Full Blood
No, I don't own glee.
Summary: A school for half bloods. Creatures whom are strong, brave, sagacious, vindictive yet purposeful, the essence of power. And then there are myths, tales that are as old as time.
1. Myth
The atmosphere was bleak, the gentle bustling had vanished and instead made room for coldness. The beautiful flamboyant birds flew from their places on the thin branches. Flapping their wings far away from their current surroundings. Pushing further within the sky, flying so fast, and so high that their body's became mere dots. Until they vanished and left the place they had been for far too long. Leaves that had recently made beautiful music with the breezy air, had silent itself. Showing only their colorful blades.
The place itself had turned frightfully quite, nothing but the sounds of a baby's sobs seem to be heard. Nature itself seemed happy, but the two creatures couldn't say the same thing about the anger they have released by letting this particularly baby born. However, they couldn't just let it die or kill it, knowing that it is their own. No matter the rage and the battle they have released by now. It was thereby their own choices, own mistakes, by choosing to engage in an impossible love. If only they could've control their needs and hearts, perhaps then they wouldn't have to be in such a complicated situation.
A cold breeze crawled along the mother's arms, sending shivers down her spine. She took in a huge breath as if trying to steady her breathing, before wrapping her paramour's jacket tighter around her precious baby. The woman cradled her child back and forth, trying to silents it from it's audible sounds. She kissed her newly born daughter on it's temple, before letting her lips slide to her baby's ear. Opening her mouth she let a song from her heart engulf her child's hearing. Singing a song she had loved since the beginning of time. The mother knew that this song had eased her fears countless of times, and thus she tried to make her daughter's anxiety lessen by her words. The mother's heavenly fingers pushed her child's soft brown bristles from her face, making sure that the brown eyes the mother was staring into, could capture her face.
She shifted a few times, feeling the damping grass she was sitting on wetting her white gown. The wet coldness trying to enter her clothes and touch her tender body. Nevertheless, she shrugged away the lazy attempt of the water and clasped her legs beneath her body. As her arms enhanced around her baby.
A dark shadow seemed to come closer to her sitting body, bending to her eye height. It's fairly black hair falling concrete in front of his eyes and droplets of sweat following it's leads before landing on the damped grass. The woman gazed at the little drops of water falling from her paramour's face and disappearing in the grass. She enjoyed the sight she had before her, looking at the one she loved standing by her side during the hardest period of her life... Of their life's.
His crude hand came lying upon her cheek as he used his thumb to cherish the outline of her jaw. ''How are you feeling,'' he whispered softly, as his eyes fell upon his child. He smiled slightly at the picture before him. The woman he loves and the child she had brought upon this world.
''I am feeling better, Dustin.'' She sighed, ''I am just a bit scared.'' Her lips trembled, as her eyes connected with the concerning gaze of the man she loves. ''She has been born, and now they will surely find us. We can't run anymore.'' She bites the inside of her cheek, trying to suppress her tears. Knowing that it wouldn't be long before her strenght would give out and the tears would surely set themselves free.
''They will not come near you or my child, that I swear!'' He held her cheek a bit more forcefully. ''I will protect you, and our child. No one will get her, not so long I'm alive.'' He kneeled before her, his hand leaving her cheek and coming upon his child's head. ''I will do anything to protect you. If it was not true I wouldn't have left the underworld for us, would I?''
She nodded, ''I know. But it's just,'' she sighed. ''Now that she has been born, it will not take long before they'll feel her presence. And I don't think that running will help our situation any longer. I also highly doubt that you can prevent this engagement from happening. It will, Dustin. And I don't think I can live with my self if they... Hurt her..'' Her eyes began to sting, tears threatening to come poring out. Though she still refused to cry, she doesn't think that keeping a hold on her tears will work forever. And as an Angel of her caliber it would be a weakness if she were to let herself weep, and she doesn't want to show any more sin's then she already has.
''Stop saying such foul words, Shelby. We will fight this, together.'' She always admired his determination, he never seemed to give up even if the chance of them succeeding seemed less then thirty percent.
