TMNT: Celia

Chapter seven

Don's POV

I'll admit it I wasn't totally up for the idea of Mikey's battle shell idea. It wasn't really that I couldn't find the time for it because I could find time for any invention or theory if I wanted to it's just the whole thing sounded silly to me.

But now looking back at how it has served us in the past and how I don't have to run the whole way to the south sea port, it was a pretty good idea. It made things a lot simpler and faster, it only took us an hour to get down to the harbor. Course we parked it where it could be easily hidden (Warehouse.) then went the rest of the way to the bridge on foot.

Looking down at the river below the bridge I never thought back when I was a little turtle tot that I would ever be able to roam around in New York like this, the thought brought a smile to my face.

"Total black out just like last night." Raph said and paced along the edge of the bridge.

"Except this time I came prepared." I announced and un-zipped my duffle bag to pull out the night vision goggles that I made a while back, they were pretty handy when I was putting up the lighting in the bedrooms in the new lair since the lights were only in the main room it made it hard to see.

I held up the goggles to explain what they did until Mikey snatched them out of my hands. I gave him an annoyed look which he ignored

"Awesome! Total turtle vision!" He grinned when he slipped the goggles on. I might have gone a little crazy with their design though since it looked like he had three eyes but that's why I'm an inventor and not a fashion designer.

I pulled the goggles off Mikey's head "Night vision actually." I corrected him and put them on though turtle vision did sound kinda neat.

"How do we survey such a large area?" Leo asked as I tested functions of the goggles. The sun on the hottest day in the summer couldn't have been brighter than the smile I gave them while answering that question.

"I came prepared for that to." And flipped out my glider, it unfolded neatly with a soft flutter from behind me.

"I've been dying to try this puppy!"

"You mean you haven't tested it yet?!" Leo exclaimed.

"Dude, how is he supposed to test a flying machine in the sewer?" Mikey asked Leo with a 'you gotta be kidding me look'. I could've bounced up and down with excitement looking out at the river and the harbor. We were high enough in the air the weather was great it felt like destiny I shall be the first turtle to fly.

"We'll stay in contact via shell cell. I worked out most of theoretical aerodynamics." I turned and took and running start to dive off the bridge with a wild grin plastered on my face "it's practically full prooooff WHOAAAAHOHOOOO!"

And thus I was airborne.

I flew over the bridge the tiny head lights of cars zooming by under me I stared for moment.

"Don? Don!" I heard Leo fret over the ear piece I had connected to the shell cell.

"I'm ok! No problem." I said and nervously snapped back to task at hand and that was steering the handle bar which was harder that I thought it would be, oh wait… oh yeah the wind drag on my Bo staff…

"Uh-oh." I said to myself seeing that I was about to fly right into the bridge itself and made a narrow left turn.

"Just forgot to condensate the wind drag on my Bo staff heh!" I chuckled and swooped over the water waves enjoying the rush of the air until I saw something particularly odd…


I was amazed that the Shredder and his 'army' had managed not only to make the whole south sea port completely powerless with no signs of life or electricity anywhere. But he also managed to put together a raised platform for a strange cannon like device that looked like it was out of a sci-fi show of some sort for the tech cyborg like ninjas to put the sword of Tengu in.

I was wary about the strange sword. To me it didn't talk but yet it said so much it was amazing yet creepy at the same time. I noticed though the buzzing was only from the sword because the suit of armor in the Shredders office made absolutely no noise what so ever all I felt was the tug telling me where it was. Strange, very, very, strange

I watched the techs bustle around platform, I couldn't see how that cannon was supposed to help us get the next artifact that was down in the river. I could feel its presence faintly which was strange because I was right next to the river so it must be much farther down than I thought. I didn't get a chance to ask the techs about how the cannon was going to work but I had a feeling even if I did they wouldn't have explained it. They were already unhappy about me coming on this trip. I suppose they thought that this was their moment since they built the cannon and all and to put it plain and simple they just didn't like me. I didn't mind, the feeling was mutual.

That was part of the reason why I wasn't down there on the platform with them. Instead I was up here in a ship with ten other foot soldiers. The other thirty were out along the docks hiding in other places making their rounds to take care of any and all distractions and keeping a sharp eye for anything that even resembled a turtle.

