Hey there! It's a me again! No more AU for a while, I'm afraid. There will be no Terra bashing in this story (not to say she won't make an appearance) because I think I scared away some Terra fans...
whether you tell me something
that i did not know
whether you're neat and polite
or you scream and fight
whether you keep something from me
that i wouldn't like
still my favorite attitude
in this world so far
is the friendly spirit
of an iron heart
like the way folks are in
this most special place
i dont care what happens
i'm taking a plane to
"Welcome to Hawaii!" Cyborg shouted with a grin, as the Titans gazed at the home they would be staying in. Somehow, Starfire and Beast Boy managed to get Robin to let them take a vacation to Hawaii. Titans East were watching over Jump city for now.
"It is most beautiful." Starfire whispered, a happy smile on her face.
"And it's all ours for two weeks." Robin remarked.
"I call the biggest room!" Beast Boy said, pushing past Starfire and Robin. Raven rolled her eyes and yanked Beast Boy backward.
"Hey! What was that for?" Beast Boy said, rubbing the back of his head.
"I already assigned the rooms, Beast Boy." Robin said, unlocking the front doors. Beast Boy groaned but followed his leader into the house nonetheless. What greeted the five was a luxurious sight that could rival even the finest of houses. The walls that faced the ocean were made of glass and were perfectly clear. A modern square orange couch faced the wall, a beautiful view of the ocean in front of it. A huge skylight let in sunlight from the ceiling, which was very tall. A plasma screen T.V hung on the wall along with various modern paintings. There was a cherrywood coffee table with magazines and video games littered on it. The kitchen was elegant and also very modern looking, with a stainless steel refrigerator. Recess ceiling lights lit up the room and cookbooks were laid out on the counters.
"SWEET!" Beast Boy shouted, jumping onto the couch. He flipped on the T.V and grinned.
"Not so fast BB, we still gotta check out our rooms." Cyborg said, lugging in all of their luggage. Beast Boy immediately jumped off the couch. Raven rolled her eyes again and followed Cyborg and Robin upstairs.
"Alright. Star, your room is right there, my room is across from yours." Robin said. Beast Boy and Cyborg snicked while Robin glared at them.
"Cyborg, your room is down there. Raven, your room is down the hall, and Beast Boy's is next to yours." Robin said. Raven nodded and floated down the hallway to her bedroom. Beast Boy skipped beside her, grinning.
"Aren't you excited Rae?"
"I suppose." Raven deadpanned as they walked down the corridor. It was nearly as long as the ones at home.
"What? You're not excited at all? We're in Hawaii Rae!" Beast Boy said, stopping in front of his room.
"And we live in California. Which is by the water too." Raven replied.
"Whatever Raven, just remember to have fun." Beast Boy sighed.
"Fun isn't in my vocabulary." Raven said in a monotonous voice, sliding into her bedroom. The scene in front of her was a beautiful one. The ceiling was painted to look like a starry night and clouds dotted the blue walls. A glass wall faced the ocean view with a balcony. A large, round fluffy bed was in the center of the room, a dresser by its side. A small smile crept up on the pale girl's face. She dropped her luggage and collapsed on the bed, taking in it's feathery goodness. Before she could fully relax, however, there was a knock on her door. Groaning, she marched to it and opened it up.
"What do you want?" Raven said to Beast Boy, who was peering into her room.
"Robin said for everyone to come downstairs...Hey,...you've got an awesome room! Wanna see mine?"
"Pass on the invitation. I'll be downstairs in a second." Raven replied, slamming her door in Beast Boy's face. She unzipped her suitcases telepathically and placed her neatly folded clothes in her dresses. She did have to admit; she was looking forward to this vacation. As much as she didn't express it, she was excited. After putting all of her clothes away, she slid the door open and floated down the hallway, hearing nothing but video games from the living room. Floating quietly down the winding stairs, she found Beast Boy in regular khakis and a white T-shirt playing video games.
"Where is everyone?" Raven said, breaking Beast Boy's concentration. She floated over to the kitchen isle and sat down on a chair as far away from Beast Boy as possible.
"Star and Robin went sightseeing and Cyborg went to a luau." Beast Boy replied, pressing pause on the video game.
"Oh. Well, I'm going swimming." Raven said, breaking the silence.
"Oh oh oh! Can I come?" Beast Boy said, springing to life. Raven sighed. It wouldn't be that bad...would it?
"I suppose." Raven sighed, now floating up the stairs once more. Beast Boy ran up the stairs and into his room while Raven slowly made her way to her's. Inhaling deeply, she pulled out a bathing dark teal bikini top, a floral bottom and black swim trunks. As she slid on her bathing suit, Raven berated herself for even letting Beast Boy go swimming with her. Closing her eyes and silently chanting her mantra, Raven opened the door and floated to Beast Boy's room. She knocked on his door and told herself to remain calm. It was only Beast Boy after all. The door was flung open after the second knock and Beast Boy's eyes widened at the sight in front of him.
"Take a picture buddy, it'll last longer." Raven said smoothly, floating away from him. The sudden comment snapped Beast Boy out of his gaze and a blush crept up on his face.
