i know its been a year omg im so horrible, idk if anyone reads this anymore but i have had a few people asking me to update. i do have ideas in mind as to where this story is going to go and where ill finish it off. god bless all of you that are still here

"Alright, so I know you're a bit behind." Lukas spoke exasperatedly, trying to maintain what tiny shreds of patience he had left. His resolve was quickly crumbling. "But this week we're learning how to factor trinomials. I figure we'll get today's work done and then-"

"Why do tricycles have anything to do with math? Or factories." Mathias was face down on Lukas' carpet, his whining tone muffled by the thick fibers. "Seriously, they can't honestly expect us to use this in real life."

"Not tricycles, idiot. Trinomials." the Norwegian looked at him, struggling between the urge to smile at his stupidity or to kick some sense into him. Feelings were awfully confusing.

The Dane rolled over onto his back and squinted, carefully examining a cheeto he had between his thumb and forefinger. "How long has this been on the floor? I mean technically you're supposed to follow the ten second rule, but there should be an exception for anything cheesy. Plus it's a hard snack. One that's wet or soft would pick up all the carpet goop. I'm probably fine. Yeah, this is totally fine."

"Please don't eat tha-" Crunch.

"Oh God, this is awful! I think it absorbed all the foot flavor from the floor." Mathias was spitting and wiping furiously at his mouth, looking disgusted and mortified. "Why would you betray me, cheeto?!" he sobbed. Lukas stared at him, his expression flat. Wordlessly, he stood up and scooped up the thick math textbook. He stood over the other teen, dropped it onto his chest, and began to retreat from the room looking entirely done.

".. Oof!" Mathias grunted as nearly all the air was knocked from his lungs. "Hey. Heeeey! Where are you going?" he scrambled to his feet, looking utterly betrayed. "You've got to teach me the maths! And the factory!"

"You aren't paying attention!" Lukas called back, sounding fairly far away considering the short time he had been gone. "You're wasting my time!"

"I will now, I promise! It's just really boring!" the Dane begged, glancing around the front room and looking under the coffee table before trudging into the kitchen. He paused and quickly added in a rush, "I meant the math is boring, not you. You're totally not boring. Just come out, pleeeease!"

The house was silent. Well, now was a good a time as any to test out his detective skills. He crept towards the cabinets, flinging a couple open. A box of Cheerios hit the top of his head with a dull thud. The only thing suspicious about breakfast cereal was its claims of whole grain – but that was a another mystery to solve another day.

Cautiously, he put one sneakered foot on the first stair. He hadn't been upstairs in Lukas' house yet, and wasn't sure if he was allowed to. But, this was basically an FBI emergency. He had to have clearance. "Lukas?" Mathias called again, but was only met with more silence. He gently pushed open one cracked door and was met with the sight of a bed entirely covered by a variety of stuffed animal birds, most of them penguins and puffins. He didn't want to know. The Dane passed a bathroom, but was too scared to peek behind the shower curtain. You don't mess with those.

Another room looked suspiciously untouched, though Mathias thought it must be the master bedroom. A growing layer of dust covered the dresser and picture frames in the room, the bed was neatly made without a single wrinkle. Having a feeling he had probably trespassed where he wasn't welcome, he shut that door behind him when he left. The next room was a rather plain bedroom, besides a couple of extremely straight posters and a Norwegian flag hung above the white headboard of the bed. His detective senses tingled – this had to be Lukas' room. The Dane tiptoed inside and was picking up the frame off of the nightstand to take a closer look when something snagged his ankle in a vice grip. He shrieked in a nearly unhuman tone and the picture flew out of his hand and onto the bed. "L.. Lukas...! Ha, um. I wasn't scared. Nope, not at all."

The Norwegian was peeking from his hiding spot under the bed, being small enough to fit. He blinked a few times in slight amusement before collecting himself and straightening up. "You were definitely scared. Besides, you deserved it."

"Puhlease, nothing scares me." Mathias claimed bravely, puffing out his chest.

Lukas arched an eyebrow, his arms crossed. "I think the scream may have said otherwise."

The Dane thought now was a good a time as any to change the subject from his lack of nerves, "So... this is your room?"

".. Yes." Lukas replied tersely, carefully picking up the frame from his bedspread and wiping off the thin layer of dust carefully with the inside of his shirt. He replaced it, his face unreadable as he gazed at the people in the frame. It was a baby Emil frozen in time, giggling with absolute mirth. His mother held him in her lap while a younger Lukas looked at them with a small contented smile.

"It's um, very cool. Very patriotic." Mathias gestured towards the flag awkwardly.

His words seemed to bring Lukas back to the present, "Oh, shut up."

