~~~~ Buttercups P.O.V ~~~~
Wednesday Night...
I flew home feeling defeated. The dick was never going to stop.
I slept... terribly.
Thursday Morning...
I woke feeling pretty shitty. And went to school.. that's about it.
I got home at 3:30 PM The professor was coming at 4... or something. Hopefully Butch doesn't come into my room. The professor will be up and...
"AAGHH!" I screamed at no one.
Did I enjoy kissing him? Yes. Did I enjoy him touching me? Both yes and no... You don't just pull that shit on someone. Surely he knows that! Idiot! I'm more angry that I lost though. I was on a WINNING streak!
"Fucking Idiot!" I raised my hands Bubbles came around the corner and I smacked her in the face.
"Oh, Sorry. I didn't mean to do that," I said. Really, I didn't.
"Ouch. I don't think I even want to ask," she said.
"You don't want too," I did a facepalm.
The professor came home at late. It was 6 PM.
"We're going to have to ground you for being late professor," Bubbles said as he entered the door.
The professor laughed. "Sorry girls, traffic was terrible!"
"Excuses," I said.
"How was the convention?" Blossom asked.
"Oh wow! It was great! We showed some of our inventions to the top scientists and-" He went on but I blocked him out.
I suppose I was having a lot of mood swings... but I couldn't help myself.
It was time to go to hell at 8:45 PM
I did my patrol. No Butch.
Expect the worst. I flew home was just about to go in the door when something grabbed my hand and yanked me backwards. Butch.
"Hey," he said.
"Butch. Not tonight. Please, I was just about to go in," I said
"That's not what I'm here for..."
"What could you possibly want then?" I asked sternly.
"Just... walk with me?" He was acting weird.
"No," I protessted.
He just looked into my eyes. I stared at him then turned my head to the side.
"Okay, just for a little bit,"
We walked to a small playground.. he was nervous.
"Swings?" He asked.
"Sure," I said.
We brought ourselves over to the swings and sat down on them. I looked at him questioningly.
"What?" He asked.
"What do you mean 'what?' ... What do you want Butch?"
"I'm trying to figure that out," he said.
"Your confusing me!" I was annoyed.
"N-no. I want to word this properly," He said.
Why's he stuttering?
"I.. feel... un-satisfied," He said. "I won, but I feel empty,"
I listened to him go on.
"I'm so confused... I've never felt this way once I've won,"
I thought about it for a while... and I realised something myself.
"Butch... winning isn't everything." I said.
He paid full attention to what I was about to say next. No smile. Just a blank expression was on his face. I looked at him.
"When you lose.. you get like a little boost. You want to try even harder next time... when you win... it can throw you 'Off guard' and that can put you down,"
"So..." I went on...
"It doesn't really matter if you win or lose.. It benefits both ways," I finished.
It was silent. He swung on the on the swing slowly for a moment.. looked unsurely at the ground... then looked up at the sky and grinned.
"I get it,"
"Cool," I replied.
"You still mad at me?" He asked.
"Would you be even madder at me if I told you that I'm going to your school in the fall," He said.
"Your not being serious are you?" I asked.
"I'm dead serious,"
I playfully punched him. "I guess I'm just going to have to kick your ass when fall comes,"
"It's not fall just yet Butterfreak.. you've got yourself two more months of school,"
"Yeah," I said standing up.
He watched me walk towards the direction of my house.
Butch was a crazy son of a bitch... and I was... well.. a crazy bitch I guess... who knows... maybe we can hang out this Summer?
~~~~ Butch's P.O.V ~~~~
/evening of Thursday/
I saw her fly home.. I was realling nervous she was about to go in the door when I grabbed her arm and yanked her back...
"Hey," I said trying not to choke on my own words.
"Not tonight. I was just about to go in"
"That's not what I'm here for..."
"What is it then?" she asked.
"Just... walk with me?'
She said no at first. But then I just.. gazed into her eyes.. they were pretty. She gave in and we walked to the playground. We headed for the swings.
"Well?" she asked.
"What did you want me here for?" she asked sounding annoyed.
"I'm trying to figure that out," I said.
"You're confusing me!" she said.
"I-I just.. want.. to word this properly. Shit. I stuttered.
"I feel... unsatisfied," "I won, but I feel so empty,"
"Butch... winning isn't everything..." She sounded confident in her words, but I think she was getting it for the first time too.
She explained to me how... you get benefits from both winning and losing. When you lose... you want to try more... Well, harder the next time... When you win... well you win.. but you can also become overconfident with yourself.
"I get it,"
"You still mad at me?"
"Would you be even more mad if I said I was coming to your school this fall?"
She looked a little worried.
"You serious?" she asked.
"Dead serious,"
She punched me playfully. "Well. Then I get to kick your ass,"
"It ain't fall yet Butterfreak, you got yourself two months of school left before summer, then it's fall," I said.
She chuckled "Yeah,"
With that, she got up and I watched her leave for her house.
Buttercup was a crazy bitch... and I was well... a crazy son of a bitch... and who knows... maybe I can make her my girlfriend when school starts, or better yet, in the summer.
The END~!
/ Authors Note: HOLY CRAP! I am DOOONE. C: I may continue this but I doubt it... (Sorry for the cheesy ending) O_o Please review this/comment whatever and tell me what you think of it. Remember it IS my first story! C: If they're are any mistakes... please let me know! (Like spelling/wording) etc.. I think the ending works for both continuing and not continuing it... I really don't wanna continue it though.. Thanks for reading my fanfic! Have a good day! - Carnivals /