''How do you expect us to fight hell and heaven together. And also with the assistance of Shannon?'' Shelby cradled her young daughter calmly, her fingers dancing through the short smooth hair clumps. ''We have escaped them now, but it will not take long before they find us. Our baby is already sending in a signal without her knowing it will be her death. Her energy is already starting to circle around this universe.'' She shook her head, ''I refuse to let her die Dustin. I have tried too hard to keep her save. Therewithal we are mere two creatures against a thousand, perhaps millions. How in the world can we defeat them?'' Shelby already felt her hope diminish. Her fate hanging on a lose thread. However, whatever may happen today, she would rather die then let her child decease as an innocent creature. Or fall in the hands of evil.
''You must have forgotten that I am; Dustin Coolsby, the Devils former right hand. I am as powerful as all demon's combined.'' He smiled triumphantly, ''and you my dear lover, are the Angel of light. No Angel can overcome your strenght or your wisdom.''
She nodded, but doubts that her wisdom was still intact. For if she was as smart as he aughts her to be she would have never fallen for a demon. Or even have gotten impregnated of one. ''I know, but they are with more. And no matter how strong we may be, we can't fight all of them at once... Five may attack you, but you will not see who's at your back.''
''Quality above quantity.'' He whispered.
''Perhaps..'' Shelby eyed her brown haired child, ''we haven't named her yet.'' She whispered, as her mind started racing through various sorts of names, but none seemed to fit her child appropriately.
''Oh, yes, I almost forgot.'' He took his hand of his child and laid his index finger on his chin. ''What about.. Elizabeth.''
''No!'' Shelby began, ''our child does not look like an Elizabeth.''
''Yes she does. Her nickname could be.. Beth.'' He nodded frequently. ''Such a name would be perfect. Beth.. Doesn't it flow of your tongue like it does with mine?''
''No, it doesn't,'' she shook her head, still reflecting which name would be best for her young daughter. ''It has to be a name that is beautiful, yet known.'' She gazed back at her child. ''How about, Rachel.'' Her precious baby seemed like a Rachel to her. A name that somehow concluded happiness, yet potency.
''I still say Beth, but if you do like the name. We will go with it. Everything for you.'' He leaned back, as he laid his hands upon his knees, using his full body strenght to pull his self up. ''Though, I say, we ask another person to help us with the name choosing.'' He turned around and eyed his naturally surroundings. Searching for the one person whom was not biased between neither of their shapes or history. Particularly his history. One who had followed them during their journey of love and freedom. She may be an Angel, and was therefor different from him, but she had not chosen to end his child's life as the other Angels would like to see happening. But contrary stood fully behind Shelby's decision to raise this child to her expectations as a reverence, pristine child, yet powerful. Perhaps still having the darkness roaming through her veins from his prenatal side, but using her powers for the greater good.
He therefor, had chosen to follow the road of the woman he loves because that was the only way he could keep her. And still be a part of his child's life. Although he might still have his dark times, and he still had that voice inside of his head, telling him to take the child away from it's mother's hand and bring her to her rightful place in the underworld. He kept his self in restrain, and he knows that the only reason he was still holding his self strong and on both two feet was because of the woman whom had just hours ago brought a child to this cruel world. Not even caring that the official existence of this child has brought war.
Dustin wouldn't say this out loud, but if it was not for Shelby, he wouldn't care less about the baby. He somehow thinks that the only reason that she's still with him, is because of this child. Thus he would do anything to keep the baby, just so he could keep the woman he loves.
Nonetheless of his feelings about the child, he couldn't fully strike away the side of him that tells him that the child will destroy his relationship with Shelby.
He can't let that occasion take place.
''Shannon!'' He yelled, stepping a bit forward. ''Can you come here?'' Dustin turned around, looking for a sign of the brown haired woman. He turned his eyes to slits as he gazed upwards, seeing a figure coming closer. The body flying high above the trees, with wings that were as white as the clouds itself. Her wings clapping loudly against each other as she flew with every thrust closer. Her body flying down to their current insertion.