I thankfully was paired up with my friend again I still didn't know his name… then again as far as anyone was concerned they didn't have names. We spoke in hushed whispers about the mission and such. He was kind enough to ask how I was feeling which I was a little surprised about but replied all the same. We got off on the subject briefly on my strange 'healing factor' as he was calling it.

"That is good Tracker a good thing and you should be glad. If those turtles show up again I would feel much better knowing that every solider here is capable of fighting to the death."

I gave him a solemn nod though it made me sick to my stomach when he said 'to the death.' We went back to sitting in silence. You'd think that would be easy just sitting and waiting but it's not. Sitting to see if things would turn out smoothly, seeing if I can walk away with the suit and the armor in hand to give to the Shredder so Dr. Stockman and I are safe for the time being. Seeing if things go wrong, the turtles show up take the sword so we can't get the suit or maybe perhaps they will take both and I return empty handed and insure Dr. Stockman and I's doom.

One of the soldiers came back and reported that there were no signs of activity except for a few drunks that came back but they were easy to take care of apparently.

I stood up silently as my friend gave the order to tell the other foot soldier to inform the techs to start their 'operation'. I walked in the shadowed corners of the ship and folded my arms.

"So far so good." I thought as if I was trying to reassure myself.

I looked out of the river again, it was such a nice night and I was on a ship next to the river. I smiled softly down at the subtle splashes of water down below though I'm sure it was probably polluted and downright filthy it was still nice I might as well appreciated it while I'm here.

"I could be in a window right now or sitting on a balcony as usual… I should be grateful."

A loud whirl sounded and I turned to see that the techs have indeed started up their cannon. I was marveled by it. The beams from the sword seemed to be put up to their max thanks to the cannon and were aimed directly at the water. So that's how they're getting the suit… strange… but original I guess.

My attention was turned away to the Brooklyn Bridge. The view here was better than a picture because it looked beautiful against the night sky and the little tiny sets of car lights moving to and fro on it. I sighed quietly but cut off my breath when one of the most bizarre things happened, and that was saying quite a bit because bizarre things have been accruing daily for a while now.

It was a glider. It sailed right off the bridge and was coming down the river side where we were.

"Um… is that one of ours?" I called over my shoulder. My friend paced over and saw the glider he was quiet before saying "No."

"Then we got a problem anyone got plans to catch a glider? What is a glider even doing here?" I asked and reached into my bag to pull out the miniature pair of binoculars. It was night time it would probably be hard for me to see but I held them up and looked through anyway. I zoomed in on the glider hoping from the bottom of my heart it was a crazy tourist or something insane like that but no.

The person had a shell… and was green…. And had a Bo staff strapped to their back. My heart dropped to my stomach and I wondered briefly who in the world could be damning me and what I could have done to deserve it.

(Author: *Troll face*)

"It's a turtle." I mumbled and I heard my friend hiss sharply

"Nothing can ever just go as planned anymore can it?" He turned in a whirl and snapped silent orders to the other ninjas. They all ran and disappeared either off the ship or into the shadows.

I went back to looking through my binoculars. I watched as 'Donnie' glided around the platform that the techs had set up. I tensed up put the binoculars back into my bag then got ready to jumped down and run to the platform. I needed to get down there and protect the sword even if they are here for a more justified purpose than I was they weren't getting that sword.

It just then though as I stood on the railing of the ship I heard a yell. I looked up and watched as the turtle and his glider swirled into the beam of the sword's cannon. My heart skipped a beat as it spiraled downwards out of control and crashed into the river.

I felt heavy and cold. Did I just witness his death? After three long heavy seconds my body moved on its down accordance to the far end of the ship where I could dive into the river and search for the fallen turtle.

"Idiot, he's the enemy pick your side!" A voice nagged at me but then I skidded to a halt when I saw the color purple burst up from the water with a loud splash and a sputter. It was like a huge rock had been lifted off my back I could have laughed with relief but stopped when I saw one of the foot soldiers hold up a shuriken and aimed for Don in the water.

I snatched the ninja's wrist out of reflex. He turned to look at me so I said the first thing that came to mind "I'll deal with him, look for the others they can't be far." The ninja stared at me as if he was studying me. I was once again grateful for the hood of my cloak that hid my expression. He nodded and put away the throwing star, I jumped down to the docks before he could do anything else.

"That was too close to close! You're going to be accused as a traitor if you keep defending them!"

