Disclaimer : I do not own X-MEN : First Class.

So this story is inspired by a fanfiction from Kuroshitsuji fandom, I've forgotten the title since it had been a long time since I last read the story, the urge to write this come so suddenly. I've wrote this down a long time ago and I actually re-rewritten it back :)

Setting : Alternate Universe, modern time, Paris.

Thanks to my awesome beta, Captaingeek for editing this story :)

"This cake is made from both milk and dark chocolate, purposefully half-blended in order for one to be able to taste the separate flavours. A slice of orange is used to compliment the sweetness of the thick chocolate cream. It is called Noir."

A young pastry chef, Erik Lensherr, represented his new creation and all of his staffs stared in awe toward the small cupcake. Raven, the bakery manager would be the first and only person that Erik would ever let to be hisfirst critic... but as always,

"This is amazing, Erik!" Raven chirped and the young chef only gave his trademark shark grin. Sean, one of the waiters quickly launched forward to have a taste.

Erik took off his gloves, feeling great but exhausted at the same time. He sat down on one of the chairs and looked out of the windows of their bakery. The Eiffel Tower, not far from where their bakery was positioned, welcomed his sight and the black haired man could only sigh.

Since his tasks were all done, Erik finally was allowed to take a day off.

"Don't forget that the food critic will come on the evening of the next Monday. We'll need to close down the bakery for that one day." Raven reminded with a smile and all the staffs nodded their heads. Erik, as the owner of the bakery himself, just gave a small sigh.

"London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down... London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady..." Erik sang under his breath as he walked along the street side. The road was empty since it was already late at night, but Erik could care less about it.

On his way, Erik heard sounds of few other people walking passed him. One of them was a young couple. They seemed to be engrossed by each other, ignoring the quite surprised look Erik gave them.

Looking up at the sky, the young man blinked and shook his head.

Yes, Erik Lensherr was a 26 years old man. He was a very well-known man, perhaps as one of the best pastry chefs in Paris. His bakery never lacked of customers even though the prices of his handmade creations could drive a fine man to madness.

Erik had been involved in the culinary arts since he was 12. His prodigal talent managed to help him to achieve his success as a pastry chef at the age of 16.

But then, why was something felt so wrong with his life?

Education? – Nah, Erik already got his degree in Oxford. That should be enough for a chef like him.

Money? – Erik was bloody rich, more-than-enough even though his appearance seemed to introduce him as one of those typical people.

Woman? – Erik was already bored of them.

Not only because of his cakes, but because his looks that kept pulling customers to come to his bakery. He always seemed to have this wickedly sexy smile upon his face, warming his customers' (especially women) hearts.

Erik walked inside his apartment building silently and greeted the security with a silent nod. The man never failed to amaze Erik because no matter how late Erik returned home, he would always be there; awake and energetic.

"I'm home." the chef entered his apartment and when he was about the close the door, his eyes blinked. Looking back at the dim apartment of his, Erik laughed.

"What am I thinking?" he scolded himself for acting strange and closed the door before he switched on the lights.

He took off his trench coat, shivering by the effect of coldness of the night. Erik put down his bag on the table and proceeded to take a drink from the refrigerator. He sat down on the couch and enjoyed the peacefulness of his home.

But sometimes, that particular 'peacefulness' could not fit well with his condition.

Erik wondered… how would it felt like to have a partner for life?

Erik walked along a crowded street, his eyes wandering around the carnival going. There were many people around him.

Families, friends, lovers... and here he was. Alone.

He rubbed his arms unconsciously. The coldness of December in Paris was quite piercing. They felt like needles, attacking through his skin and the result was a shivering Erik.

Erik, also could not help but smile and greet those that knew him. Which was a lot.

They kept on asking him about his cakes, pastries, and such, blocking his way to walk forward.

If only he could kill people with superpower – he'd prefer the ability to control metals so that he could strangle them with metal coils –, they would have been dead.

When Erik reached the nearest bench, he sat down and sighed.

Erik had spent his last month to prepare new recipes for the food critic (a despicable man guilty of for making his life miserable) in order not to let his bakery close down. The said food critic had managed to cause few bakeries to close down just because of a small mistake.