"Wait! I'm coming!" Beast Boy said, bounding after her. Rolling her eyes, she slid open the glass door and began walking toward the sparkling lake, sunglasses on her head. Morphing into a cheetah, Beast Boy sped past her and quickly turned back into a human before cannon balling into the water. Raven walked to the edge and stuck her feet in, closing her eyes and enjoying the relaxation. Peace, however, can never be sustained for too long without someone interrupting.
"Come in Rae! The water's warm!" Beast Boy said with a reckless grin, morphing into dolphin and making that cricking sound.
"No thanks." she deadpanned, looking up at the sky and closing her eyes.
"Alright...you asked for it." Beast Boy said, grabbing her feet.
"No! Wait, Beast Boy! Don't-" she was cut off by a loud splash as Beast Boy submerged her under the crystalline water. Beast Boy laughed and pointed at Raven as she emerged from the water, soaked. She had a pissed off look in her face, and her hands glowed.
"Beast Boy!" she growled, the water evaporating from her body. Her face was red and she looked like she was about to rupture. The smirk on Beast Boy's face was immediately wiped off once a large wave of water slapped him across his face. He spit out water and narrowed his eyes at Raven.
"It's on now!" he proclaimed, changing into an elephant. Using his trunk, he sucked up water and sneezed it out at Raven. Thinking quick, she created a shield and sent the water flying directly back at Beast Boy. Yelping, he morphed into a tiny guppy and flopped into the water. Making sure he was out of Raven's target range, her morphed into a dolphin. Before she could even think, he sent a large wave toward Raven. It knocked Raven down into the water and she quickly got back up, a sly smile on her face. Using her powers, she sent a surge of water at the young challenged. Screaming, he fled underwater and made a dive for Raven's ankles. Rolling her eyes at his stupidity, she lifted him up using a tendril of dark energy. She held him above her, handing upside down. He had an unpleasant frown on his face and he aimlessly threw punches in the air.
"I'm gonna get you!" he said, making a grab for Raven's neck. She dodged his "attack" effortlessly.
"I have the powers of hell, do you really want to go there?" she said, sending him a questioning look. Beast Boy shrunk down.
"No." he squeaked.
"Good. Because I would trump you." Raven stated simply, crawling to the ledge of the lake and wringing out her hair. She kicked her feet around in a vain attempt to speed up the air drying. Beast Boy swam over to the ledge, choosing to remain in the water.
"Did you have fun?" Beast Boy said with a nervous grin.
"...this doesn't mean I still don't hate you." Raven replied, dodging his question and hiding her small grin. A smile played at Garfield's lips.
"You had fun, didn't you?" he said, his eyes lit up. Raven stood up from the ground and looked up at the sun, avoiding his question altogether.
"I'll see you later Beast Boy." she said nonchalantly, walking toward the house. Beast Boy shook his head and smiled, staring at the spot where Raven was just sitting. There was something about that girl that he just couldn't shake. It was infuriating, almost, how mysterious she was to him. At the same time, it was also alluring.
Raven finished brushing her hair and took a look at herself in the mirror. Her amaranthine hair was stringy and wet and her chakra stood out like a sore thumb on her pale forehead. Her lips were a charred gray color and her eyes were wide and violet. There was something about her sad expression that tugged at one's heartstrings. She was dressed in simple clothing-jeans and an old band tee- but she still managed to make it look beautiful. Yes, indeed. There was an air of mystery surrounding the half demon. Sliding on her bedroom slippers, she opened her door and followed the voices of her teammates to the dining room, where a feast was taking place.
"...beautiful! I very much enjoy the scenery of Hawaii." Starfire said, enunciating the state's name. Raven took a seat next to Cyborg, without saying a word. To her surprise, an edible meal was displayed in front of her.
"Starfire did. The cook books have been helping." Robin said proudly, gazing at his red headed girlfriend. The young alien blushed and looked down, stuffing a piece of roast chicken into her mouth.
"It was nothing, friends. I merely followed the instructions of the book." Starfire said humbly. Raven said nothing more and cut a slice of chicken and dumped some corn on her plate. After the long flight and the airplane food, she was rather hungry.
"I think it's disgusting. Tofu's where it's at!" Beast Boy said, picking at his globbish meal.
"You're just jealous out food has taste." Cyborg retorted, piling meat onto his plate.
"Tofu has taste!" Beast Boy argued.
"Yeah. It's called disgusting." Cyborg joked, a playful grin on his face.
"You take that back tin man!" Beast Boy said, shoveling food into his mouth.
"When I find tofu delicious, I will." Cyborg replied, making a point to chew with his mouth open.
"Ladies, please. You're both beautiful." Raven said dryly, making Robin laugh.
"I do not understand; friend Beast Boy and Cyborg are female?" Starfire said innocently.
"No, Raven means- it's just- never mind." Robin sighed. Starfire shrugged and continued to eat. It was the beginning of a beautiful vacation.
Alrighty then. Hope you like. Yes, the lyrics are back. I missed them.
I spent all day working on my Fionna x Marshall Lee picture, I'm so proud of the outcome! :)