I landed in a crouched position and stayed still trying to plan out just what in the world I was going to do about 'Donnie'…

"It's funny how you're trying to save the person who broke your shoulder." I shoved away the thought and tried to focus but was distracted by faint patters of feet running. At first I thought it was one of the foot soldiers but I turned my head towards the sound and there were the other three turtles. They all stopped running together and paused right next to where I was crouching.

My blood was pounding in my ears but they didn't notice me at all because they were busy staring at the platform with the cannon.

The blue bandana one spoke into a small green device

"I only see two guys, but that just means the others are hiding."

"The exact truth." I thought and slowly reached back to pull out one of my fans. I made a small squeak with surprise though when all thirty foot soldiers decided to drop down around them.

"I hate it when he's right!" The orange bandana turtle yelled.

"And I hate it when I'm never included in the battle strategies!" I thought bitterly and glared at the foot soldiers as I recovered from my mini panic attack.

I stood up and whipped out both of my fans. The red bandana turtle whipped his head around at my sudden movement. The whites of his mask widened a bit before he growled at me, now that I think about it we never did finish our fight…

"LET'S TURTLIZE THEM." All three turtles yelled at once and got out their weapons.

I was expecting it when the red bandana turtle lunged at me with both Sais forward. I jumped to the side and it was all a flurry of movement with the turtles and the foot fighting like green and black blurs crashing into each other.

I just focused on the red one…and took note he no longer had roller blades and supposed that it put me to a somewhat of an advantage or at least evened the odds in my book.

He lashed out at me I just narrowly avoided the Sai that was five inches away from my face. I spun around and swatted the side of his head with my fan. He groaned but he didn't close his eyes or reach for his head like I had hoped instead he delivered a kick to my stomach and I felt backwards onto the dock.

"Not so tough now are we Mr. Tough guy?" He snarled at me.

"Stop fooling around! This is a battle not a spar!"

My stomach stung but I was quick in getting back up and held a defensive position. He was mad and was throwing all his strength into this. He rushed at me again and attempted to slash my stomach with the Sai but I jumped back and hopped onto one of the wooden dock polls then flipped over him. I turned to the side and kicked his shell so he fell into the river.

I could hear his angry frustrated yell from under the dock and I couldn't stop myself from smirking. I backed up and noticed the blue and orange turtles board the ship along with half of the foot army. The other half was unconscious on the ground; I hooked my fans onto my hips and climbed up one of the ropes that attached the ship to the dock.

On my way up I heard a splash, I looked around the rope to see if it was the red turtle but it was 'Donnie' instead. He rolled over across the dock stealthily his Bo staff in hand and….. The strangest pair of goggles I have ever seen in my entire life and that included the strange headset the techs wore. What was with these turtles?

I scurried upwards again not wanting him to see me. I wanted to avoid him, if only I could just knock him out without being seen and hide him some place until we were done here and then there would be no reason to fight or kill him. In fact it would be grand if I could do that with all four of them.

I flipped onto the deck and immediately armed myself with my fans. I could tell things weren't going well again. Though the foot had the orange turtle out-numbered and backed into the far left side of the ship the blue bandana turtle cut down a sail that fell right on top of them all.

I saw two other soldiers leapt off the side of the ship that I was next to with a battle cry. I leaned over to see just what in the world they were going to do and then I saw that they were planning on landing on 'Donnie' but he swatted them both away with his Bo staff as if they were flies. He looked upwards the strange goggles locked onto me. I pulled away feeling flushed as he hauled himself upwards onto the ship.

Two foot soldiers stood on both sides of me with their weapons drawn hissing at him like cats. He just twirled his Bo staff above his head with a grin then stopped and pointed one end at them with a snap. The fight didn't last long. The first ninja swung his katana as if it were an axe; he blocked it by raising his Bo staff above his head again. A split second later he smacked the ninja to side who tumbled across the deck losing his sword in the process.

'Donnie' flipped back then butted the second ninja in the stomach with the staff then whipped him into one of the life boats that were hanging on the side of the ship. I stepped in as he stared at the first ninja who attacked him who was just now starting to stand back up. I tried sweep him under like I did with the red bandana turtle back in the museum but he jumped as if he were expecting me. He went to strike my rib cage with the Bo staff but thankfully reflexes saved me and I brought up my left fan snapped it closed and halted the Bo staff. I shoved him back with my right foot and snapped open both of my fans then swung to swipe at his hands with the sharp edges of my fans.

