Disclaimer- I don't own anything. All this was made possible by the amazing Tamora Pierce. Although I would die just to even meet George. Lol.

The pain was the worst thing possible. Being away from him hurt more than I could have ever thought possible. The best way to describe it was that it was like my heart was ripping in two every time he was gone. But our jobs were important to us. We both knew what would happen if either of us failed at them. So he left and we both worked hard and worried about one another.

The day after he left I found myself thinking of different moments in our relationship. The first time I found out his feelings for me. That chaste moment in the library with him kissing me. I remember being so confused. When he left I thought he was just teasing me. Then the next time I saw him it was close to Prince Jon's birthday and I went to see George at the Dancing Dove. We laughed and were talking about different events like friends. That's when I was sure that he must have been just teasing me. But as I left to head back to the palace he kissed me again. He left and I rushed back to the palace, hoping Jon wasn't in his room. I also remember the first time George made me cry. We had just argued but this was different. He left during it. I was so angry I didn't care, at least not at the moment. But later I regretted not going after him. He left for a trip on Jon's orders the next day and I had to stay and be with Jon during a set of peace talks. He was gone for a week and the day he got back I rushed to his side and we both forgave each other the instant we saw one another. The next memory that came to me was the first time I told George I was pregnant with Thom. I was so scared. How could I be King's Champion and a mother? Those two things just didn't mix well. But George was magical that night. He reassured me I would be able to do both. He calmed my nerves and helped me to enjoy the very fact that I was carrying a baby. And he was right I did both jobs well. With all three of our children, Thom, Alan and Aly are all amazing and I do have to give credit to their father. He has helped me through every major change that has happened in my life. George Cooper was my first kiss and I know for sure he will be my last. He is the only person who can completely understand me for who I am. I must remember to tell him that when he gets home.

A/N- Ok. So this is like the smallest drabble but I had to get it out of my head before I could write anything else. And if the characters were a little out of character I am terribly sorry. Oh and I love reviews. So please send some :)