.

~~~~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~~~

New Students, I wonder what year there in. I keep thinking as I made my way to the Great Hall. I changed my appearance to white blonde hair and grey-blue eyes to look like Draco. He is really nice to me even if he hates Harry. Draco is my cousin and I love him (even if he is a git). Anyways, there he is. I hope he plays along.

"Yo, Drake!" I said using my nickname for him so he knows it's me and walks over.

"Let me guess," he began. "You want to pretend to be my sister, freak out Potter and his friends, and get a laugh out of it." Damn, he knows me to well. Then again, I did this to his friends in second year.

"Yes," I said hooking my arm with his. "Lead the way." We walked into the Great Hall and I sat down next to Harry with Ron and Hermione across from me. Harry asked what I was doing as soon as I sat down.

"Sitting," I snapped, keeping up pretences. Yeah, I can be a bitch if I want to.

"Potter, be nice to my sister or you haven't seen torture yet." Draco threatened. Man, he's a good actor. I am going to keep him in by book incase I do something like this again.

"Sister?" my three friends looked like they just saw a thresal for the first time.

"Yes. Got a problem with that?" I said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Actually I do. You're a Malfoy and belong in Slytherin." Ron replied very bluntly. Rude much.

"Red hair; hand me down robes; you must be a Weasley." I sneered and used the words Draco used when they first met. "Yeah, I'm a Slytherin, but I'm also a girl with a purpose," I turned to Harry and gave him a kiss on the lips. When I pulled back Harry, Ron, and Hermione's faces were priceless. I couldn't hold it in any more. Draco and I burst into a fit of laughter getting weird looks form other tables. I decided to change back to my normal appearance as my laughter died down.

"Evie!" They all yelled and Harry gave me a huge hug once he unfroze from shock. Draco was smirking along with me.

"I'll talk to you later Ange." Draco said using my nickname. The Slytherins have their own nickname for me; Angie or Ara. Draco made up Ange for him to use and him only.

I winked at him seductively and he laughed. I pulled back from Harry and to here Dumbledore start to make an announcement. I flash Harry a smile and turn to face Dumbledore.

"I would like to introduce two new teachers and 5 new students. Dr. Cullen will be assisting in the Hospital wing, and Professor Cullen will be the new Muggle Studies teacher. Now we will sort the new students."

"Cullen, Alice."


"Cullen, Edward."


"Cullen, Emmett."


"Hale, Jasper."


"Hale, Rosalie"


I was frozen ever since Dumbledore introduced Esme and Carlisle. I may not have loved Edward, but it still hurt that they all left without saying good bye. At least Jasper's is in Gryffindor, I really miss him. I don't think I'm going to tell them who I am. Bella Swan was just a character and is completely different than me.

To me and all who know her, Isabella Marie Swan is dead.

Review. Don't hide it. You know you want to. ;)