A/N: This chapter is 98 percent lemon between Priest Seto and Thief Bakura, so please be aware of that. This takes place while Ryou's unconscious from the previous chapter.
Also, there's a schedule update at the end of the chapter.
Chapter 02: Reliving
"You never did know when to quit, thief," Seto growled at Bakura, contemptuously looking down at his infuriating antagonist that was crumpled on the floor.
"Maybe I like it when you get a little rough," Bakura taunted with a wheeze as he struggled to sit up and recover from the force of impact.
Scoffing with disgust, Seto resisted the urge to push the impetuous thief back down when he rose to his knees with a grunt of effort. Warily watching as the thief crawled over to him on all fours, Seto held his ground as Bakura once again rose onto his knees with a wicked grin. "And maybe you like it when I resist," Bakura perversely pointed out as he slid his hands under the priest's long robe and ran them up his legs.
Seto kicked the thief square in the chest for the transgression, knocking Bakura onto his ass for daring to touch him. "Remember your place, thief," Seto hissed, glaring down at the insolent bane of his existence.
"And on my knees before you displeases you?" Bakura purred as he pushed himself up onto his knees once more. "Or would you prefer to have me writhing beneath you?"
"I do not have to stand for such insults to my person," Seto huffily replied, an uncomfortable aloofness flickering through his annoyed countenance.
Chuckling at the response, Bakura teased, "You don't deny it, priest."
Rather than staying for any more abuse, Seto turned abruptly and started to leave, but he was detained by the thief embracing him tightly from behind without warning. Seto immediately tensed at the unwanted attention and he sighed heavily at the way Bakura burrowed against him. "You can't deny it, either," Bakura murmured, his ego purring with satisfaction at the fact that Seto had yet to pull away.
"I can and I do," Seto refuted, glaring at Bakura's arms encircling his waist as if that would somehow cause them to sudden relinquish their hold. "Release me!"
"Never," Bakura promised as he tightened his grip further.
"Why do you persist with such nonsense?" Seto demanded as he pulled himself free from Bakura's grasp with some amount of effort.
"Because you still think that accursed pharaoh is still worth waiting for," Bakura cruelly retorted with a knowing smirk that only further served to infuriate Seto and push him to his limit.
Pointing at the window the thief had used to break into the priest's room, Bakura didn't back down from Seto's threatening, "Get out!"
Taking Seto's outstretched hand in his and pressing uncomfortably close to the priest, Bakura said, "He may have all the treasures in the known world, but he'll never be able to give you the one thing you truly desire."
"Get. Out. Now!" Seto ordered, surprised that he couldn't pull his hand free of Bakura's.
Interlacing their fingers together, Bakura pulled hard and wrapped his other arm around Seto's waist in an embrace. "I'm not leaving you," Bakura whispered as he pressed his lips to Seto's neck.
"Stop it," Seto hissed, trying to jerk back and avoid the affection.
"I could say the same to you," Bakura chastised, tightening his grip when Seto tried to pull away again. "Or are you just resisting because you know it excites me?"
"You disgusting—"
"And I bathed just for you, too," Bakura interrupted with a miffed noise. "Yet you continue to insult me."
"As if bathing alone could rid you of the filthiness of your existence," Seto scoffed, although he had noticed the effort. "Now unhand me and leave!"
Turning serious, Bakura questioned, "And if I abandoned you, what would you do then? If I left you alone like the pharaoh leaves you?"
"He doesn't—"
"Then where is he now?" Bakura viciously demanded, realizing he had finally got somewhere with Seto when the priest reflexively tightened the grip of their hands.
"That is none of your—"
"Tell me, why am I the one here with you instead of him?" Bakura continued to press, trying to get answer.
"Enough!" Seto yelled, his blue eyes blazing in his anger as the questions began to cut deep.
Bakura still didn't relent as he persisted, "Why is he with her instead of you, Seto?"
When Seto started to protest, Bakura cut him off with a rough kiss to silence him. Seto struggled against it, nipping at the tongue that was trying to gain entrance into his mouth and shoving hard enough to free himself at last. Wiping his lips with the back of his hand as if that alone could rid him of the evidence of what just happened, Seto growled, "I said, 'Enough,' bastard."
