Hi, I'm Dobby123, and today will be the first day I write Prince of Tennis. I'm not too familiar with all the characters and barely knowledgeable on tennis, so I'm using what I learned from the first 55 episodes of Prince of Tennis. Please support me…

Takes Chapter 1 Bang

Honestly, I really don't know what happen, it went by so fast. It was me and the Seigaku tennis team going home from practice and we ended pretty late so we all decided, to go out to eat. Momo-senpai was being scammed into treating the whole team again, while surprisingly Inui, Fuji, Tezuka decided to join us too. So in total, it was the meek and mild Taka, mother hen Oishi, snakey Kaidoh, slave driver Tezuka, hyper kitty Eiji, loud Momo, data collector Inui, and predator Fuji.

I needless to say, was happy that everybody was able to come, but my usual demeanor didn't allow me to express it.

"Oh, nyaa~," Eiji exclaimed jumping on Oishi. "I'm going to eat till I pop."

Momo-senpai shouted, "I don't think so, if I'm paying you better get a respectable amount or you pay for yourself."

"Ah, nya~," Eiji scowled as he stuck his tongue out at Momo.

Taka said in his quiet voice, "If we're all going wouldn't it be better to pay for ourselves, seeing how Momo did ask just Ryoma-kun to come along."

Everybody sighed leave it to Taka, to say something like that.

Ryoma could only smirk.

Momo was in tears, "Take-sempai, you saved my wallet." He said grasping Take hands.

"Iie, it was nothing," Take said blushing.

Just as the group progressed forward, they suddenly heard screams and people running from a particular direction.

The Seigakuu group were confuse about what was going on until, they heard gun shots and everybody, where ever they were at, hit the ground.

Everybody heard something they didn't want to hear, a blood cutterling scream and they knew somebody got shot, however nobody dared move until the gun fire ceased. When it did, Seigaku did a once over to themselves and each other only to find Ryoma lying on the ground in fetal position clutching his arms and legs.

It was black out case from there.

Cream white was an ugly color once you thought about it. Momo, Fuji, Eiji, Take, Kaidoh, Tezuka, Inui, Oishi, were all sitting in the waiting room, seeing how clearly they couldn't get anybody from the Echizen family residence to answer their phone, so they were waiting for the bad news. That all they knew was coming. Bad news.

What would you expect after witnessing that scene?

There was so much blood, so much.

Eiji, threw up for the third time and Kaidoh, hissed.

Momo voice cracked when he asked, "Did anybody contact Ryuzaki-sensei?"

Inui pushed up his glasses, his hands were shaken very badly, but his voice stood firm. "No seeing how she would never make it by train, bus, and I doubt taxi. The chances her even being up at this time is 88%."

The group sighed.

"And nobody was able to get to the Echizens, so I assume that took and unplanned trip out." Fuji supplied. The group slumped further their chairs.

"Damn it, when are those doctors going to show up," Kaidoh temper finally besting him.

"Patience Kaidoh," Oishi said rubbing Eiji back lightly. "Ryoma is surgery right now and it's going to be a while." Oishi looked at Take mournful face and he sighed. "Take out of all of us your house is the closest. Go home."

Take shook his head.

"Well at least call your parents, no doubt they heard about what happened. The same goes for all of you, if you haven't done so already."

Everybody whipped out their phones and started calling whoever and Oishi went back to his silent prays.

The door opened to the waiting room and everybody stood.

"Doctor," Tezuka said.

"I see that his guardians aren't around," the doctor said dully.

"We tried to get a hold of them, but no luck, so how is Echizen," Tezuka asked.

The doctor looked almost reluctant to tell a bunch kids anything, but he couldn't turn them down not when they were hurting like that.

"The good news that Echizen-kun made it through the light surgery, he was lucky that the most of the bullets went right through him, however, his right arm receive a lot of damage especially to the nerves. So the possibility of him, being able to use that arm is slim to none. And if we don't see any improvements f the neck few weeks of therapy, amputation is the next option we have."

"But he will be alright," Momo asked just to make sure.

"The doctor nodded, "However he will have to learn how right with his left hand, for the time being."

"He's left handed. "

"Then there is really nothing to worry about," the doctor scribbled down something in his note book. "However we'll be keeping him a few days to ensure there is no internal bleeding or risk him popping stitches and therapy of course."

"Can we see him now," Eiji asked, eyes swollen red.
I rather y'all go home, the doctor thought. "Well I'll send someone to check you boys over and then have someone to lead you to his room, but in the mean time we'll try to get a hold of Echizen family."

They all bowed.

I knew it was over for me this year. I was out of tournaments for the rest of my freshmen year or longer. It was a major step back and I knew I was in trouble considering the fact that I have a lot of enemies in and outside his school. As soon as word get out that I'm unable to play tennis, I will be left open to taunts and possible threats cause they all knew that I won't be able to back up anything he says.

They would have me pinned down for sure. Unless they decide to be merciful and take pity on me.

That, I actually had laugh at, I've seen the envious eyes of freshmen's, those jealous eyes of my sempai's the one who still can couldn't make it into regular. They call me arrogant, but they're more arrogant than me.

Oh well they're too dumb to realize what I'm doing.

The door creaked open and I looked over scared out of my wits.




Well there you have please read and review. I like to know what you think of the story.