Erik would never, ever let that thing happen to his bakery.

"Hello, Mister."

Erik blinked his eyes and looked at his right side. A brunette was smiling at him, holding onto a camera close to his chest.

But that was not all.

Erik had never seen such bright and alluring blue eyes. The bluest of blue eyes he had ever seen.

Those bright blue orbs were staring straight through him, unconsciously thrusting deeper inside of his heart.

His lips formed a shape of a heart and red. Was it normal for a male's lips to look naturally red like that? And Erik somehow thought that, if he pouted, they would look even prettier.

His skin contrasted with the colour of snow. Since it was snowing, his appearance seemed to be a lot more... stunning.

"...se me, Mister?"

"Yes?" Erik blinked, surprised on how the stranger held onto his arm. The stranger laughed seeing Erik's reaction. Erik usually would get angry if someone made fun of him or laughing at him but listening to this stranger's laughter was just wonderful.

Better than anything.

"I'm sorry, Mister... You seemed to be lost in space." the brunette smiled, his accent was thickly British and sexy, if he must admit, and Erik, once again drowned out everything, but him.

But as quickly as how it came, Erik managed to get a hold of himself.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Erik asked with a small smile. The brunette took his map to show it to him.

"Do you know how I can go Arc De Triumphe? I'm kind of... lost." he grinned awkwardly. Erik stared at the map.

Of course he knew.

But somehow, Erik didn't want to let go of this stranger yet.

"I can't remember... it had been quite a time since I last went there." Erik half-lied. It was true that the last time he went there was like more than a year ago but if he gave ways to this brunette, he was sure the brunette would find himself there in no time.

"Oh..." the brunette replied in a small and depressing tone.

"Anyway, I'm Erik. Erik Lensherr." Erik was desperately wanted to add 'One of the famous pastry chefs in Paris, in case if you didn't know.' but that would make him look arrogant.

The brunette brightened up like a light bulb; somehow Erik could imagine him having a pair of cat ears.

Damn adorable.

"I'm Charles Xavier! You can call me Charles... Lensherr? You're a German? Wow, it's not every day you meet a German here!" Charles smiled and offered his hand for a shake. Erik complied with a smile.

Once their hands connected, Erik could felt electricity surging inside of him.

"Yes... but I have few more friends here that came from different countries as well. We work together." Erik grinned.

"They work under me."

Erik... was very desperate.

He wanted to look normal for Charles.

At the same time, he wanted to have that rich-popular look for Charles too.

'What is this thing, again? Love at the first sight? Since when do I believe such thing?' Erik thought to himself. Charles pulled away from their grasp and suddenly Erik's hand felt so lonely.

"You're working as what?"

"A chef,

"A chef," Charles nodded his head as if the information was essential enough. Erik managed to let out a chuckle before asking the same question to the other man.

"Me? I'm a journalist... also a photographer... for a company." he also seemed to be hesitated for a moment before adding the last line but Erik just shrugged it off. Perhaps he was feeling a little bit suspicious of the stranger that he just met? Everyone got scared of him at the first time they met him so Charles's reaction was considered as normal.

"I'm 24." Charles informed all in sudden.

Erik blinked.

"26. You sound younger than 24, Charles." Erik smiled and if he was not mistaken, that was tints of a blush he saw on the man's pale white cheeks.

Silence lingered between them for a moment. Erik looked around him and thought that if he didn't take any further action, Charles sure would leave.

"Well, since we are already here...why don't we have a walk?" Erik offered but Charles on the other hand, grinned cutely.

"I already did, 4 times in a row!" Charles laughed. Erik rubbed the back of his neck, feeling sheepish all of sudden.

"Then... let's make this the 5th time." Erik grinned.

"Do you like cakes?"


"Yes, cakes."

"A lot!"

"Then let's make them."

Erik smiled as he took one small wheel of cheese into his cart. Charles stood beside him, looking at the taller man in total confusion.


Erik chuckled before taking another wheel of the same cheese, offering it to Charles to sniff.

"It smells... cheesy." Charles's face scrunched. He was unable to figure out the smell but by the chuckle he got from Erik, he knew he got it wrong.

