I don't know what came over me, but I saw Amy and Paul as I walking in the school and ran up to them. "...And then Spencer pawned her sisters ring, and now..." Amy was explaining Pretty Little Liars to Paul? Okay, then.
"Amy," I said walking up to my locker, she had the mouth open reaction to my hair. "I have something I have to tell you."
"I would guess so!" She said very loud, I thought I saw Alek grin. I wasn't going to tell Amy right away, because I didn't know if I wanted this to be a secret or not. I know Alek was alright with it, but I wasn't sure I wanted to extra eyes on me. "So what's up with being completely hot today?" She started talking at the speed of light, naming things that had no relation to what I was going to tell her. "I know, you wanted to look sexy for my show tonight" oh no, I thought. I had forgotten Amy's show. "Not exactly, but I promise I will be there" I pointed out, I just had to get my guard to let me off.
"I won't hold my breath, no offense... I understand that you have training." These were the times I wished this never happened to me. That I wasn't mai and I could be with my friends supporting them every step of the way instead of them being disappointed or use to me not showing up for important things. Amy's words were on my mind all day until school was dismissed and I was walking down the stairs. Alek was there, with Jasmine. Had he told her? I couldn't tell. I know I hadn't told Amy yet... or Paul. Paul would probably cry, Alek really hurts his feelings. Paul's sensitive.
"Hey" I said even though I tried to sound normal the sadness was still there, would I hear the famous words if i were an assissan...
"Why are you upset?" Jasmine asked me, she was looking around as she said it. I took a deep breath and hoped they would understand what I'm saying.
"Well, you see I haven't been to any of Amy's shows and she's really getting upset about it, I mean come on Paul goes to all of them and he laughs when she sings! And I, her best friend can't even make it!" Jasmine frowned, her face was full of promise that I had training tonight and I would probably miss Amy's show. Good thing Amy doesn't hold her breath.
"Well, I guess we could go..." Those were the best words that ever came out of Jasmine's mouth. "But that means intense training the next day!" Yeah, right. Intense training my butt, more like racing around on roof tops and getting hit with things. Call it PE for the MAI.
"Thank you so much" then I remembered "I have to go to work!" Jasmine laughed at me, and walked off. I looked at Alek "So much for telling the world" I said.
"Yeah, we always have tonight though" At Amy's show? It's supposed to be all about Amy- Maybe after the show...
"How about we just all go out after the show, it's Amy's night and I don't want to take the spot light from her" Alek understood, he walked to me to work. Lana gave me the disapproving glare and then cocked an eyebrow at Alek. After Alek "left" aka went to the used book store that we would be later tonight, Lana turned to me.
"Is it me, or do you have a new guy every week in here?" Lana thought she was funny, I'd only had three guys in the store. Brian, but he was a customer, Alek who is now my boyfriend and Paul who is my best friend. She made me sound like I was some kind of slut.
"It's just you" I said as she walked away, it was a very slow day and I spent my time changing into new things that I liked. When Lana said it was time to go, I almost ran into the coffee shop. Alek was glaring at Paul from over the table. "Paul" I said, Paul looked at me.
"All I did was ask him one question!" Paul had a rule, he was not allowed to ask Alek or Jasmine anything about the mai and if he did... well that was up to Alek.
"We've talked about this" I told him, Alek nodded his head in agreement. "You can't ask Alek or Jasmine any questions concerning us."
"Exactly, I've already told you what I would do if you did. Do you really want that to happen?" Alek said looking at him straight in the eye. Paul got up.
"I'm just going to sit somewhere else.. Oh Look there's Amy" He ran, tripping over his own feet to Amy who was in drama queen, speed talk mode.
"You made it!" She said hugging me, doing a little jump. "And you brought Alek... and Jasmine." she didn't seem upset that I brought them, just surprised. I was talking to her yesterday how I wished Alek would leave me alone sometimes. Jasmine sat beside me, she was wearing her skinny jeans and a blue shirt. It worked for her, Amy did her thing, we clapped and then we told Amy we were taking them out to dinner.
We went to a well known place by the teen population, a mexican american kind of place. Alek sat by me on one side. Amy and Paul on the other. Jasmine pulled up a chair at the end. It was nice to have them all here. I was not going to be the one to tell them. I was nervous... I didn't know what to say- oh yeah guys, last night Alek and I were making out in my room after I snuck in and well now we're together. Alek was holding my hand under the table. A server asked us what we wanted to drink "Pepsi" I said and ignored what every one else was getting. "So guys" I started and Amy then again started her guessing game.
"Oh, I know those words Chloe! Let me guess, wait good or bad?" Amy said and I told her good, she then started off "You got your pay check early, you and your mom are friends again, you're getting a car, you are going to that thing I told you about"
"No, none of those... I am offically-" the server cut me off, giving us our drinks and asking us what we wanted to eat. I got chicken, cause I was feeling like chicken- Why couldn't I just come out with it. Well minutes passed and Amy just went on and on about a lot of stuff that didn't matter. I just let her, every time I was about to say it, I got interrupted. When we got our food we ate in silence except for Amy and Paul they were laughing about forks..
Jasmine left, and I really thought we missed our shot. Then in was time to go, Alek and I sat in the back of Amy's bug. "Hey, if we can't tell them.. We should show them" Alek said in my ear, then he was kissing me.
"Woah, what?" Paul said turning around and I let go of Alek's neck. "Were you two just- ew." Amy said what, and then hit Paul saying what again. "They were just kissing!" Paul told Amy she slammed on breaks, I thought to myself there goes another life. I knew Alek was probably thinking the same thing.
"So, you two are together?" Amy asked I really wanted to hit her, finally after all the hand holding walking out of the place, and him opening the door for me... She got it.
I was with Alek.