~Chapter Eight~

It was Saturday. Ron had gotten up early in order to avoid speaking to Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and Lavender; well pretty much to avoid talking to anybody. Not only was he confused and angry, he felt pretty annoyed with himself for being such a prat before. Of course, it turned out that Harry really had been a jerk, and that Ron's actions were justified, but Ron couldn't help but feel embarrassed for being so immature. Ginny was his sister, his only sister and he was so protective of her and cared about her so much. She was a girl, and he had been rightly taught by his father that girls were to be treated with respect. But Ron, being the stupid boy he was, believed that Ginny needed to be taken care of all the time. She could be a little annoying, just as siblings are, but he cared about her very much. It didn't take long for Ron to realize that Ginny could take care of herself just fine, and that times he tried to help her he more or less got his head chopped off.

Ironically, Ron watched Nearly Headless Nick walk, or glide, really, by the shore of the lake. Ron was leaned against the huge beech tree where he, Harry, and Hermione had relaxed during happier times. His long arms were folded behind his back, the collar of his school shirt open and unbuttoned, and his tie hanging loosely around his neck. He watched, sleepily, as a bowtruckle knocked against his leg, trying to figure out what it was and why it was blocking the entrance to its home.

Ron yawned and closed his eyes. Not being able to sleep for anger yesterday, Ron got all of his homework done by two a.m. Subsequently he was tired and went out to hang under the beech tree. The day was surprisingly warm for a mid-February day. Ron's plan was to doze in the comfortable sun, the breeze blowing in his face in the early hours of the Saturday morning, and then to head into the Great Hall for his Apparition lessons. He hoped to get in early and lock a good place in the back of the room, away from all of his friends. He wasn't just too angry to speak to anyone; no, he would have felt incredibly awkward and embarrassed if he were forced to stand next to Ginny or Harry. As for Hermione, Ron would have liked to see her; he was just too scared to think that she might be mad at him.

Ron sighed, which turned into another yawn. He leaned back and got more comfortable. The bowtruckle by his leg huffed in annoyance and clambered around him to get into the tree. Ron felt himself drifting away into sleep.

He dreamed he was in Herbology class, and it was raining really hard outside, making it impossible to see through the glass windows of the greenhouse. Professor Sprout gave them a couple full-grown Mandrakes without any earmuffs. Ron covered his ears vigorously as the other students worked on their Mandrakes and dropped dead. Harry was wearing some pink earmuffs and had Romilda Vane, Ginny, and Demelza Robbins surrounding him. He took it in turns to kiss them, his arms around Ginny's and Romilda's waists while Demelza leaned over the back of his chair, kissing his neck. Outraged, Ron turned to Ernie Macmillan next to him, who had somehow conjured some blue earmuffs and was working hard. Before Ron could say anything though, Ernie turned into Hermione, crying about a bad grade and complaining to Ron about how he never did his own work.

Ron started to defend himself until Hermione started screeching so hard and loud that her face turned red. She was yelling about how stupid and annoying and mean and immature Ron was, and why couldn't he just work on the Mandrakes like everyone else, you didn't really need earmuffs... And then Ron took his hands off his ears to shout back about how Hermione was being an annoying nag. Professor Sprout started yelling about the Mandrakes, and then she suddenly started getting strangled by the Venomous Tentacula. Ron watched, revolted and angry, as Ginny and Romilda unbuttoned Harry's shirt and Harry grabbed Ginny's chest. Roaring with fury, Ron got up from his chair just as Justin Finch-Fletchley next to him turned into a flaming, screaming Mandrake, and Ron dropped, passed out. Now he could hear someone shouting at him to "Get up, get up, get up, you're going to be late!"

Ron shook himself awake, shaking with anger and confusion, his forehead clammy. He stared up into the great silver eyes of Nearly Headless Nick, whose collar had come loose and was showing some rather disgusting silver neck-flesh. Ron jumped to his feet in a tired stupor. He could tell by the place the sun was in the sky that he had slept rather later than he meant to.