I could remember how when I first started learning how to use the fans I told myself I'd never use the edges unless I didn't have another choice or was trying to disarm someone. I was going for his hands because he needed them to hold the staff.

"Just disarm, just disarm" I chanted in my head.

He side stepped and just narrowly escaped me. The second ninja finally regained his feet and ran for his weapon that was next to 'Don.' Just as he picked it up though I saw 'Donnie' look at him from out of the corner of his eye and stab the soldier in the foot with his Bo staff.

The ninja yelped and hopped on one foot while clutching his toe. It was so comical I paused watching him. I shouldn't have because the tricky turtle butted me in the stomach with the other end of the Bo staff with enough force to throw me back to side of the ship. I felt myself tipping back to fall right off the edge which made let go of my fans to clutch it for safety but I had to pay the price of losing both fans into the waters below.


I stared at the splash that they made in udder horror. I snapped my head around in time to see 'Donnie' release the switch to the safety boat and both ninja went down into the water along with my fans, lucky for them though they were in a boat.

I found myself alone and turned around to face the turtle again who was pointing the Bo staff at me while crouching in a defensive position. I reached into my bag and produced two kunai knifes and crouched down in the same manner. They weren't my fans but they'll have to do.

We circled each other slowly, neither one of us making a move to attack. I stared into the whites of his mask trying hard to read his expression but it was hard to make out. Memories played back to how my hood fell back and the look he gave me in the museum, my face warmed up at the thought. But I didn't see that look tonight, this one was…..inquiring? I didn't have a word for it.

I froze I could feel my entire body go ridged. I could feel it.

My eyes darted past the turtles, past the fight and to the platform with the cannon.

I could feel… the suit. Before now it was so faint that I barely could feel the connection to it but I could feel it now. It was like when I first felt the connection to the sword, strong, powerful… demanding.

I was brought out of my trance when I heard a yell and looked over and saw a ninja fall down from the sails with a sickening thud. I scanned the deck, there was only one other foot soldier left standing and he was surrounded by the red and orange one. The others lay down on the deck. I looked at them all feeling my gut sink and panic rising in my chest, when did this all happen? How could I have been so blind?

I heard a familiar whirl of a helicopter over head and saw it fly over above the beam of the cannon and watched it as a cable descended down into the hole it was making in the river. The turtles and the other foot soldier paused to watch it as well as the cable pulled back up but with the suit of armor attached to the end of it. I knew it was the suit I could feel the pull as the copper flew away with it secured inside.

I glanced at 'Donnie' he was distracted by the helicopter so I looked back to the foot soldier who was still backing away from the turtles with his katana in hand. There were only two of us! And the techs aren't finished yet!

'We're going to fail…"

Dr. Stockman's face went through my mind only with a single black band around both his eyes. I felt sick like I was going to vomit and pass out. I can't let that happen, I just can't let that happen, it cannot happen! The ground felt uneven I could feel myself swaying off to the left. There was sharp bump to my bad shoulder I hissed but saw it was the last foot soldier standing next to me.

It me and him against all four turtles who had regrouped, them on one side of the ship and us on the other, we were trapped.



I recognized the voice, it was my friend. At least I'll get to go with someone I know.

"I am glad to have met you."

I couldn't help but turn away my gaze from the turtles and to his masked face. Was he saying a goodbye? Has he accepted this was the end?

"What?" I asked my voice barely audible.

"When we met your mind was so pure of… all this I thought that you wouldn't last. You proved me wrong many times during our training sessions when I purposely made things as hard as I could for you I'm sorry."

I just continued to stare at him though he kept his face turned to the turtles not meeting my gaze.

"I admired how you went up against the turtles without hesitation. You went up against the red one of all of them and you managed to knock him flat on his shell. I admired how you stood up against the Shredder for our sake. I believe he could easily defeat the entire army of the foot single handedly yet you stood with fire in your eyes and lectured him on his leadership. I admired that though despite who we were and despite your situation, if one of us fell you would offer your hand even though you could barely hold your own weight."

I couldn't remember anyone so…pure, so truly fearless."

My eyes began to sting, is this how he thought of me this whole time? How could he say that I'm fearless when my hands are so clammy and I'm shaking in my boots?

"This is why Tracker I'm telling you that if one of us is to go I'd rather it be me. Your life is far more valuable than mine."