Dustin knew that she wasn't one of the prettiest Angel's he has seen in his lifetime, but she was one of the kindest and goodhearted and therefor, in the words of Shelby; 'She is, one of the most beautifulest of Angel's I have ever laid eyes upon, just because of her heart.' He thinks that her statement has been nothing but the truth, for this woman had believed in him when he said that he loved Shelby and would do anything for her and the child. Even though if his statement wasn't entirely true.
''You have called?'' Her eyes searched the face of Dustin, but as she gazed above his shoulder she saw Shelby sitting on the ground, holding a young infant in her arms. ''You have giving birth to a baby? But how- why don't I know about this already.'' Her eyes widen. ''To be precisely.. Why haven't you called me!'' She ran closer to the newly mother, completely dismissing Dustin's call. For all she cared about was the well being of Shelby and the baby.
''I am fine.'' Shelby gave her a soft smile. ''And she is fine too.'' She monitions to the baby. ''Dustin had called you, because he had a question for you. But seeing as you ignored him I will ask the question.'' Shannon kneeled before her. ''What do you think about the name; Rachel? Dustin wants to call her Elizabeth, but I prefer Rachel. What do you think?''
Shannon smiled, ''Rachel, is perfect.'' Her eyes gazed at the young baby in her arms.
''Do you want to hold her?'' Shelby loosened her grip around her child.
''Yes, I would love too.'' She extended the baby to Shannon whereby she took her gladly. Wrapping both her arms around the child. Her left hand holding the back of her neck as her right hand held her waist. ''She's so beautiful.'' Shannon felt herself astray in the brown eyes of the gorgeous baby. Staring at the face of a harmless little soul. Shannon had decided right there and then that she had never seen anything more beautiful or precious.
Dustin on the other hand stood still on the same spot he was standing at, when calling Shannon. He turned around as he stared at the two woman, both seemed so glad of the miracle they have experienced. He gazed at the eyes of his beloved paramour. Her happiness glowing along her features. Her lips curved up, showing of her beautiful high cheekbones. He found that she had never seemed more happier.
A strange nauseating feeling started building up in his stomach, he tells himself that it isn't jealousy. That he isn't jealous of his own child who is the cause of his paramour's happiness.
He walks forward, his gaze never removing from his daughter, as the feeling in his pit builds up when hearing his lover giggle.
''She really is beautiful.'' Shelby puts her hand upon her baby's head.
''Yes, she looks just like you Shelby. Just as pretty.''
Shelby smiles, her eyes somehow beginning to feel the excitation of her tears. ''She seems to smile if I sing her a song.''
''Perhaps she likes music,'' Shannon reacts, while her eyes kept fixated on the baby.
''Perhaps..'' Shelby stay's quite for a second, staring at her daughter in Shanon's arms. ''Rachel,'' she softly whispers enjoying the name rolling of her tongue. ''Young girl don't cry, I'll be right here when your world starts to fall..'' Shelby closes her eyes, pressing her eyelashes tighter against each other. Her lips moving slowly as she sings the song that seemed to calm herself when she was feeling grief. ''Young girl, it's alright. Your tears will dry, you'll soon be free to fly..'' Her fingers moved slowly on Rachel's forehead, her thumb tracing her cheek. Feeling her cheekbones turning upwards, she started singing slightly louder. ''When you're safe inside your room you tend to dream.. Of a place where nothing's harder than it seems.'' A little giggle escapes Rachel's lips. Shelby opens her eyes as she stares at her little child, enjoying the sound she produces. ''No one ever wants or bothers to explain, of the heartache life can bring and what it means.''
''When there's no one else, look inside yourself. Like your oldest friend just trust the voice within.'' Shelby hears another voice join in during the chorus, their voice blending extraordinary nice. Shannon rocks Rachel back and forth, as she also starts singing with Shelby. Noticing that Rachel was smiling the prettiest smile Shannon has ever seen, has ensured her to participate with the singing. ''Then you'll find the strength that will guide your way.. You'll learn to begin to trust the voice within.''