He laughed, "Sorry, sorry...! I'll stop. I'm gonna be good, I promise." Mathias paused and winked unashamedly, "Well wait, this is your room and we are here... alone."

Lukas snorted loudly and pushed him into the closet door before storming out of the room and back down the stairs. "I don't even know why I let you inside." he griped as he left, shaking his head in defeat and embarrassment. His cheeks were tinged a soft pink.

"Nooo, wait! I was kidding! Mostly!" Mathias ran after him, catching up easily with his long strides. He wrapped his arms tightly around Lukas' lithe body. "Forgive meee." he spoke in a mock baby voice, nuzzling his face affectionately into the crook of the other's neck.

"Fine, but only if you let go of me." Lukas sighed quietly and gave a small squeeze to one of his hands before they dropped. He turned to face Mathias, "Are you ready to pay attention now? You have to pass this class if you want to graduate. I'm worried that you won't."

Mathias gasped dramatically, placing his hand on his chest. "You? Worried about lil' old me? Why, gracious." He fanned himself emphatically with the other hand and spoke with a horrible imitation of a high southern accent. "My, I grow weak-kneed at the thought."

A tiny chuckle escaped Lukas' lips and his indigo eyes widened in shock as he realized.

"Did you just-"


"I think you just-"

"No, nothing happened."

"Someone thinks I'm funny!"

Lukas pinched the bridge of his nose, his brow furrowed. He was never going to hear the end of this. "It was just... just some indigestion, Mathias."

"So you'd rather admit to burping than laughing at something I said, oh come on!" Mathias rolled his eyes, but a satisfied smirk was clearly evident on his features. Somewhere in his mind he made it a definite goal to get Lukas to laugh like that again. Preferably louder, and for longer. But, baby steps and what not.

"Can we please just study?" the Norwegian pleaded, his emotionless facade back in place – for now. He didn't wait for the other teen to answer as he picked the textbook back off of the floor and plopped back down onto the couch.

"Alright, alright." Mathias sprung onto the couch beside him, shaking the entire piece of furniture. He settled his feet on the armrest and his head in Lukas' lap. "I have assumed perfect studying position." he spoke in a robotic tone.

Lukas surveyed him through narrow eyes, but decided to remain silent. Though, his cheeks gave some evidence of how he truly felt about their position. "Yes, so. Trinomials."

"Trinomials." Mathias repeated, "Not tricycles. Less exciting but, I'm listening."

"Well, at least you're pronouncing it properly now. That's progress." he mused, his lips quirking slightly as he met the other teen's sharp gaze.

"Well, Mathias. You managed to do a couple of the problems assigned entirely on your own without any of my help – I'm going to consider that good for today." Lukas spoke, weariness evidence in his tone. He patted Mathias' head on his lap absentmindedly, earning a big grin.

"Yay!" the Dane sat up and pulled him into a suffocating hug, pressing his lips to Lukas' cheek.

Lukas spluttered indignantly, his face blossoming into shades of red. "S-stop! Emil could come home any moment!"

"Don't care. Besides, where's he been anyways? School's been over for like... three hours now." Mathias counted the time on his hand, looking puzzled. "I thought you guys were like, inseparable."

"Ugh, don't get me started. It's all the influence of his stupid new friend, no doubt a trouble maker." the Norwegian muttered darkly, glaring glumly at the door.

Mathias gasped, "Really? How do you know? Have you met him?"

"Well, no but..."

"He could be totally nice! C'mon, give Emil a chance."

Lukas hmphed loudly, hunching and crossing his shoulders. "I don't trust anyone with my baby brother."

"He's not exactly a baby anymore." the Dane whispered dramatically, as if it were the biggest secret being revealed.

"I know, I know..! Just, shush. Regardless, I feel I should meet him either way to get my feelings on the matter."

"If it makes you feel better, I guess." Mathias blinked, attempting to initiate some sort of cuddling maneuver but failing miserably when Lukas stonily refused to remove himself from his pouting. He resorting to laying his head back down onto the Norwegian's lap, looking mildly disappointed.

"It would, actually. I just.." Lukas sucked in a quick breath, his gaze a bit distant. "I have to make sure he's okay. It's my job."

"I don't have any siblings but, I understand how that must feel..." the Dane commiserated with a small nod. "You're a good brother."

"I, what?" the Norwegian looked genuinely shocked at the sudden genuine compliment, his mouth slightly ajar as he gaped. "I.. thank you, Mathias." he bent over and pressed a small, chaste kiss to his lips but refused to meet his eyes afterward.

"No problemo, Luke." Mathias grinned brightly, his insides glowing happily.