Disclaimer: Starship & all related characters are property of Starkid productions. Any original characters mentioned however are mine.


She sat at the table, cleaning her knives and pretending not to sulk. Everyone else was having a great time; though her back was facing them she could still here their excited chatter and laughter. Up entered the room and taking one look at the scene sat down next to her and put his hand on her shoulder.
"It's not so bad Taz" he said "Maybe we can find you something to do later, something more appropriate to your ... skills" he flinched as Taz scowled back at him
"And what de hell do jou mean by dat?" she snapped. Krayonder, who'd been eaves dropping, felt he just had to have his say.
"Because you can't cook for shit."
They left it to Specs to escort a shaken Krayonder to the infirmary, scolding him on the way there.
"You are lucky her knife just cut your cheek. You do realise she could have taken your whole ear off." while Up took their place preparing the Thanksgiving Turkey. Leaving Taz in a full out sulk, muttering angrily in Spanish about how she's just gotten the stains out.


Taz scowled at the worried looking shop assistants while the dumb ass February chattered nonstop about matching the colour to her skin tone; or some shit like that. The rangers of star ship #15A-2 had been invited to attend a gala ball for successfully negotiating human settlement on Bug World. There was a strict dress code and attendance was mandatory, this meant Taz was going to have to wear a dress. There had been a lot of shouting, swearing and threats but eventually Up had gotten Taz to concede to going dress shopping with February. So now Taz sat slouched in a chair as February talked colours and styles with the fitter. Taz wasn't really listening and almost punched February in the face when she suddenly pulled Taz out of her chair and over to the mirror squealing about something.
"O.M.G. Lieutenant, this will look SO good on you!" February said excitedly, holding the dress up to Taz so she could see what she'd look like. Taz rolled her eyes and looked at her reflection. It was a plain white dress. It was the same ... no ... this one was strapless, but still.

Taz felt her stomach heave. Pushing the science officer out her way she ran out of the store and into the nearest bathroom. She barely made it to the toilet before she blew chunks. Now she wiped her mouth and rested her forehead on the rim as she tried to stop herself from shaking.

She fucking hated dresses.


"What do you think Taz'll be voted?"
Hearing this Taz looked up from her history paper and at Loris, who much to her annoyance was just lazing on the couch and staring at the ceiling. He'd invited himself and their mutual friend Axton over to work on their end-of-year assignments. So far Taz and Axton had been the only ones working, Loris had spent the previous hour and a half watching TV, making jokes and snacking.
"What are you on about now Trant?" said Axton who hadn't bothered to look up from the chemistry text.
"Well next year we'll be graduating right? And they have captions in the yearbook?" said Loris. Taz raised her eyebrows, they did?
"Well I was just wondering what Taz'd be voted, I think ... Most likely to kick ass." Loris grinned at Taz, but he quickly dropped it.
"Or most terrifying." he added with a shudder, seeing the look on Taz's face.
"That's bullshit Trant." said Axton making a note in his book. Taz opened her mouth to agree with him.
"She'd be voted Toughest Bitch," he paused for a moment "or biggest".

Later Taz relayed the story to Up; while eating their usual Chinese take-out in the lounge room.
"Now them boys are just being stupid" said Up pointing his chopsticks at her.
"You'd obviously be voted "Most likely to be strung up by Robots."
Up hid his grin with his arms as he held them up above his head, letting Taz beat him with a couch pillow and shout at him in Spanish.


Being in a relationship with Taz was like owning a cat, Up decided one day. She goes about her own business; don't pay much attention to him unless either he gets her attention or she wants something. She'd lounge all over him, took up the whole bed and any food that was his, within minutes of Taz showing up, would somehow become hers. But he also decided, as he stroked her hair while she was asleep curled up beside him with her head in his lap, that he wouldn't have it any other way.


Taz did not like dogs, and recently she had decided that Up was like a dog. He followed her everywhere; he kept knocking things out of her hands in half thought-out attempts to please her, he always wanted to do stuff together. He gave her sloppy kisses on the cheek and was always touching her. However, Taz thought as he snuck up behind her hugging her and resting his chin in her hair, perhaps dogs weren't all that bad.