They stop singing and instead just keep watching the little girl who's smile seems endless. A smile that in a strange way seems to give them both the feeling that everything is possible, and that the world has countless of possibility's.
''Shelby, you do know that keeping her is going to be dangerous.'' Shannon removes her eyes from Rachel and gazes at Shelby. ''She's not just a child, she's an junction. A clash of darkness and light. There is no way that she will be save among you and Dustin.''
''I thought that you supported our choice.'' Shelby replied bitterly.
''I do,'' Shannon sighed. ''I still do, however, they will find her. And I suggest that you come up with a plan, fast. That can guarantee your safety, Dustin's safety and Rachel's. Or perhaps, maybe.. There is another solution.''
Shelby looked back up. ''And that is?''
''Maybe you have to consider giving her away... For the time being. Give her to somebody you trust, and when she's old enough she may come and find you.'' Shannon swallowed. ''This way you at least no for sure that she's alive, then having to risk her security.''
Shelby wiggled uneasy, ''I can't just give her away,'' she looked down, staring at her folded legs beneath her. ''How do you expect me to go on without my child. I have done everything for her, and now you ask me to give her away?''
''..Yes. Unless you wish her dead.''
This sentence had ensured Shelby to start reflecting upon her choices and options. Perhaps, Shannon was right and this may be a good idea to precede.
If only she had it in her to give away her child. ''To whom may I give her then.''
Shannon shrugged, ''I don't know.''
''How can I make sure that the others don't find her, if I'm not near her to protect her from harm?'' Fear had once again adopt over her body. ''What if I give her to humans and she will follow their lifestyle, and within the years she starts developing her powers. What will the humans think.. What will she do?''
''Perhaps you should give her to Shannon..'' Both woman cupped their heads to the voice behind Shannon. ''If we give her to Shannon she will have someone who she knows. And Shannon can make sure that we meet her again.''
''You stand behind her decision?'' Shelby asked her paramour.
''Yes. I do, for this is the only way that we can keep Rachel save.'' His voice had a bit of contempt inside it, but it went unnoticed to the two woman. ''And on earth there are several of creatures whom are different just like Rachel.''
''Those are half bloods!'' Shelby practically screamed. She didn't want to lash against him, but she didn't want to lose her child either. It all in all angered her. ''Rachel is different, she doesn't come near their strenght because she's far more powerful... And far more dangerous.'' She whispered the last sentence softer. Curiously still not fully believing that her child is partly evil. ''It's just,'' she sighed shaking her head. ''She will not fit in. Rachel will not learn her original roots.''
''She will if we send her away with Shannon and we can live our life's, together.'' He walked around Shannon, stepping to his love and taking her hand as he knelt right next to her. ''You are the Angel of light, no matter what. And you can make sure that no creature will find out who she is, or where she is.''
''My spells are not that powerful Dustin.'' She turned her head to her baby, looking at it with hopeful eyes.
''But they are strong enough to keep her save for several of years. And with Shannon beside her she can reinforce the spell, making sure that it will last for another couple of years. Rachel will then hear about her roots, and find us when it's time.''
''I don't know...'' She kept her gaze focused on her child. ''What do you think Shannon? Since you would be the one guiding her.'' Shelby watched her friend's face expectantly.
Shannon stared at both parents, trying to find the humor in their statements but seeing none. She swallowed away her anxiety and rein-focused her eyes on the child. She gazed at the outline of the baby's lips. Looking at the brown eyes that were staring deeply in hers. Then she thought about the strenght the baby carried and what it could do with the right hands and right methods. The various of possibility's where endless... ''It would be an honor.'' She answered. Not even regretting the choice she had just made. ''I will watch over her with my entirely life. And will make sure that she will find you and Dustin.'' Dustin cringed at the thought of meeting his daughter again. ''She will learn her powers, and I know just the place she can. When she's older.'' Shannon uses her thumb to touch the little visible skin of Rachel's pols. The soft feel of her flesh burning on her fingers. ''I will raise her as my own.''