"This is Camembert cheese. It is one of those high quality cheeses. It has a very rich taste, sweet, sour and salty at the same time. When it is mixed with brown sugar and coffee, the richness of the cake will be able to make you reach the 7th heaven." Erik explained with a smile.

Charles's lips formed an adorable 'o' at his explanation.

"Now, what kind of fruit do you like?"

"Strawberry." Charles answered a bit too quick and Erik assumed that the younger man was now very excited about Erik's plan.

"Where are we going to make them?" Charles asked curiously whilst the chef picked few fresh strawberries into a small plastic. Erik was about to say 'his bakery's kitchen' but that could never be a great idea since there were people that quite busybody about his personal life.

"How about my apartment?" Erik suggested and Charles's face turned into ten shades of red.

"A-All right..." he stammered. Erik smirked, picking the last strawberry of his choice from the freezer and gently pressed it against Charles's plump lips. The brunette blushed heavier before opened his mouth and took a bite of it from Erik's hand.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you..."Erik chuckled and Charles puffed his red cheeks, feeling embarrassed by Erik's tease.

"...Unless you want me to." Erik nonchalantly continued and plopped the remaining of the uneaten strawberry by Charles into his own mouth.

"Erik...!" Charles exclaimed and blushed at the same time. Erik turned his back to Charles, smiling as he licked his lips and started to walk towards the counter.

Their indirect kiss tasted really sweet.

"Just like strawberry."

"This is your apartment?" Charles glanced at the man beside him as Erik unlocked the door with his card. Erik nodded and opened the door to let the brunette in first. Charles stepped inside while Erik switched the light on and the brunette gasped by the scene in front of him.

The walls were made from glasses, completely allowing the occupants to view the beautiful city of Paris. Even the Eiffel Tower was visible to be look at very close from here.

The arrangements of furniture were simple. It was mostly because there were not many things to be arranged at the first place. The living room occupied with a set of brown leather couch. The huge plasma television was on the left side of the room and there were 2 gigantic speakers at the end of the left and the right angles.

Charles swayed unconsciously to the other room and found out that it was the kitchen. The kitchen connected openly with the living room.

However, the kitchen had a lot more and bigger space than the living room itself.

"Finish scanning my apartment?" Erik's sudden whisper on his left ear made Charles jump slightly. The brunette turned to his back to face Erik with a pout and Erik chuckled. The chef stepped inside his spacious kitchen and put down all of the needed ingredients they just bought on top of the marble counter.

"It's almost 6... I never knew shopping for ingredients could take such a long time." Erik raised his eyebrow as he stared at the clock. Charles took off his coat and approached Erik closer.

"I guess I made your journey extended?" Charles grinned and Erik just smiled.

"Where is the restroom?" Charles questioned and Erik pointed him the way. While Charles doing his business, Erik taking out a jar where he kept flour inside. All the things he kept inside of his kitchen were taken care of with love and tenderness.

For Erik, his kitchen was the only place where he could find his happiness.

But after experiencing moments with Charles beside him, maybe his kitchen would be the second place of happiness, Erik grinned.

"So, when are we going to start baking cakes?" Charles came out from nowhere and Erik nearly cursed in German out of shock. He gave a scolding face to the younger man and Charles only smiled innocently.

"Do you know how to bake?" Erik asked after finished taking out all of needed items.

"Not really..."Charles murmured. He sat on the counter as Erik began his task. The black haired chef put enough amount of flour inside of a big bowl before adding some butter and few eggs into it too.

"First, we need to make the batter."

"Right." Charles nodded his head, smiling as he watched Erik's expression. The pastry chef seemed to be engrossed in his doing. Charles could tell that baking and cooking (things that Charles praised Erik for because they were usually done by woman) were really his field.

"Are you planning to sit there and do nothing while I give all of my time and sweat baking for us?" Erik asked all of a sudden and Charles chuckled.

"Right... so what should I do?" Charles jumped from the counter and Erik turned to look at him.

"Squeeze the strawberries into juice to make jam. I'll give you the next instruction after you finish that."

"What? You mean... with my bare hands?" Charles gasped. He never thought that would ever come out.

"Yes. Handmade is the best." Erik smiled that blinding smile of his, making Charles's heart melted. The shorter man took the challenge and started doing as he was told.

