Reach for My Hand

So, I know the whole idea of explaining the Extended Scene has been done several times already. But, I feel like mine is a bit different because the other stories were explaining the aftereffects on Wen and Olivia's relationship. Mine is more…in the moment. I'm pretty proud of it and I enjoyed writing it. It's just a one-shot and is in Olivia's POV. I hope you enjoy and please review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Lemonade Mouth or the Extended Scene.

Summary: When our fingers entwined, it felt right. Like we were meant to be together…

Olivia's POV

We were at the Music Scene having an interview. And, Mo needed help…fast. Moxie asked Mo and Scott about their relationship, not realizing that Mo's overprotective dad was in the audience and that he didn't know about it. This could be a problem. I needed a plan. I needed to think of it fast.

Without registering what I was about to do or say, I said, "It's not Mo. It's me." The crowd fell silent. Oh no! What did I just do? Everyone's eyes were on me now. And, Mo was glaring at Scott. Oh, I guess she thought I meant I was going out with Scott. So, I'm guessing my outburst probably didn't come out the way it was supposed to. Wen gave me a funny look and I tried to mouth and telepathically tell him what I was trying to do. I don't think he understood me, though.

Finally, Scott broke the silence, "I don't know what she's talking about." The audience laughed.

"N-no," I stammered, correcting my previous statement. I let out a nervous chuckle. "I meant me and Wen. We're dating-ish. Or at least I think we are…aren't we? Or not…it's fine…" I looked at Wen, hoping he would go along with the plan so we could get out of this mess.

"Or not…" I repeated. Wen kept on looking at me, confused. Finally, his face cleared of the confusion. I think it finally sunk in.

He spoke up, "N-no. Uh…yeah. She-she's my girl." I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and gave him a small smile. We're saved! He smiled back and I felt a rush of butterflies in my stomach. He slowly let his hand out towards me. I looked at it for a second, and then I reached my hand out to meet his. Our palms brushed as we turned our hands so our fingers entwined. I felt sparks of electricity shoot up my arm.

When our fingers entwined, it felt right. Like magic. Like we were meant to be together. Everyone around us disappeared from view. It was just the two of us, alone. I looked at our hands and saw how perfectly they fit together and how perfect it felt. I lifted my gaze up to meet Wen's and realized he was watching for my reaction the whole time. I blushed and our eyes met. And, in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, I saw that he had felt what I had felt when our hands touched.

Suddenly, the crowd erupted in cheers and clapping. I came back to reality, realizing we weren't alone anymore. Stella began to speak, breaking our gaze, but not breaking the spell. And, I have a feeling that it's a spell that will last forever.

So, I got the inspiration when I went to watch the extended scene again. Olivia's thoughts are basically what I thought when they held hands. I thought it was perfect and beautiful. I hope you enjoyed my one-shot and please review! Thanks so much! (Sorry it's kind of short!)
