Harry was at a loss for words, as he took Blaise from the blond boy's hands. Honestly, what was he to do? Without thinking he grabbed one of Blaise's bottles from the kitchen and rushed after Malfoy who was in such a hurry to get baby Luna to the infirmary, that he was already out the door. "Draco! Draco! What's wrong with her?" He screams after the boy, quickly catching up. He had Luna's head nuzzled into his chest, her small face bunched up red. Stuffing the bottle in Blaise's mouth, he gives the blond his full attention.

"I don't know, I don't know! Just look at her!" Draco's voice cracks, his feet thudding down the steps before quickly flinging open the infirmary door and shouting for Madam Pumphrey. "Pumphrey! Come quick! Hurry it's Luna!" Draco shouts, making Harry blink at the concern in his voice. "Yes, yes, put her with the others!" A frustrated voice calls, and Harry finally peels his eyes off of Draco to look around the infirmary, that he now realized was full of screaming children. So it was just a part of the assignment than. It seemed they were the last to get their kids to the infirmary, no thanks to Harry. Why the hell did he have to nap again? When Draco carries baby Luna over to a vacant bed at the far end of the room, and sits on the chair beside her, Harry takes the cue to go see Hermione and Ron. Baby Neville was hollering like all hell, as a matter of fact, he could hardly think due to all the screaming kids.

"Honestly, mate." Ron chides "Bout time you lot got here." At the same time, Hermione takes little Blaise from his hands. It seemed she was at a loss for things to do since Neville was ill and Seamus wanted nothing but to cling at Ron's leg.

"Thanks," Harry breathes out, his eyes finding Draco's bent head through the crowd of worried parents. "I'll be right back, yeah?"

Without waiting for a response, he makes his way over to the blond, dodging student son his way. For a minute, he hesitates. What was he to do now? What was he supposed to say.

"She's not crying." Draco says lightly, his head turning just slightly, so that their eyes meet. Momentarily hypnotized by the brilliant blue, there's an awkward pause before he responds.

"What?" He asks stupidly, at a loss for what to say. There was something in those eyes that seemed to scramble his brain.

"She's not bloody crying. She's not making a fucking sound." Draco seeths, turning his head quickly, but not quickly enough. Tears swelled up and spilled over, and Harry had the urge to wipe them away. He was right though. All the other children were wailing and thrashing, and she laid still, her wide eyes looking up at the pair of them. "What's wrong with her?"

"Nothing." Harry answers quickly, locking eyes with the blond, and forcing himself not to look away. Did Draco Malfoy really care? "I'll watch over her. You should go back to the room." Harry says quietly, placing a hand on the boys shoulder. They sit like that for a moment, before Draco drawls in a deep breath.

"Right, well." He says, mustering himself up and sucking up all his emotions. Turning, he struts past Harry and up to the room.

When Harry returns back, it's without Blaise or Luna. Madam Pumphrey told all the parents to go back to their rooms for the night, and Hermione wouldn't give up baby Blaise for the world.

When he opens the door, everything is dark, and Draco is no where in sight. Walking over to the bedroom, Harry takes in a deep breath before opening the door. Draco was there, asleep, his breaths coming in even little gasps. His lips twitching, Harry soundlessly closes the door, retreating back into the living room. Flopping back onto the couch, he settles down, pulling the thick covers over himself and drifting off to sleep.

It was Draco who woke first. The sun was still set, and the castle was quiet, and yet he was awake. It was, he thought, the dark calling to him. Or rather, the Dark Lord. He had, after all, not finished his mission. How simple would it be to kill him? How easy would it be to pull his wand, point it at Harry's sleeping chest, and send a green flash straight at his heart.

His feet moving without his permission, he stood looking down at the other boy, the moon shining down on his body, making his body look smooth like silk, and just as soft. His dark lashes extending down over his cheeks, and his small blanket twisted below his bare chest, which rose and fell with every breath he took.

He could do it now. All he had to do was lift his wand. All he had to do with shoot the spell. It was so simple. And what would he do afterward? With the body that was left over? With the lifeless body that could no longer breathe. With the brilliant eyes that could no longer open? What would he do then?


No, he couldn't think about it like that. He couldn't think of anything. Just the mission.

Moving closer, he bent down on his knees. Harry's face was so close to his now. There was no chance he could miss. Lifting his wand, he presses the cold wood against the soft skin under Harry's chin, lifting his head up. He just had to do it. He just had to-

Draco jumps, looking up to meet Harry's eyes that shone brighter than he'd even seen. He saw fear. Hope. Anger. It was the anger that took him off guard. Draco should be the one who was angry. Did he think he wanted to do this?

"Do it then." Her heard a voice say. Dry and repulsed. He felt denial flicker in his own eyes, but quickly blinked it away. He had to do this. He had to. "Do it, Malfoy." Harry says again, louder this time, his voice taking on an angry edge that made a shiver run up his spine. "Go ahead, Draco." Harry screams, but is cut off by Draco's hot lips on top of his.

Whether it was the use of his name, or the fact that those damn eyes wouldn't stop staring at him, Draco didn't know, all he knew was that his lips and Harry's lips were together, and another shiver ran through his body. Pushing Draco's wand away from his throat, Harry sits up, deepening the kiss. Placing one hand on the back of Draco's neck, Harry pulls him in closer, the Slytherin Prince feeling oddly warm under his hands.