Vampire Twist

Chapter 4

Happy Reading!

Sunset. A silent town. A group of vampires.

Klaus surveyed the houses from the wide rode and saw a girl playing a piano on a nearby window. An elderly group of people waved at each other as they said their goodbyes and went on the different path of their houses. A woman was comforting her crying baby.

One of the vampires tilted his neck as he smell the feast that awaited them.

Stefan watched the people with a heavy feeling and turned to look at the vampire who just showed interest to the town. The vampire returned his look and gave a nasty grin.

"What are we doing here?" Stefan asked as he turned to Klaus who was standing in front of them.

Klaus slowly turned at Stefan with his expressionless eyes.

"Don't feign ignorance." he warned as he looked at the dozen other vampires with them. "This town is ours. Go."

At his command all the vampires attacked steadfast and headfirst at the town. Stefan looked in horrified as he heard the cries and screams of the villagers outside. Other savage vampires tried as politely knocking on the door and then requesting to be invited inside amidst the screaming.

Stefan stood still with Klaus in front of him. There was a strong scent of blood around and more screams of plea and help. The hybrid chuckled as they witness all of these.

"Aren't you going to join the feast, Stefan?"

Stefan held his ground and did not speak but his eyes were beginning to change due to the smell of too much blood. He closed his eyes tightly and breathed hard. Klaus saw his reaction and went near him. He tapped the younger Salvatore on the shoulder and gave him a squeeze.

"Help yourself. There's too much on the plate."

Stefan did not move for a second, but when he slowly opened his eyes it was different than before and without warning he dashed away in great speed. Klaus watched him go with a smile on his pale face.

Stefan dashed to an alley where he could hear a woman screaming. He saw one of the vampires in act of killing a woman. Stefan did not hesitate and run toward him, grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him off a wall. He then went over the woman and helped her to stand up.

"Go," he told her in concern. The woman scurried away while he watched until he felt someone hit him behind and he fell flat on the floor. Stefan immediately stood up and saw the vampire he stopped awhile ago glaring at him madly. He was the same guy who looked at him nastily awhile ago.

"I knew you'd be nuisance." the vampire said. Stefan gritted his teeth and the two fought.


Damon and Alaric stood by the warehouse where they knew Stefan had been. There was a dead body of a girl found behind the office. The men looked at each other.

"They've already started moving." Damon told Alaric as police swarmed the place.

"How do we know where they headed?"

Damon looked away and gripped the stick wrapped in cloth that he was holding.

"Dammit." He murmured.

"There's thousands of town they could go," Alaric continued as the two walked away from the warehouse and to the sunset. "How are we going to know where they headed first?"

Damon was about to speak when Officer Forbes appeared behind them.

"Damon," she started as the two men looked on her way. "I think-"

The radio on her right shoulder suddenly crackled.

"Officer Forbes- in- copy." said a males voice.

"Forbes here," answered the officer, "what is it?"

"Somethings on- Reodenville- screams very alarming- were on our way- copy-"

Damon and Alaric looked at one another.

"Okay, report back whatever you find out." Forbes turned the radio and then turned to Damon again but she found herself alone. The two men have disappeared.


Elena woke up inside her bedroom. She raised her head a little and saw Jeremy sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Hey," he whispered kindly. Elena blinked and then remembered what happened. She immediately shook her head and jumped out of bed.

"No- you're not keeping me here-!" she said stubbornly as she headed for the door but Bonnie was there in an instant.

"Don't make this hard for me, Elena," the witch said quietly as she too shakes her head.

"Bonnie-" Elena warned stepping forward, "Don't do this- where's Damon? Where did they go?"

"I'm not gonna tell you even if I know." Bonnie said while eyeing her friend.

Caroline and Tyler appeared by the doorway too.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"She's awake." Tyler muttered in an obvious tone. Caroline nodded and then looked at Bonnie for instructions. Bonnie sighed as she caught Caroline's eyes.

"Come on, Elena." Jeremy soothed as he stood quickly beside her, "Leave this to Damon. He'll save Stefan."

Elena looked at him in disbelief and then to Bonnie who said in a final statement,

"We can do nothing but wait."


Stefan threw the dead body of his enemy and then looked around. There were more terrifying screams and please. It rang through his ears and the younger Salvatore shake his head as at the same time the smell of blood seduced him.

He was about to help another human when all of a sudden Klaus appeared in front of him with the woman Stefan just helped awhile ago on his hand. She was quite dead.

"This is not what we've agreed about." He said calmly but there was pure warning on his black eyes. Stefan did not respond but merely stared at the hybrid.

Klaus took steps near Stefan and pushed the dead girl on his arms.

"Feed on her." he whispered on his ears. Stefan took in some air.

"I don't have to do this… I can do what you want without being like a monster…" he started.

"Can you?" Klaus walked around him with extreme patience, "Look at you now, under my employment and yet, you kill one of my men. Is that following what I want? No, I don't need you the way you are right now. Feed on her, or the next town we'll finish is Mystic Falls."

Stefan glared at the hybrid. Klaus did not seem affected by his murderous stare. Finally giving up, Stefan looked down at the dead woman on his arms. He gulped once, and then bared his teeth.

"I've told you a dozen times you can always say no, Stefan."

Stefan and Klaus both looked around at the familiar voice but before any of them could blink Damon had already stabbed Klaus with the weapon in his hands.

"This is for bullying my brother." he hissed as he pushed the stick deeper onto the hybrid's stomach. Klaus looked down on the stick as Damon stepped away. The stick was still covered in a white cloth.

