A/N: OK first I want to apologize for taking so long with this chapter. again I own nothing save for the few original characters..
Raoul stood completely dumbfounded, had he just made the worst mistake ever? His answer was quick in coming when Christine went over to Erik and Jenette.
"I, I'm so sorry about what happened." She said as she knelt down to help. After a few more seconds Erik finely manged get to his feet again and Christine and Jenette helped."I, I, I'm so sorry. I honestly though."
"I know what you though but that is not the case." Erik said calmly still pinching his nose to stop the bleeding.
"I am truly sorry for what just happened can you ever forgive me?" Raoul asked. He really was sorry. After some talking all bitterness between them was gone.
"There is still the matter of the three murders, there burning of the opera and the many others that were injured that night." Raoul pointed out calmly.
"Yes, while I can never make up for there deaths, that will be something that will always be with me." Erik said in a regretfully tone.
"I had planed on keeping this as a surprise fore you all but I did have another reason for coming back. I plan to use the money I had gotten though the years to fund the reconstruction of the opera." The entire group was a little surprised.
"While it won't make up for all I have done but I hope it will at least show my sincerest regrets."
Raoul nodded then something hit him.
"You'll have to remove your traps as well."
"Yes of course." Erik agreed.
"Then it's settled." Madame Giry said as she walked forward to join the rest of the group.
A few days later after all the traps were removed Erik, Jenette and Raoul were back in the cavern trying to figure out what to do with what.
"It seems like it's bin years sense we were here." Jenette said as she looked around. Erik nodded.
"The smaller instruments can be given to to the opera."
"Alright." Raoul said.
"What of your art work?" Jenette asked. Erik looked around at the many drawings. Some of them but much of it was of Christine.
"Well the ones of Christine I think I will give to her, as for the others."
"We can frame them." Jenette said.
"Alright if that's what you want to do." Erik replied. The rest of the time was spent bundling art, packing instruments and taking down the organ that was also being donated to the opera. After a few hours of up and down they were finally done. Taking one last look around they had bid a finely farewell to what had bin there home for many years and returned to the opera. They stayed a few days in Paris before finely returning to Troyes. During this time the two couples became closer. While a few of the workers didn't like them and refused to come back till Erik and Jenette were gone others didn't seem to bothered by them. Finely the day came that they had to return to Troyes.
"Look, we're getting married in a few weeks and we want you both to come." Christine said just as Jenette was getting in the carriage. She stopped and looked at her.
"I don't know, I mean we're not exactly the type who can just show up some place and not be noticed."
"We know that, but we still would like you both to come." Raoul said as he walked up to join Christine.
"We'll think about it." Erik said before climbing in to the carriage after helping Jenette.
"Well I guess we can't ask for anything else." Christine said before the Craggie took off down the street. The next few days were spent framing art and discussing the possibility of them going to the wedding. During the wedding itself Erik and Jenette stayed in the back away from the others that had come. During the reception though there weren't as many people, mostly just people form the opera along with the de Chagny family. While still some what uncomfortable, both Erik and Jenette did there best to relax. After everyone else's gifts had bin open Erik handed his to Christine.
"Thank you Erik." She said with a smile when she saw the art work, she would cherish them for ever. Erik and Jenette stayed in Paris for a couple of days before returning to Troyes.
" Jenette we should have Christine and Raoul over." Erik said out of the blue one evening after Sidney had gone to bed. It had bin 2 six months sense the wedding and while they had sent a couple of letters back and forth they hadn't seen them in all that time.
"You know that might be a good idea, it's bin a little while." Jenette said looking up form a book.
"Alright, then it's settled I'll send a letter to them in the morning." Jenette just nodded before returning to the book. A couple days later they arrived.
"It's good to see the both of you." Erik said as Raoul helped Christine out of the carriage. Jenette stood at the door watching and waiting. They spent the day talking till Amber called them to dinner. It was about half way though dinner when Erik stopped and every body seemed to notes. This made him even more nerves the he already was. Taking a deep he got up and reached a hand in to his shirt pocket. He then took out a small box. His nerves were starting to get to him as he swallowed before facing Jenette and getting on one knee.
"Jenette, we have known each other sense we were children and you know I love you." He then took another deep breath as he could feel himself heating up form the nervousness.