"And oh!"

Charles blinked in bewilderment, looking at the handsome chef. Erik chuckled.

"Don't ever clap your hands."


"Let me! Let me!" Charles excitedly opened the oven while Erik smiled with a shake of his head towards the childish behaviour he was showing. The brunette took out all of their ten cupcakes on the tray, be careful not to hurt himself by the heat.

He put them on the counter and turned to look at Erik. The chef scooted closer to him.

"So what should we do now, my friend? Eat?" Charles grinned and Erik can't help but chuckled.

"No... We should decorate them."

Charles pouted looking at the cute and 'Eat Me!' looks that those cupcakes gave him but he still complied with the taller man.

Erik took out a bottle of whipped cream, chocolate powder, sweets and others. The brunette watched as Erik carefully swirling the whipped cream on top of one of those cupcakes. His hands gripped firmly on the bottle, trying to beautify the perfect swirl.

Once they were finished, both men found themselves sitting on the carpet belonged to the living room. They faced the glass wall as they started to eat their cupcakes. Charles was the first to break the silence by his awed voice.

"Waah... the strawberry jam came out from the cupcake! It's groovy, Erik!" Charles nearly squealed, pointing at the cupcake which he had sliced with his fork on the small plate. Erik smiled, taking a bit of the strawberry jam by his index fingertip.

"This jam is your own creation. Be proud." Erik chuckled as he licked his finger. Charles blushed but proceeded to eat his cake.

"You know, this is the first time I ate with someone here." Erik's sudden confession broke the wall of silence again. Charles turned to look at the man and saw Erik's expression softened. The chef also glanced to look at him and timidly, Charles bowed down his head.

"You're so cute." Erik chuckled, leaned forward and pinching the blushing cheek. Charles twitched before pushing Erik's hand away.

"It's hurt..." he scowled. Erik smiled as he continued munching on the cake in his hand. Charles looked back at the scene in front of them. The stars decorated the dark blue sky as if they were trying to lighten up the already bright atmosphere between him and Erik.

"How long you are going to be here?" Erik asked and Charles surprised, not knowing how to answer.

"Few... more days, I guess." Charles smiled and the older man barely nodded his head at it.

"We should start asking more question about each other." the brunette chuckled and Erik let out a small laugh by it.

"All right... birthplace?" Erik was the first to ask.

"New York. Yours?"

"Germany, of course. Current place?"


"Here." Erik smiled and Charles tilted his head to think of another question.

They continued to ask each other questions until finally Charles grew tired of it.

"Okay, this is the last one." Erik pleaded at the younger man and Charles chuckled.

"My friend, you had been saying 'last one' since the last five questions before!" he exclaimed and Erik nonchalantly shrugged. He gave his best shark grin – he was incapable of puppy eyes, what else he could do? – at the brunette and Charles laughed by his act.

"Make this the second last." Erik smiled and Charles waved his hand as the sign of his permission.

"Okay...lover?" this time, for real Charles could not help but laughed whole heartedly. Erik chuckled, he had knew from the very start that Charles was a single man.

"Preference of candidates?" Charles smiled as he stared at the outside view. His flushing face made him unable to look at the younger man. He seemed to be waiting so eagerly, yet patiently.

"I like someone that can cook well since I'm food lover, then he or she must have those manners that I prefer such as, humble. I don't really care about sexuality, status or money since I know I can earn money well too. I like someone that can pamper me and at the same time scold me if I act too childish and irrelevant. That person must able to teach me new things. Example like..." Charles's voice trailed off and Erik stared deadpan at him.

"Like...?" He unconsciously was urging the brunette to continue. Charles chuckled bashfully.

"Baking cakes."

"Yes!"Erik screamed in his mind, his icy eyes shone brightly and Charles tried his best to hide his burning face with his palms.

"Okay, okay... last question. I promise this is the last of the last." Erik's smile could never be wider than the one he already got upon his face now. Charles helplessly nodded his head at the request.

"If the candidate's name is Erik Lensherr, will you accept him?"

Silence came between them and finally Charles let out a small whimper of embarrassment behind his palmed face.

