Okay, this is not a MakixL...I chose not to make L a pedo, no offense. She's viewed him as a fatherly figure in here. No pairings. This is based on the 3rd Death Note movie. It's a kinda sad oneshot. Anyways, I haven't read the novel of the movie so piss off if I get something wrong or if I get the wrong dialogue, got it? I think I just had a Mello moment there D:

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note. I'm writing fanfiction, duh.

Maki POV

I woke up in a hospital bed with a nightgown on. A bit startled, I looked around. I was in a bed with white sheets. It smelled like disinfectant and clean, I guess. I found my teddy bear next to me on my pillow. I sat up and held it in my hands. I'm very proud that L saved all those people with the antidote.I noticed the FBI guy who helped us was watching me. "This is from L."He pointed at the pink bear, a small smile on his face. I pressed the small button on the bear's hand that let me hear my mother's voice.

"Hello Maki. Did you have a good day today?"

I smiled. Yes Mother, I had the best five days, I thought. I squeezed the button again, wanting to hear her voice again.

"Hello Maki. Please make tomorrow a good day, too."

I stared in shock, my eyes widening slightly. I grinned and responded, "Same to you, L." But my grin faded. Why would he leave a message if he was still alive? My eyes were starting to get teary. The reason my mom left a message because she knew she was sick and would pass away soon. It would only mean that he's gone. He was like a second father or an uncle to me. I was repeating the terrible pain when my mother and father died.

I remember everything. He was very kind to me and the little math genius boy. He protected us, took us under his wing. When L patted the boy's head, I knew he was one of the those people who could comfort someone without saying a single word. I touched the back of my neck. Even though he was only checking if I had a fever, it made me feel safe in a way. L was odd, he slouched and ate candy more than a kid but I felt like he was my father. I think the boy thought that too. I was bursting tears at this moment. Realization sunk in. Who was going to take me in? Where do I belong? My dad and mom were both the only child in their family and their parents have passed away. I clutched the bear.

I'm all alone in this world.

Why does everyone have to leave me? Dr. Mikiko Kujo betrayed me and my father. I trusted her. But she murdered my father.

"Maki." I heard someone call my name. I whipped my head to the window for visitors. It was a old man with white hair and circular glasses.

"I'm Roger. I am a friend of L and Watari. L has passed away from heart failure. Before he died, he requested we take you to Wammy's orphanage for gifted children when you have been released from this hospital." He said. I produced more tears. An orphanage scared me. I nodded as if to say, "I heard you." I belong in an orphanage.

Mother, father, and L: What did I do to deserve this? Please don't leave me and watch over me. I will miss you. I don't want to be alone. Don't go. But I promise to never forget you, I thought, crying into my stuffed animal.

It's short, but I just wanted to do a small oneshot for Maki. I feel so bad for her since her parents died and she saw her father be murdered and she couldn't do anything.