"You plan to kill me using this?" he asked with a hint of mockery. "A piece of wood?"

"Think again." Damon nodded at him as the cloth fell on the floor.

Klaus' frown deepened as he looked at the long piece of crystal sticking on his guts. Stefan watched too with a look of bewilderment on his eyes. And then out of the blue Klaus staggered.

"Ahhh!" he shouted in agony as he felt the mystic power of the crystal stick. "What…"

"Bet you didn't think our witch is powerful." Damon muttered as slowly Klaus began to rot.

"Salva…tore…" were his last words before he perished into ashes.

"Well, that was exciting." Damon rolled his eyes and then walked near Stefan who was quietly standing on his spot with the dead woman still lying on his arms.

"I told you I'd save you." Damon winked at his brother, "Drop the lady now, Stefan."

Stefan looked at his brother and then gently laid the woman on the ground. After that he looked at Damon again with what appeared to be a look of gratitude.

"Thank you, Damon." He whispered.

"Always the babysitter." Damon raised an eyebrow at him and then turned around exactly as Alaric came in view.

"Let's hurry- there are still several vampires on the loose and- whoa… is that-?" he pointed at the ashes on the floor.

"Dead hybrid." Damon nodded and then grabbed Stefan by the collar and pulled him, "Let's go, the officers are coming."

"We should get rid of the vampires here." Stefan touched Damon's arm.

The older Salvatore looked at his brother in disbelief.

"Are you insane-?"

"Damon." Stefan said more quietly.

Damon stared hard at him and then rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, let's finish them off then."

And they hurried out to meet the vampires massacring the whole townspeople.

"Can't say no to your brother now eh?" Alaric called as he smashed a wood chair into pieces and grabbed a stick. "Seems really- unbelievable!"

"Oh very cute." Damon snarled as he bit and killed one after another vampire. "Shut up- there's one on your left. I won't bother helping you."

Alaric ducked and stabbed the vampire attacking him around the heart.

"Geez, you vampires." Alaric muttered.


Elena paced around the room in anxiety with Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler and Jeremy watching her.

"Calm down, Elena…" Bonnie started.

"It's been six straight hours and still no news from them." Elena said as she dropped moodily on her bed. Her friends looked at one another and it was Caroline who sat with her on the bed and talked her out of it.

"Hey, you trust Damon and Stefan, don't you? Let's leave it to them… they're the Salvatore brothers, I don't think there's anything they can't do if their together you know."

Elena considered for a moment, then closed her eyes and sighed quietly. Caroline rubbed her back in sympathy. Just then her ears caught some sound below.

Elena noticed the change in her friend's attitude.

"What is it, Caroline?"

Caroline looked at everyone, and then said, "They are here!"

Elena immediately run downstairs and saw Alaric, Damon and Stefan in the front door.

"Stefan!" she called as she threw herself to his arms and embraced him very tightly.

Damon whistled and rolled his eyes as he went to the living room without another word. Alaric, too, left the two and accompanied Damon on the living room.

"Stefan!" Caroline shouted as she and the others swarmed around the couple.

"They seemed happy enough." Alaric muttered beside Damon who was opening a bottle of firewhiskey.

"Really?" Damon rolled his eyes again and sipped on his glass. "Satisfying." He muttered.

Alaric shook his head, asked for a wine glass, and then held it for a toast.

Damon watched his brother with Elena and the cheerful crowd around them. He kept staring at them until Stefan gazed back at him. Damon raised an eyebrow and then left the kitchen. Stefan was embraced by Elena one more time.


Late that night Stefan walked by the library where Damon was taking his usual blood tea. The fireside crackled quietly as Damon sensed his presence.

"If you are going to thank me-" he started

"Thank you." Stefan said

"-you already did a couple of times ago." Damon finished as he looked at Stefan through half close eyelids. "Stop it already, its destroying me."

"Come on, Damon." Stefan smiled at his brother, "You did save me."

Damon gave him a hard look then looked away again.

"Not like I can let you like that. You'd get my reputation under the mud."

Stefan continued smiling.

"You were worried about me." He finally said. Damon raised an eyebrow from where he was sitting.

"And that makes you very happy? How naïve. No- Stefan- you're creeping me out. Go back to your room before you disgust yourself even more."

"Why are you so against it?" Stefan's smile broadened, "You were very affectionate when we met on the apartment."

"For the cry of the bull stop it, Stefan." Damon warned as he got up from where he was sitting and stood in front of his brother, "And might I remind you that I didn't have to be so damn affectionate if you didn't go sacrificing yourself in the first place. You're a real idiot, d'you know that?"

Stefan nodded, "It was necessary."

Damon eyed him.

"Don't you dare do something as stupid as that one again." he raised his eyes at him in a threatening way, "But knowing you I know you wouldn't listen. How many times have you done this? First sacrificing yourself in that cave to get Elena's brother, then you fancy sacrificing yourself in place of Elena's aunty that night… Are you really retarded?"

Stefan looked on the floor for a second then looked at his brother who remained looking displeased.

"Dammit Stefan," he said finally, "you'd be the death of me."

"I'm sorry." the younger Salvatore whispered.

"Don't apologize to me." Damon turned and headed for the door, "The next time you try and do this idiotic thing again I'll throw you on the cell and leave you there."

Stefan watched the back of his brother disappear by the doorway with a warm look on his eyes.

"Thank you, brother." he whispered.


Thanks for reading! :)