''Thank you,'' Shelby said, before standing up. But as she did this movement she felt something push her back down. Allowing her body weight to fall back to it's original state on the land. Not only was she already weak due to the giving birth to a child, she then again had to feel an enormous strenght push her back down. One that she hadn't felt in a long time. It seemed as if the power that had pushed her to the land was asking her- no demanding her to stay where she is. For something she wasn't ready for, to occur.
''Are you okay?'' Dustin held her tightly around her shoulders, giving her the support she needed to keep from falling down. He somehow didn't even seem to care about the wings he had just pushed aside to reach her shoulders.
The blood in Shelby's head seemed to leave it's place, her body stirring slowly. She tried to keep herself in a hold, but failed miserably. The stirring of her body accelerated itself faster. And the empty feeling in her head didn't seem to help either.
Shannon stood up, holding the baby tightly, as she also started feeling an unsought presence, she walked to Shelby's back, looking ahead of herself to see is she could spot a face that wasn't needed here or welcomed. She revolved her head as she looked around her body, gazing around nature to find something, anything. However, hoping that nothing was here and that the sensation of jeopardy would leave.
Unfortunately, she heard Shelby voice her fears.
''They are here.''
''All three creatures feared the worst. The females only caring about the safety of the child, whereas the male wanted to protect his love. For that is what he cared for, and only that.'' Mr. Schue placed a paper at the last page he was reading from before placing the book back on his desk. He shifted a bit, feeling his butt ace due to the very long sitting on the wooden desk. ''Are there any questions?'' He continued as he asked his class, as a purpose to find out if any of his students were at a mist at a certain part of the story.
Will sighed, eying his pupils as he waited for words to desolate their lips. He was therefor their history teacher and answering questions was part of his job. Teaching them about the past and sending music into their hearts was part of his job too. However sadly none seemed to show enough interest.
''I still don't understand why we have to hear this story.'' A female blond muttered from the back corner. She had her head on top of her hand as she leaned upon it. Vertebrae encircling her.
''Because Quinn..'' Will sighed, not understanding how he could still teach his students a meaningful lesson if none seemed to put their full concentration to it. ''As a half blood you have to know these certain things. Not knowing about the past, and what has happened not long ago can inflict damage in our current timing. Knowing more about it, can help you understand how to deal with the emerging proceedings.''
''I thought you said that it was a myth.'' His stubborn Latina pupil reacted. Will simply nodded. ''And myth means fiction, right?''
He sighed once more, starting to get irritated to explain the same meaning again. ''Yes, Santana you are indeed right. It does mean fiction.'' Santana smiled proudly. ''However, it has been written by people who seemingly want us to believe it. Some say that they try to scare us with their mostly, well.. Scary tales. But that doesn't mean that it isn't true. It means that we have chosen to see it as fiction. And if you look at the kind of people we are, and at the school you participate in, you can see that fiction has become reality.'' He smiled at Santana as he saw her face redden. ''If our fiction has become real, who say's that these stories aren't?''
''I still don't get what we will learn from this.'' Quinn straightened her back on her chair. ''What are we suppose to understand. The only thing we hear about is a little girl who has a mother who's apparently an Angel and a father who's a Demon... And actually I have to say that the mother is really stupid for falling for a Demon.'' Quinn rolled her eyes visibly. ''She was asking for problems by getting pregnant.''
''You can't choose who you fall in love with Quinn.'' Kurt reacted from his place two rows next to her. ''I doubt that a woman who's apparently very strong and wise, would choose to fall for a Demon. Her heart had fallen within love, and Dustin seemed to be the one to capture her heart.''
''I have to agree with Kurt,'' Finn perked his head up. Which was just seconds ago lying on his table, trying but failing to stay awake. ''She's like the Angel of light, and that is really huge. I really don't think that she would just pick a Demon and fall for him. That means losing her position and like, being a disgrace and all. Nobody wants that.''