"You fell asleep, and started shouting something," Nick explained. "I think you take Apparition lessons? They start in five minutes. You'd better hurry; I heard that Professor Twycross was handing out detentions -"

Ron was already running, shoving his bookbag under his arm; he yelled over his shoulder, "THANKS, NICK!", as he sped off towards the castle, straightening his tie and buttoning his collar as he went.

Harry had hoped that he could just stay in the common room all day, but unfortunately he had signed up for Apparition lessons and he had to go. Now, with his mind preoccupied with so many other things, he wondered what the point of Apparition really was. Who needed to pop from one place to the other, really? What was wrong with brooms? Or Floo powder? Brooms were very comfortable due to the Cushioning Charms, and Floo powder might be dusty and dirty, but it was warm and comfortable and exciting. The theory of Apparating made sense and seemed legitimate, but it was so uncomfortable. It almost made Harry angry at all of the students so excited about the Apparition lessons. Didn't they know, from asking him, the squeezing sensation, the feeling that all air was forced out of your body?

Harry straightened his collar, and as he shoved open the door of the Great Hall, he dropped his bag on the floor next to everyone else's. Not really caring about his appearance today, his shirt was half un-tucked, one of his shoes was untied, and his hair was even messier than usual. Not to mention the heavy bags under his eyes. After he and Ginny had kissed and cuddled for a bit, he'd felt so happy and free. She left in the very early hours of the morning, leaving Harry to lie awake and think giddily until he passed out at around 3:00 a.m., having a rather strange dream.

He could almost remember it now... He was blissfully flying on his Firebolt above the grounds of Hogwarts, the wind in his hair and cold, fresh air whooshing through his lungs. He'd felt so great, so open, like he could do anything. Harry had watched the grounds below him as he sunk into a smooth dive. He pulled up suddenly when he saw two angry redheads shouting at each other. As quietly as he could, Harry flew into the safety of branches just outside the Forbidden Forest. For one wild moment, Harry thought that he was looking at Dobby and Kreacher. But then he saw a small, impish creature speaking in wild tones to another impish creature. They did house-elves, but there was something humanlike about them all the while.

One of the elf-like creatures had short red hair, and freckles. It looked like Ron, but Harry wasn't sure until he saw the ears go red and the long, unmistakable nose. Harry was completely bewildered. He looked at the other elf. It had long bushy brown hair, big brown eyes, and was biting its lip - Hermione.

What the hell? Was Harry's first thought. Then he listened to the conversation.

"- not telling anybody, 'Mione, not just yet, I don't think I could face it -"

"Face what, exactly? Lavender's wrath? It didn't take much to break up with her, did it? But it's just so embarrassing for you to tell anybody you like me -"

"Hermione, you know it's not like that -" Harry was completely shocked, not by the creatures' words, but by what was happening to them. The Ron-elf was suddenly growing taller and taller, and its face growing redder and redder until it was a bizarrely tall Ron, the color of a beetroot.

The Hermione-elf was growing taller to, but getting frecklier and more red-headed. Harry realized with a jolt it was Ginny, and with another jolt, he realized that he was small enough to step on. He zoomed upwards on his broom, feeling that nothing that bad could happen, and started listening to the conversation.




Harry heard a dry sob from below and saw a perfectly normal-looking, normal-sized Hermione, looking close to tears. He considered comforting her until he saw her run into the direction of the castle.

"- AND HE'S A GOOD-FOR-NOTHING, SELFISH - "Ron stopped in mid-sentence, and Harry looked up at him with terror. The giant-Ron had spotted him, and had picked him up, splintered his Firebolt, all in a matter of seconds.

"SEE, GINNY? YOU'RE CALLING ME A SNEAK AND LOOK WHAT YOUR STUPID LITTLE BOYFRIEND WAS DOING!" Terrified, Harry watched as Ron shook Harry around and threw him several feet towards the ground -

That had been when Harry woke up. It was the strangest dream he'd ever had, and he had no idea what it meant, aside from the fact that maybe it meant Ron was still angry and that he was seeing Hermione. Too swept up in his own problems, Harry had pushed aside the dream and decided to dwell on it later.

It wasn't until Professor Twycross spoke that Harry realized he'd been frozen in his reminiscing in the back of the Great Hall.