"And when are you going to tell that bastard pharaoh that?" Bakura challenged before yanking on the priest's robes and stealing another kiss.
It was a fierce battle and Seto's aggression and hurt channeled itself into the rough kiss that made Bakura moan at the exquisite taste of the priest's rage. He started taking off the priest's robes, which only infuriated Seto further as he broke them apart once more. "I hate you," Seto whispered as he tried to recover his breath, feeling dirty for his betrayal.
"Hate him for making you do this," Bakura countered as he rand his rough hands along the smooth planes of Seto's bare chest. "Hate him for choosing her."
"He didn't choose her!" Seto protested, the strength coming back to his voice.
"You keep telling yourself that," Bakura patronizingly told Seto as he took off his own robes.
Seto's first response was cut off by the feeling of their skin coming into contact, making the priest inhale sharply. "How long has it been since he's touched you like this?" Bakura murmured as he ran his fingers along the curve of Seto's spine before fondling his ass through the remaining clothes. "How long until you start craving only my touch?"
"That's never going to happen," Seto growled, unable to bring himself to answer the first question.
"Yeah, you used to say that about this, too," Bakura teased as he moved his hand to grope Seto's forming erection. "Look how quickly that changed."
Closing his eyes with a heavy sigh, Seto burned with the self-loathing that Bakura's touch brought, made all the worse because he knew just how fast it would turn into pleasure. "I tire of listening to your voice," Seto muttered, opening his eyes once more and staring coldly at the thief.
"Then you'll let me listen to you moan?" Bakura purred as he dropped to his knees once more in front of the priest.
"If only to shut you up," Seto replied, doing nothing to aid or hinder Bakura as he continued to undress them both.
Although Bakura wanted to do so much more with the priest, he settled for the rare privilege of felating Seto. It took a little work to coax the stubborn priest into full hardness before Bakura could start going down on Seto in earnest, but it was worth the effort. The priest remained taciturn as Bakura established his rhythm, bobbing his head as he started off slowly in the hopes of prolonging the experience. As Bakura began to increase the suction and movement, he braced himself with one hand on Seto's hip while the other fisted around the base of his cock. It gave him an element of control that didn't last long when Seto thrust forcefully, deliberately trying to choke Bakura; it angered the thief as much as it excited him.
Denying the priest in punishment, Bakura hissed when Seto retaliated by pulling hard on his hair and demanding in a threatening voice, "Did I give you permission to stop?"
Taking advantage of Seto being slightly bent forward, Bakura knocked him off balance and caused the priest to hit the floor. Pinning Seto beneath him, Bakura groaned in satisfaction as the priest continued to fight against him. "How quick you are to move from 'don't start' to 'don't stop,' priest," Bakura teased before grinding hard against Seto.
Seto's hips instinctually thrust up to meet the movement and Seto growled at himself in disgust at the action. "Shut up," Seto ordered, although he knew it was futile.
"Make me," Bakura said before forcing another vicious kiss onto the priest. He took advantage of the distraction to work one of his hands between them and fondle the priest's sac, causing Seto to break the kiss with a gasp. "That's more like it…"
"Stop," Seto tried to command the thief, but it came out in a breathless manner that lacked authority.
"You don't mean that," Bakura told him, although he moved his hand up to Seto's member and began languidly stoking it.
Seto banged his head hard against the ground as his back arched up at the touch, his body traitorously wanting more. "You have no idea what I want," Seto shot back, although the truth was that even he didn't know anymore.
"No?" Bakura hummed as he started adding more pressure to his grip before leaning down and licking along the curve of Seto's neck. "You think I don't know that you'd rather be with the pharaoh than me?"
When Seto started to answer, Bakura nipped hard at his ear and interrupted him, not wanting to hear confirmation. "You think I don't know that you want a rough fuck to help you forget the pain for a little while?" Bakura continued as he lightly teethed a sensitive spot on the other side of Seto's neck. As much as he wanted to mark the priest as his, to leave a noticeable mark to the pharaoh that someone else had staked a claim, he resisted the urge; the punishment last time had been severe enough to make him think twice before doing that again. "I know more than you, priest. Don't ever forget that."
