The camera pans over to a girl of 13. She is grinning, and it's not a sane kind of grin. She's wearing an orange t-shirt with the Aperture logo on it, as well as the words 'TEST SUBJECT' and a barcode under the logo. It was printed in white. She was also wearing jean shorts, and a bandana tied in the manner of a sweatband around her head. It was black, and bore the Portal 2 logo. There are also 4 people standing behind her.
"Hi guys! It's me, FeeptheNinja! And these are my friends! You should remember them from Portalmon's interlude, but if you don't, these are Rishi, Arya, A.J., and William! And I am sure you all know why we are here…"
"To mourn the death of the Fourth Wall?" Rishi piped up. Feep gave him a look.
"No. In fact, I don't miss it at all. Damned thing just made life harder. Breaking it was the only fun thing to do with it." At this, everyone gasped.
"Corah-" A.J. began.
"You swore!"
"No shit, Sherlock. That's one of the reasons it's rated T?" All were silent.
"It's rated T?" Feep facepalmed.
"Yes. Read the memo."
"… Oh!"
"Anyway, now that that's out of the way, I would like to welcome our… guests."
"Hostages, more like!" came an irate, rather computerized voice from the other room.
"Oh, stuff it, GLaDOS. Don't make me regret keeping you in that body for the time being." And with that, Feep unlocked the door and stepped in, the 4 others following. Once inside, she locked the door again. And vaporized the key with glitch fire. Everyone was suddenly dead silent.
The room really didn't look too bad. It just looked… strange. And it probably had to do with the fact there were more AI in here than humans. And possibly the huge AI hanging from the ceiling… hell, everything about this room was weird. Cool.
"Is everyone present?" No one made a sound… of course, except GLaDOS.
"Yes. Everyone is here. Against their will, of course." Feep glared at GLaDOS again.
"You're lucky I love you so much, or you'd have a virus or three billion by now." She growled. One of the cores on the ground spoke up.
"Fact: It is not a good idea for an AI to piss off a ninja with extreme control over the glitch element."
"Great. At least someone has some sense here." Feep noted, looking at the pink-eyed core on the ground. "Good call, Fact. Anyway, you have a bit before your untimely torture begins. For we are going to play… the very first game EVER of Portal Truth or Dare! But we don't have enough dares and/or truths yet to make a proper chapter. So I'll just introduce the people playing so far." She paused. "And…now."
-Oracle Turret
-Companion Cube! ^^
-Ash the ASHPoD Mankey
"This will be updated next time." Said Feep. "And until then, feel free to send in OC's using the form in the 7th chapter in Portalmon.And truths or dares!"
All was silent. Then:
"Why is the Companion Cube here anyway? He/she/it/thing can't do much of anything…"
Chell's grip on the beaten, charred cube tightened and she glared at Arya, who asked the question.
"So she wouldn't kill us. Simple."
"I'm bored. I don't like being bored."
"How about we play Spin the Bottle in our spare time?"
"What if we use Wheatley for the bottle?"
"… Fine. But if you land on me, Feep, I WILL kill you after this game is over."
"Heh, heh… don't threaten me, GLaDOS. I have authoress powers! And glitch elemental powers…"
"I hate you."
"Thanks. Hey, this needs music!*Matryoshka begins playing*Better. Hope you like my playlist. Arceus knows you probably won't."
"Hey! I did not sing that song!"
"Heh… The Device has Been Modified FTW!"
"Why is the recorder still on?"
"Oh. Shoot, I'll get that… Oh, funny! Cave, Caroline, you-" *static*
A/N: PLEASE SEND IN TRUTHS OR DARES! Oh, and OC's. The author/authoress who sends in a used OC gets to be in this, so HURRY UP!
Just in case you want to torture me/ make me love you, here are the shippings I support.
-Cavelin [CavexCaroline]
-ChellDOS [mother/daughter, friends]
-SPACOSITY! [SpacexCuriosity]
Here's what I spit on and throw in a sewer.
-WheatDOS [why was this made?]
-Chelley [I like it a BIT, but it's just not… my thing.]
-ChellDOS I love you let's ****. It's just wrong on so many levels.