"Mr. Potter, are you intending on joining us today, or would you prefer to observe the class?"

Jumping, Harry quickly apologized. "Sorry sir, I'm sorry, I'll just -"

"Squeeze in next to Mr. Weasley?" said Twycross, smiling. "Both have you been late today, and you might as well be together."

Harry glanced at Ron, whose expression was indecipherable. Ron was standing next to Hermione, who was a good several feet to the left, and looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here. Harry awkwardly squeezed in between them. He had never, ever, ever been in a strange situation or fight with both his best friends at the same time. This was all unfamiliar territory to him.

"Now, as I was saying," began Twycross, "I'm very sure you all remember the theory of Apparition. Destination, determination, deliberation." The old professor disappeared in a swirl of robes and reappeared just inside Hermione's hoop, who gave a loud squeak and jumped.

"Sorry, dear," Twycross said. "Unless you haven't been paying attention, you all should be able to Apparate within your hoop. The problem is, you haven't concentrated on any other destination. You will all attempt to Apparate into your hoop again. You will have three tries. After that, all who successfully Apparated into the hoop all three times will line up, single file, behind me, in order to practice Apparating different places around this Hall.

"Those who have been unsuccessful in Apparating into their hoops three times will practice again and again until they get it right in a corner. Understood?" Twycross added, gazing around the room.

Everyone nodded, and there was a low murmur of understanding around the room. Harry tried to nod but his Adam's apple, which seemed to have expanded twice its original size, seemed to have other thoughts. Trying to swallow it down with the rest of his worries, Harry shuffled his feet and began to concentrate on the three D's. On any other day he would have been able to, but today he couldn't think about anything other than Ginny, Ron, and Hermione for more than a minute. Despite his laying awake for most of the night, Harry's homework still sat in an unsightly pile upstairs, making Harry worry each time he saw it. Thinking about this, Harry was more aware of his Adam's apple than ever before.

"Ready?" Professor Twycross's proclamation startled Harry into concentration. "Three, two, one!"

Most of the class managed to Apparate perfectly into their hoops, with the exception of Neville Longbottom, Ernie Macmillan, and few other students Harry didn't know. Harry himself thought he'd Apparated all right, until he felt a stabbing, horrible pain in his leg and realized he'd left his entire left kneecap behind. Twycross, disappointed, sent Harry into the corner with the other students who managed to fail miserably.

Harry watched Ron, Hermione, and a few other students line up at the other side of the room where the teachers' table usually was. He watched them all Apparate well in different parts of the room, except for when Seamus Apparated half of himself where he was supposed to go and the other half in his hoop.

"A common mistake," said Professor Twycross, as he put the trembling, Splinched Seamus back together again, "when a subject is concentrating on it new, unfamiliar destination, but also concentrating on the destination that was easier to Apparate into. Therefore, you Splinch yourself in the most uncomfortable way possible. You did well," he added kindly to Seamus. "You may leave, and I will give you an Exceeds Expectations for the day."

Thanking him quietly, Seamus hobbled out of the Great Hall. As Twycross turned his back, Dean pointed and laughed, and Seamus gave his best friend an obscene hand gesture. Harry smiled in spite of himself and concentrated on his hoop, but he was half looking at Hermione, who was up next. Her face was pale and drawn, and she was biting her lip, as usual. On Twycross's word, Hermione twisted in the air and appeared in Harry's hoop.

Hermione gave a small "Oh!" of surprise and lost her balance; Harry caught her instinctively and found himself blushing when he realized his hands were grasping a very inappropriate area of Hermione's. He felt incredibly embarrassed and disgusting; Hermione was like his sister and this was almost as uncomfortable as if he were doing the same to his Aunt Petunia. (But of course Hermione was nowhere near as horrible as the latter.)

Harry barely had enough time to gather himself when he heard Ron's outraged roar from the other side of the room. Ron marched over, pulled Hermione out of Harry's arms, and put her swiftly on her feet. Ron's wand was immediately pointed into Harry's chest; Harry felt a small pain and looked down to see a small hole singed into his shirt.