"Hn, as if such a thing were possible," Seto protested, but Bakura could see from the troubled look in the priest's blue eyes that the words had hit close to home.
"Anything's possible right now," Bakura murmured as he stole another kiss and let his hand wander back down to the priest's entrance. He managed to circle it with his fingers briefly before the priest took advantage of the awkward balance of the pose and overthrew him, pinning him in place.
"Wrong," Seto informed the thief, panting a bit from the effort of overthrowing him and the fear the touch had inspired.
"Only because you're afraid to find out that I can make you feel better than the pharaoh," Bakura taunted, getting slapped for the comment. It only made him laugh as he stretched languidly under the priest, rubbing up against him in a sensuous way. "One day I'll have you, priest. All of you."
"Never," Seto swore, hating when his body continued to betray him by shivering at the increased contact between them.
"You say that now," Bakura told him, knowing that the priest's protests meant little in the long run. "You always say that. Thankfully for me, you rarely mean it."
Unwilling to hear more of the thief's rambling, Seto kissed him hard as he thrust against the answering hardness, wanting more and hating it. "Prepare yourself," Seto finally ordered in a rough growl, knowing they had passed the point of no return long ago.
"You're going to have to let me up to do that," Bakura told him with a wicked grin that the priest cursed himself for finding attractive.
Rather than answer the antagonizing thief, Seto leaned back and freed Bakura to get the necessary oils. Bakura fetched them from his robes before coming to kneel before the priest once more, covering his fingers in oil and starting to put on a show of spreading himself in preparation. It was vulgar and disgusting to Seto, but the sight mesmerized him all the same, his cock twitching in anticipation of being in that same warmth soon.
The hungry look in Seto's eyes made Bakura smirk confidently as he witnessed the demolishment of the last barriers between them and what they were about to do. Just once he wanted to feel those long graceful fingers of the priest inside of him, but Bakura would take what he could get—and he would get it.
Withdrawing his fingers, Bakura used the remaining oil to cover Seto's cock with it, holding back a moan at what was to come next. He wasn't surprised to be roughly shoved back onto the floor with Seto on all fours above him, that dark, angry hunger prominently on display as his eyes raked over the offering before him. Without warning, Seto pushed himself into Bakura, causing the thief to arch beautifully off the floor with a moan at the exquisite roughness of the joining. "Yes," he moaned, wrapping a leg around Seto's rear to try and gain some leverage as the priest wasted no time in moving.
It was a harsh pace from the very start, something that Bakura reveled in even as he was berated for making too much noise. As much as he wanted to yell it to the heights of the heavens and the depths of hell, Bakura constrained himself; he knew the punishment would take away from the fun of being able to use his words to bind the priest to him closer still. It was the same reason he didn't leave angry red lines of possession down the priest's back, the same reason he held back from leaving any marks on the beautifully pale skin that tempted him with its purity.
He waited for Seto to lose himself in the rhythm, waited for the right moment before bringing his arms up and wrapping them around the priest's neck to pull him closer as he thrust down hard on every movement. It sounded brutally violent, the harsh sounds of their bodies meeting and rejoining, and Bakura loved every minute of it despite the pleasure that was always so dangerously close to veering on the painful. He knew from experience the pain would come later, both in body and heart, but he pushed those thoughts away from him as he took solace in being so close to the object of his obsession.
For now it was enough that his touch hadn't been rejected, that the priest hadn't shaken off the possessive hold as he had done so many other times. It made Bakura smirk in victory, made him moan in pleasure when he felt Seto's lips on his neck, followed up by the stinging harsh bite of a disapproving priest; he may not have been allowed to leave marks, but the same was never true in reverse. Bakura often left covered in scratches and bruises, the same as when he was tortured in the pharaoh's dungeons; only the location was different.
Feeling emboldened by the faltering pace that let Bakura know the priest was almost done, he dared to lace his fingers in rich brunette hair and moan with all of his feelings, "Seto," lowly in his ear. Bakura was rewarded by a particularly hard thrust that let him know that it impacted the priest exactly as he had wanted. It was only toward the end that he could take liberties he would occasionally be punished for later, but it was always worth it. The priest could deny it all he wanted, but Bakura knew that he meant something to Seto, even if it was a complicated and not entirely pleasant place in his heart.