"No how can you say that? That's not true!" I whispered sharply as hot tears rolled down my face but he still wouldn't turn to face me.

"Saying your last words?" I could hear the red turtle yell to us, I turned my head slightly to see that they were advancing towards us.

"It's more than true. The Shredder would rather loose me than you for one. And for another you're a faster runner than me the techs won't be able to leave here on time with the sword. It will fall to the turtles unless you go now, take the sword and run."

I shook my head slowly in shock and denial.

"I won't leave you here to die!" I hissed

"You know the turtles won't kill me but when this mission is a failure the Shredder will."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, it was true but I still couldn't believe it.

"Go now, I can distract them long enough for you to get the sword then you must run."


"NOW!" He barked snapping his head around to face me. I stared back and watched as he lunged towards the turtle screaming and I turned and dived off the edge of the ship.

I swam kicking my body into over drive to get to the dock and ignored the filth of the water. I climbed up throwing off my messenger bag because it was slowing me down. I started to run for the platform but my nerves were racking inside me so bad I stumbled twice as I went. I was panting harshly and my boots made loud slaps against the wood of the dock but I didn't care for silence at the moment.

The whole side of the dock was shaking under the vibrations of the beam of the cannon. I slowed down because it didn't feel stable but it had to be right? They wouldn't be doing this whole operation if it wasn't entirely safe right? I practically threw myself at the ladder to climb up the platform to the cannon, my shoulder burned under the pressure but I ignored it entirely.

When I got to the top I immediately started shouting at the techs. First mistake.

"Shut it down we need to leave now!"

They whirled around to look at me at the same time. The one on the left made it obvious that he was angry probably because of either my tone or by the way that I was ordering them around. Or it could have been both but at least the one of the right paid me the courteously of shutting down the cannon.

"The helicopter is on its way back to pick us up." The tech on the right growled as the water in the river fell back into place with a loud splash and the platform ceased from shaking.

"We don't have time for that!" I barked back at him and paced over to the cannon to see the sword which was humming loudly to match my emotions.

"We don't even have time to be arguing! Give me the glove, I have to go ahead the turtles are on their way here and we don't stand a chance fighting them!" I hurriedly explained and searched frantically for the metal glove. It was the truth though there was three of us the techs had no fighting experience what so ever they were the brains of the foot empire.

I felt fury bubble and burn in the pit of my stomach when the tech (that was arguing with me) snatched up the glove from me and glared at me with his strange headset. I hated that, the turtle goggle thing looked better than that headset thing they wear!

"You're not going anywhere with the sword Tracker the Shredder left it in our care." He hissed at me.

My hands curled into fists and the sword growled dangerously beside me, it was like fuel to the fire.

"A very good friend of mine just pretty much sacrificed himself for me to have this chance to complete our mission I don't have time for your nonsense!" I snarled at him so harshly that the tech beside him flinched, for brief moment I thought I sounded like Dr. Stockman when he was angry.

The tech opened his mouth to retort with me but froze when a voice said from behind him

"Now boys, there is a matter of some stolen property we need to discuss."

Both techs gasped and jumped apart so I could see the blue bandana turtle hanging over the edge of the platform smirking at all three of us. Instinctively I pulled my kunai knifes from off their places under my cloak. I thanked Dr. Stockman quietly for giving me this cloak, because of the hood I was sure he couldn't see the fear and shock written plainly on my face.

The techs ran behind me like cowards. I backed up nudging them to do the same as I tried to come up with a plan of escape but stopped when they jumped and one I swear made a girlish squeak at another voice that said,

"Dudes you really shouldn't play with such dangerous toys." The voice I knew before I turned around belonged to 'Donnie'. To make matters even worse up popped the red bandana turtle beside him sporting his own wicked grin. I turned sharply still keeping both techs behind me but pointing one knife at Don and the red bandana turtle and another knife directed at the blue bandana turtle.

I kept backing up trying to keep all three of them within visional range without turning my head but was interrupted by more gasps of alarm from the techs; I turned around to see the orange bandana turtle with a goofy grin and pretended to growl like a pirate. The techs ran in front of me while I glanced at each of the other three turtles that were now standing up on the platform and arming themselves with their weapons.

