I'm running out of material for this story, so this is the last chapter!
Finn stood there, his mouth open.
"Rachel, this was fun, but… I got to go," he said before he grabbed his stuff and bolted out the door.
Rachel grabbed her stuff and followed Finn, who followed Quinn to the parking lot. She wanted to see how this would work out.
"Quinn, I'm so sorry," Finn said, walking over to Quinn and wrapping his arms around his girlfriend. "Quinn, I'm… I'm sorry for sleeping with Rachel, if you take me back I won't do it again, I swear." He leaned in and tried to kiss her.
"No!" she said, pulling back. "Finn, I… I can't go back, I can't. I'm so sorry, okay? Is this your revenge on me for sleeping with Puck? You don't know how much I regret it, but… it was different, I was drunk, I'm pretty sure you're not drunk on wine coolers and feeling fat. And… you cheated on your pregnant girlfriend, Finn! How do you think that makes me feel?"
"I'm sorry, we can work something out, Quinn, and I'll do anything!"
"No," Quinn said, shaking her head. "I'm… I can't stay living at your house, knowing you cheated on me with that thing. I'm… I'm moving out."
"But, Quinn… where are you going to go?" he asked.
"A house for pregnant girls a block away from Tina's," she said, sniffling and wiping at her red eyes with the back of her hand. "I… I considered going there before I moved in with Puck last time." She waved. "Goodbye, Finn Hudson. You should go out with Rachel. I'm sure that's what you've wanted to do for a long time."
"But, Quinn… you can't leave, that's my baby growing in there!"
"You're just a deadbeat dad like Puck," Quinn said, getting into her car and driving off.
Finn stood there, before Rachel came and put her arms around him. "Ignore that slut," she told Finn. "She's not worth it."
The next day, people watched as Finn and Rachel walked down the hallway, holding hands, and leaving a pregnant Quinn in the dust. The last time that happened it turned out Finn wasn't the father, so people just assumed that was the case this time, and Rachel didn't bother to correct them. Her life was finally good, and she was taking pleasure in destroying Quinn, bit by bit. Her, Santana, and Brittany were best friends, and drew up lists for Puck of who should be dumpster tossed and slushied. Quinn was always at the top of the list. Rachel made Quinn's life a living hell for weeks, and every day Quinn's face got sadder and sadder when she came to school.
One day, Quinn didn't come to school, and Rachel just figured that she was sick. But a week later Quinn still hadn't showed her face and Rachel wondered what was going on.
That afternoon, after lunch, Principal Figgins called the whole school into the auditorium for an assembly. Rachel sat in the front row, Santana and Brittany on one side of her, Finn on the other. And when heard what Figgins said, she wanted to just squeeze her eyes shut and pray that it wasn't true. Because she knew why it happened.
Principal Figgins announced that Quinn Fabray had been found dead, and all the evidence suggested that she killed herself. Finn just sat there, his mouth open. Santana and Brittany didn't seem to care much, turning to each other and just chatting about how that stupid slut deserved it, but Rachel cared. She sat there, twirling a brown strand from her ponytail on her finger, thinking. She was the reason Quinn Fabray killed herself, and even though she hated the pregnant girl, she didn't hate her that much to act like she didn't care. And she didn't just kill Quinn, she killed Quinn's baby too. Rachel knew what she had to do, in order to preserve Quinn's memory.
She quit the Cheerios and broke up with Finn, not caring if she got a slushie to the face every day for the rest of her life. When she quit the Cheerios, Santana and Brittany stopped being her friend, of course.
Rachel approached Quinn's grave, a simple tear coming from her eye as she kneeled in front of the headstone. She had a bouquet of violets in her hand, because they were Quinn's favorite.
"Quinn, I am… so sorry," Rachel stated, shaking her head. "I never thought it would come down to this, and I never wanted you dead. I… know it's probably my fault that you're gone, and… I don't even care if I go to hell at this point." She carefully, very gently, set the flowers on the grave. "Rest in peace, Quinn," she said before she got up and walked away to her car.
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