The other man carefully took his measure to sit closer to the oblivious brunette. He pushed the already empty place to somewhere else and took the place beside Charles.

"Charles..."he softly whispered and Charles embarrassingly turned his head to face Erik. However his palms stayed to cover his red face and he stared at Erik through the gaps of his fingers. Erik chuckled and gently pulled away those hands from their owner's face.

"So adorable." Erik grinned as he rested their foreheads together. Charles's face could never be as red as it was now. He gripped on Erik's shirt, unconsciously pulling their bodies closer.

"Shut up." he murmured, trying to stare at anything but Erik's eyes. However the latter managed to hold on his chin and raised his face up so that their eyes met.

"Do you mind if I kiss you?" Erik couldn't help but feel embarrassed, too, by his bluntness. The small gap between their faces made Erik's heart started to beat faster.

"You just asked the last of the last question before... Why ask again?" Charles tried to brave himself and Erik smiled that sexy smile again, pressing their lips together in a second split. Charles in the other hand, slowly and timidly responded to his kiss.

Charles tasted like strawberry, sweet honey, chocolate and almost everything that Erik had used in his cakes earlier.

Carefully, Erik pushed down the younger man to lie on the floor without breaking their kiss, his hands gently made their way to unbutton Charles's shirt. Charles blushed but didn't protest at all. Once they pulled away, Erik smirked looking at the delicious looking 'meal' under him.

"Clap your hands." he whispered at the younger man. Charles, at first, blinked in confusion but complied nonetheless. Once he clapped his hands, all the lights inside the apartment were shut down.

A chuckle from Erik.

A gasp from Charles.


Sunlight reflected inside Erik's bedroom through the closed curtain. The famous pastry chef squinted to adjust at the bright light.

"Charles...?" Erik groggily opened his eyes, his hand patting the spot next to him on the bed to look for familiar warmth.

When his hand found nothing, Erik's eyes opened wide.

"Charles?" his head raised from his pillow and he blinked his eyes.

The other side of the bed was empty.

Erik carefully sat down on the bed, still feeling tired by the last night 'activity'. Charles might be shy and timid but who could never thought that on bed, he could be quite... demanding?

Erik chuckled at the memories and speaking of the devil, Erik couldn't find any track that Charles was still inside the apartment. Erik sighed, rubbing his temple.

At the moment he thought he finally met with his partner-for-life, Charles went missing.

Was there possibility that Charles would never return?

When Erik was about to get up from the bed, he saw a letter placed on top of the small coffee table. Erik slowly and silently took the letter and unfolded it.

"I'm sorry for leaving earlier without informing you. I have something to be done. Before I leave for Oxford, can we meet again? I will wait for you two days from now at 4 pm, the same place we first met.



Erik stared at the piece of paper for a moment. He was about to close his eyes and relax since he still got a hold of Charles now but then, something crossed his thought.

"2 days later? Evening...? Damn! That's Monday! The food critic is coming on Monday evening!"

"Calm down, Erik! He'll be here in no time!" Sean tried to calm down the pacing chef but Erik seemed to not being listening to him. He proceeded to wander from left to right, from right to left and repeated it nonstop.

All the cakes were ready.

Bakery was closed.

Table arrangement and cleanliness were perfect.

The chef was ready.

"WHERE IS THAT DAMN FOOD CRITIC?" Erik finally shouted. He couldn't take it anymore. He needed to be hurry. He tried to take an excuse from Raven but Raven stopped him because the food critic would come in any time between 4 pm until 6 pm and Erik's presence was not an option.

It was a must.

"Erik, sit down and relax!" Alex pulled him to sit on a chair and Erik groaned.

His life was going to end.

There was no way he could make it.

Charles was going to leave him and never came back!

Erik only got his name. No phone number, no address and no anything than a name! He was feeling like a fool for not asking for his number on that night!

"What an impatient pastry chef we got here." all eyes went towards the source of the voice. Erik's eyes widened at the sight in front of him and Raven's face paled.

That person standing at the front door, was the most meticulous person that Erik and Raven had ever known. If it was that person was the one that going to critic their cakes, it would take hours for him to be satisfied.

He grinned as he stepped forward and sat on the chair provided especially for him. The food critic.