"Boys, boys!" said Professor Twycross, his hands wringing together, absolutely flabbergasted.

Ron ignored him. "You're shameless, aren't you?" he said in a curiously soft voice. "First my sister, then Romilda Vane, then Hermione! Hermione! You think just because your the bloody Boy Who Lived or some stupid Chosen One that you're entitled to feel up every girl you want? What's wrong with you?"

Harry spluttered, his lips moving soundlessly. He had no idea what to say. It had been a total accident, as the incident with Romilda had been. Harry had never ever wanted to do anything inappropriate to Hermione. He had always known Ron liked Hermione, but now he knew he was wrong. Ron was in love with Hermione. Kissing Ginny and then appearing to double-cross her was probably infuriating to Ron and some sort of a betrayal. But insinuating any sort of romantic relationship between Harry and Hermione - bang. Harry had crossed an invisible line in Ron, and the unbreakable friend code.

Harry attempted to say something again, but failed. He was spared more awkward moments soon, however. Ron shoved his wand harder into Harry's chest.

"Ron - no -" Hermione's soft voice pleaded desperately with Ron, but he glared at her. The entire Great Hall was watching now. Nobody sniggered, nobody whistled, nobody whispered, and nobody blinked. Every eye was glued on Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Stay out of it, Hermione." Ron's voice was dangerous now. Harry willed Hermione to just shut up before Ron officially lost it.

Hermione tried to say something more, but at that moment Ron bellowed, "STUPEFY!"

Just before Harry was blown backwards, he saw Hermione reach forward and touch Ron's wand. Just contact with Ron's wand sent her flying into the middle of the hall. Harry saw her land with a thud as he himself soared from the force of Ron's Stunning Spell. Harry felt his head slam against something hard, and he saw stars just before he completely blacked out.

The wedding was beautiful. Hermione held Ron's hands so tightly in her own, her arms shaking from the sincerity in her vows. She told him how much she loved him, how much he meant to her, how she would never have survived the drama of their youth without him.

Ron's entire face was red, and Hermione half-laughed, half-sobbed with how much love she felt for him. Arthur murmured the words that would Bond them for life. She felt tears run uncontrollably down her face as Ron held her in a tight yet gentle embrace, kissing her passionately and lovingly, and holding her for just a second longer.

Then the fireworks flew into the air, butterflies flew around them, surrounding them, and their Patronuses, Hermione's otter, and Ron's terrier, jumped excitedly around their feet.

Next thing Hermione knew, she was dancing with Ron, buried in his arms as they swayed slowly to the music. And then at the end of the ceremony, Ron held Hermione, wedding style, and carried her onto a flying Abraxan horse, and they climbed into the sky, into the sunset, both of them waving, Hermione crying. Once everyone at the wedding was out of sight, Hermione settled into Ron's back, who turned around to kiss her head. She fell asleep on him, waiting for them to arrive at his secret honeymoon getaway...

And then Hermione woke up. As soon as she realized that she was in the hospital wing, tucked into bed, she began to cry silently. Her dream had been such a good dream. The best dream of her life, even. Her marrying Ron, him taking care of her, accepting her, even showing her off in front of their family and friends. It was all she wanted. He was all she wanted. And when she realized, fully accepted that it was a dream, Hermione began to cry in earnest. She rolled into her pillow, pulling the covers over her, crying harder when she began to forget bits of the dream. Though she fell asleep again, she didn't dream of the wedding or of true love or even of Ron. She didn't dream at all. Because judging by what had happened to Hermione recently, dreams never came true.

This chapter is a bit strange. I promised you all some Ron-Harry drama, and some Romione fluffness. All was included, (she said proudly.) And updated rather sooner than I expected, considering school started today (September 7th, 2011) and I have some stuff to do. I really like this chapter; if I was going to name my chapters I would name this one dreams.

I also really like this chapter because of its - well - stability, if that makes sense. The previous chapters seemed AU because I hadn't read HBP in a while. But I recently reread the series and I remember everything now and it all makes more sense. I hope you all like this chapter. Please leave me a long a detailed review, and let me know of any spelling, grammar, or any mistakes you find at all. Thank you so much for reading.