Vampire Twist

by: WhiteGloves

OK so since we will have to wait till September I think having a presuppose story line for Season 3 would be amazing! This is a fanfic story taking up from Season 2's epic ending.


Damon, Elena, Alaric, Caroline, Jeremy and Bonnie were standing around the Salvatore living room. They gathered around concerning Stefan's sacrifice.

" He gave himself over just like that?" Bonnie looked as if she swallowed a bullfrog, "And for you?"She shot Damon a look who looked back at her but did not speak.

"Look- this isn't the right time to fight! Stefan's missing with Klaus!" Elena looked anguish.

Damon looked at her and then headed for the door, "I'm going to find him. I'm going to bring him back."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." said a voice. They looked around and saw Katherine standing by the door looking unproblematic.

"YOU!" Elena shouted as she tried to run toward Katherine with her jaws set but Katherine was ready. She appeared so suddenly in front of Elena and attempted to strangle her but then- she found herself immobilized and couldn't move a muscle.

"Try hurting her and you're dead!" Bonnie warned as she used her magic powers to control her.

"Witch." Katherine muttered as she rolled her eyes. Elena took a step forward and gave her a first slap on the face.

"What the hell?" Katherine's fangs appeared so suddenly. She tried to struggle to attack Elena but Bonnie's powers were strong.

"That's for hurting both Damon and Stefan!" Elena said in a heated voice. Damon watched her meaningfully. Elena slapped Katherine again. "That's for my Aunt Jenna!"

"I swear if you hit me again I'll kill you the moment I get off this-"

Elena slapped her again, this time with full force that Katherine's lips started to bleed.

"That's for trying to take Stefan from me and letting him hand over himself to Klaus!"

"Hey- bitch- it's not me who sent him to Klaus!" Katherine started angrily, "If you want to know who sent him why don't you ask your witchy friend?"

Everyone's eyes went to Bonnie who looked around warily.

"Stefan asked me to help him find a cure…" she said in her defense.

"It's not her fault." Jeremy stood beside her.

"It's no one's fault." Alaric said quietly, "It's an accident. Even Tyler didn't mean it."

"I'm sure he didn't." Caroline said sounding convinced.

"Which still brings us back to nothing and Stefan is still with Klaus." Damon sounded impatient already, "I will go and take him back."

"Klaus will kill you if you interfere with his plan with Stefan." said Katherine, still unable to move. Damon gave her a look, and then suddenly rushes to her and grabbed her throat.

"What do you know about his plan with my brother?" he hissed, "Answer me!"

He choked her with his grip. Katherine's face contorted with pain.

"I- I've no- idea! Let go-!"

Damon pulled Katherine close to his face and hissed in an undertone, "You already took half of my heart away 145 years ago." his eyes were murderous as he stared at her, "I'm not gonna let you and your playmate take the other half of it."

"Damon- you're killing- me!" Katherine's eyes began to water.

"You don't deserve death."Damon released her and turned to the others again. "I'm all kill."

He turned toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Elena went after him, "Damon!"

"I'm going to save him."

"How?" Alaric asked sounding doubtful.

"The only way I know how!" Damon spat impatiently as he turned once more.

"You can't save him." Katherine coughed but looked Damon in the eye, "He can't comeback. Klaus is an Original. He takes promises to the grave."

"You really think I'd care about that, bitch?"

"Are you sure you want to see Stefan the way he is right now?" Katherine shouted that made Damon glare at her. Everyone did.

"What do you mean?" Elena whispered slowly.

Katherine's eyes locked with Damon's.

"Klaus' gonna bring out the animal out of Stefan." she then whispered.

Elena frowned in bewilderment. She looked back at Damon whose eyes were huge with understanding.

"Oh god…" he whispered, "He's going to make him a ripper."


There're lots of Season 3 stories out there!

This is just one of many that will end before September!

Thanks for reading! :)