"Now... where are the cakes?"

Sebastian Shaw sneered.

Erik groaned. His life was indeed... doomed.

"Charles!" Erik stopped in front of the empty bench as he tried to take his breath back. His body was aching from running like a madman after Shaw, which had somehow kindly ended his service earlier than he thought.

Erik looked around him, pain pang on his heart when he found no one. He came around 5 pm and it seemed like Charles had gave up waiting for him.

Sighing dejectedly, Erik sat on the bench and closed his eyes as he covered his face with his palms.

"I should have come earlier..." Erik softly murmured, again, sighing desperately for time to turn back so that he could fix his mistake.

"You should have."

Blinking his eyes in surprise, Erik looked up and his eyes met with an adorable sight of his Charles.

Charles was wearing a thick coat which was too big for him and his neck wrapped with a scarf, covering half of his face. His cheeks were red, probably due to the coldness and his eyes reflecting tears.

Erik stood up, speechless and Charles took off his right glove before throwing it on Erik's face.

"Take that!" he seemed to be mad but Erik couldn't help to chuckle. His pouty lips made him look a lot more adorable than he tried not to be. Erik kneeled down and took the glove, didn't want Charles's hand to turn out cold too.

He approached the smaller figure and Charles huffed at him.

"I'm sorry I'm late... there was an appointment with food critic just the exact time you told me to come here." Erik explained softly, carefully putting back the cotton glove on Charles's hand.

By the coldness he felt from Charles's small palm, Erik could tell that Charles had been waiting so long for him.

"Why is your presence needed? I waited for you an hour earlier, you could've at least come here and tell me to come back an hour later. I waited for two bloody hours here and I'm mad, especially because it is very cold outside here!" he scolded. Erik bit his lip, unsure about how he should answer the question.

"Well, it's my bakery. I'm quite famous here and if I am not there during the time for the food critic to try my cakes, it can cause my bakery to be closed down... because it is improper."

Charles stared at the man, feeling a little dejected.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I don't know. I want to be normal for you. Maybe then you'll think that I might just take you as a one night stand. I don't want that to happen. Offer me money, status, women... I don't want them. I just want you..." Erik murmured in a smaller voice and Charles couldn't help but blush.

He held the older man by his shoulders to prevent the situation from turning out to be too serious.

"I don't care about that." Charles stated as he stared at those pale eyes. Erik blinked in surprise.

"I just ripped my ticket to return to Oxford tonight because of you. I might take another flight but until then, you must take care of me. I don't care." Charles continued with this, somehow serious but red face.

Erik couldn't help but chuckled.

"Yes, my baby." Erik smirked as he pulled the smaller form into his embrace and just ignored it when Charles scowled at him for calling him that.

"All right... then do this..." Erik whispered in the younger man's ear, licking on it after that which Charles responded with a soft moan.

"Stop... distracting me..." he gritted his teeth and Erik smirked, pulling the brunette to face him and licked the strawberry batter on Charles's fingers.

"Very unclean. Cleanliness is very important in the kitchen and for a chef." Erik chuckled and Charles blushed.

"I'm not a chef... I'm a journalist." Charles interjected but Erik managed to close his mouth before he could babble any further.

Charles moaned into the kiss as he closed his eyes, his fingers found their ways to grip on Erik's black locks. Erik in the other hand, slipped his palms to travel on the warm skin beneath Charles' white shirt, his lips nipping hungrily on Charles's lower lip before entering his warm cavern. The taller man trapped the smaller one with his own body at the front and the counter on his back.

Once they pulled away, Charles was breathing desperately for air while Erik licked the soft skin belonging to his neck.

"Erik, my strawberry cakes!" Charles whined, trying to push his predator away but Erik caught his hands and held them still against his chest.

"Forget those cakes. I'm eating my 'strawberry' first." Erik groaned between his kisses and Charles's face turned redder.

"Sweet... very sweet." Erik finally pulled away and Charles almost fainted from his overloaded blush. Erik chuckled as he kissed Charles's forehead.

"I just never knew strawberry could ever be this sweet."

A/N : I might write a sequel if I get enough responds from this :) Perhaps a smut?

Review please.