Quinn glared at Finn, her lips turning into a thin line. Not even expecting that the long boy would disagree with her. ''Number one Finn, you were practically sleeping. How in the world do you know what we're talking about.'' Finn just smiled his crooked smile. Causing Quinn to roll her eyes again. ''And two, you only chose Kurt's side because he's your stepbrother. Brothers always stick together.''
''Perhaps,'' Kurt backed in, ''however, it doesn't take away the fact that we can not control our feelings.'' He pulled his hand up eying his nails from a little distance. ''Besides look at me, I'm gay. Do you think I have chosen to be who I am?'' Quinn shook her head, hating it that she had lost this discussion.
''It's sad, though.'' Sam responded who's sitting in the middle of the class room. ''I mean, for the baby. She's like, really little and all of a sudden her life changes. And she can't do anything about it.'' He sighs. ''The girl is barley a day old and they have already decided that she must die, not even knowing who that kid will turn out to be.''
''And that is it.'' Will jumped from his desk, standing in front of his class. ''It isn't about what she contains, but who she will turn out to be. Such a story is important for all of you to know. Because all of you are different, like her. And humans will judge you because of what you are not even knowing which kind of person you have turned out to be. Just like the girl in this story. She will be judged because of her father, and her mothers faults. And will live with it for the rest of her life.''
He eyed all around the class, letting his eyes stop at Quinn. ''Therefor you guy's have to know this story, for you are going to deal with it or have dealt with it before. Being condemned without people knowing who you will become.'' He stepped back towards his desk taking the book and holding it tightly. Raising it up for all eyes to see. ''Tomorrow we will continue with what happens next, and how it has changed that little girl's life.''
''Wait, Mr Schue.'' Mercedes piped up from her place behind Kurt.
''Yes Mercedes?''
''What about her dad? Did he like, accept her in the end and it all worked out fine?''
He smiled sadly. ''Not.. Exactly... That is for tomorrows lesson.''
''Do you think it really happened?'' Sam asked this time. ''The story I mean, is it true?''
Will merely shrugged his shoulders. ''We exist, why not them?''
At that time the bell rung, signaling the children that the lesson was over and that they were free to go.
The students stood up and pushed their chairs against the table, as they all strode out of the room. Sam seemed to walk slower then the rest, his mind somewhere else then the freedom he has just gotten. He seemed to still have his mind in the same lesson.
''Yo dude, keep walking.'' His friend Puck came behind him, putting his arm around his shoulder. ''I heard that Marie Anderson is going to try and break into Principle Figgens office.'' Puck grinned. ''Remember the last time she tried shit like that.'' Puck seemed to dwell into the memory. ''She transformed in a desk, because Figgens was getting a new one. But she hadn't thought about the desk he had ordered and which color it would be.'' He's shaking his head, and grinning widely. ''She so got busted when they saw a desk that was wearing a dress.'' He chuckled. ''Seriously she could at least put her clothes off if she wants to do shit like that.''
''Uhm, yeah dude.'' Sam didn't seem to listen to the story, his mind was still preoccupied with the tale they have just heard. ''Do you think that you can fall for bad, when you're like, not bad?''
Puck shrugged, ''I don't no man, but Kurt was right. We can't choose the ones we fall for.'' He shrugged again, pulling his arm away from Sam's shoulder. ''Now lets go, I don't want to miss Marie's epic fail.''
Sam laughed, ''yeah dude, you're right.'' Sam stopped in the middle of his walk. ''We should probably wait for Finn too.'' Sam was always one to think about his friends and keep himself reminded to hang out with all of them. He once had a relationship were he didn't give enough attention to his girl, but more to his friends. She had told him to divide his self over all of them and not give one more then the other. They eventually broke up, but he thought that she was right when saying that statement.
''Dude has already ditched us, I bet he's the first one there.'' This had Sam on full running mode.
''I'll race you there,'' Sam said halfway through the hallway.
''That's no fair dude!'' Puck screamed before following Sam, promising his self that he would overhaul him later on.