The priest was pistoning at a near frenetic pace and he tried to slow down out of instinct to draw the experience out for himself, but he finally gave in and came hard, arching back as he emptied himself into the thief, accidentally moaning Bakura's name for the first time since they had started coupling. The rarity of it made Bakura follow suit and he aggressively growled Seto's name before stealing another kiss, one that was met with the dark passions of aggression. It was in the middle of the kiss that Seto pulled out, causing Bakura to groan in protest at suddenly feeling so empty.
"Now get out," Seto abruptly ordered, causing Bakura to laugh as the priest sat back on his haunches.
Spreading his legs and running his fingers over the remains of the priest's cum leaking from him, Bakura refused, "Not yet."
"You've served your purpose," Seto cruelly informed him as he pointedly avoided looking at the blatant display, but Bakura didn't take offense to the slight; he was used to such quickfire changes in the priest's demeanor.
"You said my name," Bakura gleefully countered with a leer, knowing that it meant something significant.
"I did no such thing," Seto denied, his blush hidden in the flush of his exertion during a hot Egyptian night.
"The hell you didn't," Bakura said, refusing to let the priest act like it never happened.
Sniffing haughtily, Seto defended himself, "Even if I did, it means nothing."
"Uh huh," Bakura replied in an unconvinced tone of voice, "that's why this keeps happening over and over again. Because it means nothing. Admit it, I matter to you."
"You are of no importance to me," Seto denied.
"Then why am I covered in your seed?" Bakura shot back, smirking when it finally made Seto look at what he was doing.
"Get out or I call my guards in," Seto threatened, unwilling—or unable—to answer the simple question.
Stretching sensuously in languid repose, Bakura was the picture of wantonness as he asked, "And let them see me like this? I sincerely doubt it."
Seto's eyes lingered on the sight longer than they should have and he frowned as the thief called his bluff. "Admit that I matter to you and I'll leave," Bakura bargained, willing to hear the words any way he could. Just once he wanted to hear it from Seto's mouth directly instead of inferring it from their confusing interactions.
"You'll leave regardless of what I say," Seto informed him, clenching his hands into fists out of irritation.
"Your refusal to say it tells me everything I need to know," Bakura taunted, knowing there was some truth in his words.
"Then why insist on hearing me say it?" Seto irritably demanded.
Sitting up and crawling over to Seto on all fours, Bakura explained, "Because I want to hear you say it. That I'm more than just a hole for your rage."
"Don't be so vulgar," Seto said with disdain.
"Then say it," Bakura persisted before leaning up to kiss Seto slowly.
"Never," Seto refused. "Now go."
"I'll let you off the hook this one time since you moaned my name so beautifully," Bakura finally capitulated, knowing that he was never going to get anywhere with the stubborn priest. When Seto failed to correct him, Bakura laughed as he stole another kiss and got nipped at for it. "So quick to turn on me."
When Seto growled a threat, Bakura took the hint and hurriedly threw on his clothes. "I suppose it's what I get for being with such a cruel lover."
"I am not your lover," Seto venomously denied, appalled by the thoughts of it.
"Oh, make no mistake: you are my lover. The better question is, what am I to you?" Bakura challenged, knowing the question was going to plague the priest long after he had left.
With that parting shot, Bakura stole one final kiss before escaping into the night via the window he had entered through earlier.
A/N: After much delay, I finally have the second chapter posted! I hope it was worth the wait….
There may be a third chapter, but I haven't decided yet. I don't know how interesting it will be to have a chapter where Bakura wakes up in the hospital and tries to break out, so I'm mixed on whether or not to continue this or end it right here with this chapter. So if you have an opinion, feel free to sound off in your review.
I'm going to have a schedule shake up again, unfortunately. I'm getting ready to hit finals and I'm traveling back to America immediately afterward. So my next update will be a new story on Sunday, October 14th after I return to Japan, although I haven't settled on which one yet. It may be the next part of my Entangled Series, it may be the Forbidden sequel, or something entirely unrelated to what I've already posted. So check back then to find out what goes up next!