"I've bin trying to get the nerves to ask this for a few weeks now, Jenette will you marry me?" He asked opening the box. The others stopped eating, and watched to see what she would say. Jenette's eyes widened and her mouth hung open for a couple seconds be fore replaying.
"Yes, yes I will." She said as she took the box from him and put it on the table before wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug, then let go and picked up the box again before removing the ring and putting it on her finger as he got up and returned to his seat still a feeling a little nevus and uncomfortable. The rest of the meal was silent. After dinner the rest of the house hold congratulated them on there engagement
"Thank you." Erik and Jenette said at the same time after receiving there third congratulations, this one from Amber. The rest of the night was fairly quite though everybody seemed to be exited for the wedding though nobody knew when it was. The next couple of days were filled with the normal routines and finely the day came that Raoul and Christine had to return to Paris.
"We'll keep in touch." Christine said as she got in to the carriage.
"We will to." Jenette said. After Raoul got in and closed the door the carriage was off. The next few months were full of the usually routine. Erik and or Jenette already in the kitchen when Amber got up and helping out in the kitchen, Sidney coming down shortly after. Breakfast, fallowed by Errends, music and the occasional walk around the yard. Finely spring came and the eve of the wedding, and they were staying at the de Chagny residence in Paris.
Raoul's parents had gone out of town for a couple days but would be back in time for the wedding, Raoul and Christine were in the kitchen talking while Erik was pacing the dining room floor as he thought and Jenette was standing in the living room starring out the window as the sun set, She was a little nerves for tomorrow but not terribly so. As she stood there she suddenly began humming then full out singing.
By day he sang with me
At Night he was there
His voice so wonderful
That I float on air
And now I know that we will never part
The Phantom of the Opera is here
Inside my heart.
Erik herd this as he approaches the room, he new what song the tune was from but didn't seem to mind as he just jumped right in to it.
Sing once again with me
Like we used to do
You were my closest friend and my rescue
And through all those years you did not depart
The Shadow of the Phantom is here
Inside my Heart.
Jenette new right away who it was but did not tern around but simply gave her reply.
Some of those who see us out
may react with fear
But I do not worry
for I am hear...
He had made his way to were she was and had put his hand on her shoulder, Jenett terned around to face him as they both finished.
We will soon be as one till death do we part
The Phantom and his Shadow will always be
Joined at the heart.
"Beautiful." Christine said as she and Raoul entered the room, this made jennet blush some, She serenely hadn't planed to have them here her singing.
"Thank you, but I-" Erik put a hand up to stop her.
"I think I know what your going to say and don't, That's not impotent. The fact is you're still good at it as well as other things." Just then they herd the front door open fallowed by a couple familiar voices.
"Hello, Erik, Jenette?"
"Christine?" It was Madame Giry and Meg's voices.
"We're in here!" Christine called.
"It's good to see you again Meg." Christine said giving Mag a hug.
"It's good to see you to Christine."
"I have some news for the both of you." Said Madame Giry, they all looked in her direction.
"I did some digging though the birth records for 1839 and 1840 and while it took longer then I had originally hoped, I managed to find your family names. Erik you were born to a Monsieur and Madame Dupre and Jenette you were born to a Monsieur and Madame Wittry." Erik and Jenette had mixed feelings about this information. It was good that they finely new there Sir names but had no intention of finding there parents. They spent the rest of the night adjusting to the news that was given them.
The next day Jenette stood in the brides room, with Christine and Madame Giry helping. Her dress was a simple white one and her hair was in a bared that was pined in a crown like form on her head. Raoul was with Erik, trying to get him to relax a little.
"I, I can't do this." Erik said nervously.
"Yes you can, I was a little nevus on my wedding day to got though them and so can you."
"Yes but you don't look the way we-" Raoul put hand up to stop him.
"That's why it's a privet wedding with only people from the opera as well as Madame Boyer and her son. Besides think of how nerves Jenette must be."
"Your right." Erik said with a sigh. He was still nerves but did feel a little better. Eventually it came time to begin and they both were quite nerves. Eventually they found themselves in the church saying there vows, after the wedding was officially over they returned to the de Chany's house for the reception.
A/N: First off the song was just a re wright of the title song which belongs to andrew lloyd webber. Seconds there is going to be a poll on wither this should be the last chapter or not. As always please review, are what keeps me going. Thanks. Oh and Sorry about the unoriginal last name but couldn't think of one.