Chapter 1

"I still love you. I just ... I lost control."

"You swore ..."

As she fished her hand into her bag and dug around for the keys to the apartment she shared, a jolt of excitement ran across her face, leaving a blush and grin. Her eyes shut briefly, images of the two of them rolling around on the wooden floor, laughing hysterically and falling into silence in each other's arms, staring through each other with knowing smiles. She couldn't count how many times he'd brushed her black curls out of her face, how many times he'd whispered "I love you." against her lips, how many times ... how many times.

When she'd finally found them and yanked her hand out, she was so excited she had to take a couple of deep breaths before shoving the key into the lock and bursting through the door.

"Baby, I'm h-..." Her words came to a harsh stop, breath caught in her throat as she ceased to breathe for a few seconds as she took in the scene before her. At her feet, with his arms wrapped around a blonde haired beauty, lay the one and only thing she smiled for, the one and only thing she'd opened up her heart to. Her entire body froze, something inside her felt like it was about to implode, or combust, or seize up and rupture.
They stirred at her feet, and as he stretched out his arms and legs with a grunt, her bag dropped from her weak arms and made a thud on the floor, breaking his half-sleepy state. His eyes peeled open, widening as they took in the blurred vision in front of them.


She just stood there, her breath returning in short pants before the stinging sensation in her eyes brought her back to reality, where she was already hurting, like a punch to the gut that had winded her and ripped something inside. He sat up, the beauty rolling out of his arms and hitting her head on the leg of the overturned coffee table. She woke with a groan, rubbing her head and sitting up beside him, kissing one of his broad shoulders, still sleepy, all in one confused combination. He flinched away, looking from her to the black haired vision. She stood there, not saying a word, realising what was going on before straightening up, picking up her bag and clearing her throat. The beauty looked up, her eyes narrowing as she scrambled up, gathering her things and bolting out the door before they both could blink.

"I can explain," he choked, his eyelids stuttering as his brain cogs turned, trying to conjure up a reasonable sentence. She looked at him, her face impasssive and pale, and nodded slowly, waiting.
"I ... I was drunk, a-and-" his words were cut off by the cold chuckle she drew from her lungs, her face still unreadable. In silence, she brushed her hair behind one ear, cleared her throat and turned for the door. He was on his feet in no time, grabbing her arm and turning her around.

"You've got to listen to me-"

"Have I?" her voice wavered a little as she stared straight into his amber gaze. His silver hair fell into his face briefly before he brushed it away irritatedly. She looked down around their feet, scattered around them were empty condom packets, too many to count, and seemingly enough for one weekend. She said nothing, yanking her arm away and walking out the door without a scene. Of course, he followed her, yanking at her arm again and pressing her against the wall in a swift movement this time.

"Why aren't you upset? Why aren't you crying?" he interrogated her, his face in hers and something clouding up in his eyes.

"Is that what you want?" she was calm, collected. He just looked at her, confusion engulfing his handsome face. "You want me to scream and cry and throw accusations at you? I walk in, I see you laying there with another girl, I make up my mind for myself. It's clear, there is no explanation you can give." He let go of her arm, taking a few steps back with horrified confusion on his face.

"Show me you love me." he demanded, his voice low and hushed. She shook her head, smoothing out the creases from the arm of her shirt.

"You're pathetic." she spat, the first bit of emotion she'd shown in the time they'd been doing this. She turned on her heels and click clacked down the long hallway, starting to fume. He sank against the wall, resting his head in his hands and staring at his naked lower half, tears blurring his vision. The look in her dull brown eyes left him shivering, feeling small.

She slammed the door of her Ford Fiesta, jamming the key into the ignition and turning it harder than she intended. The engine roared to life and receded to a gentle purr. She sat there and gripped the steering wheel, staring out at the building she'd called home for the last year and a half.

The stinging sensation in her eyes returned as her face morphed, pain now visible on her feminine features. The tears came pouring out, dotting grey spots on her pencil skirt that hugged her slim but curvacious figure. She began to sob, pressing her head against the steering wheel and panting so hard when she drew breath is squeaked a little. Her hands tightened against the plastic leather of the wheel, her mind falling into a dream-like state as her sobbing became more desperate.

She was 23, successful and heartbroken.

Phew, glad that's over ^_^;

This is the first story I've ever uploaded, sooo please be as harsh as you can be with criticism!

Many thanks, and more to come!