One of the techs produced an oddly shaped circular weapon and flipped a switch on which put out a yellow ray. He turned and swiped the ray over to the orange bandana turtle, I had to leap out of the deadly ray's path and the orange turtle ducked down with a yelp so it didn't take off his head. I rolled and stopped thankfully before I fell right over the edge of the platform, the techs were waving the beams around like idiots everyone including the techs themselves had to pull evasive actions to avoid getting sliced in two.

The blue turtle leap into the air and spun around before kicking on the techs chest making him fall back. The tech still had the circular weapon on fell backwards and the ray of the weapon sliced right through the control panel for the cannon.

We all gasped as the machine went haywire. The sword buzzed wildly from being over charged and was panicking in its own way. I dashed over to the panel the techs right behind me. They shoved me out of the way and frantically tapped at the now useless buttons.

"It's over loading! I can't control it!" One shouted.

"What do you mean?! Get the sword!" I hissed to him

"Who cares about the sword!? We're leaving!" The other tech shouted at me and pointed up to where the helicopter was zipping back across the sky to us.

"Keep in mind I don't approve of failure and if you fail to bring me the suit of armor or lose the sword of Tengu in the process then your creator will have to learn to work in the dark because he won't be able to see with or without any sunlight."

"Give me the glove! I'll get it myself!" I shouted at him. He turned to look at me with anger then a snide grin crossed his face and he flung the glove over the edge of the platform. I watched it drop before I recoiled and slapped him right across the face.

"Dude!" I heard the orange turtle say and glanced behind me to see them all gaping widely at me in pure shock. The helicopter lowered so that we could grab onto it, the first tech that also had his mouth hanging open snapped to attention and jumped up to grab onto it.

The second tech sending me one last poisoness glare before trying to kick me in the stomach but I leapt backwards. He seemed satisfied because then he jumped up himself and signaled the helicopter to go. It was my turn to be in complete shock as I ran forward and tried to grab onto his leg but the helicopter was already too high in the air.

"Left for dead." I heard the orange mutter.

"Looks like your buds left ya out ta dry bub." The red one growled. I just stared at the copper until it was a black blimp in the sky before turning to look at them. I gritted my teeth in rage then turned my attention back to the cannon that had a loud constant beep and the sword from inside it was nearly exploding with energy but the thing that made my jaw drop was when the whole cannon was turning towards me. I dived out of the way and covered my head as it swung around above me.

"Uh…guys? We got a problem."

I brought my head back up to see where it was now aimed and it was straight towards the harbor. The wood, the concrete the stone everything within the cannon's path was being torn to bits and there was one thought running through my mind at the time.

"I'm so screwed."


This had turned out to be one of the most eventful nights of my life. I flew off the Brooklyn Bridge, I crashed into the east side river, I fought a bunch of ninjas on a ship, and now I was struggling to hold myself upright as I watched the east side harbor crumble down into the river.

"Talk about bad vibes!" Mikey said while staring at the mayhem ahead of us.

"Not funny Mike!" Raph yelled at him.

I glanced over; the female ninja was getting up to her feet she kept glancing back between the sword and the destruction of the cannon as if she were at lost as to what to do about. This girl was more and more confusing to me with what happened with those other ninjas and her being left behind I wondered if she was really apart of them or we were completely wrong about her.

I stood straighter then ran over to the back of the cannon where I was sure I saw a re-moveable cover, I could probably shut it down from in there. I jumped up on top of the cannon and pulled a crowbar from out of my duffle. Like I said earlier about being prepared…

"Don can you shut it down?!" Leo shouted over the beeping from the cannon to me. I started to pry the cover off of the back of the cannon.

"Well I might be able to disconnect the sword from the accelerator…." I paused in my work when I noticed a blur of black and the female ninja was standing next to Leo staring up at me. I could see her silvery eyes from the blue flashes of the sword in the cannon. I noticed she looked even more pale and tired than the last time I saw her face but her eyes looked hopeful at she stared at me.

"Hold up there cowboy where are you going?!" Yelled Raph and he and Mikey ran behind her, Raph with his Sais and Mikey with his knunchucks. She turned around and backed away with her hands held up in a sign of surrender or peace.

I was going with peace. She wanted the sword; we could get it for her. I know that was what she was fighting with the techs about even though she spoke so quiet and quickly to them I wasn't sure if she was talking or hissing at them.

"Hold on!" I yelled at them and pried off the cover. I turned to look at her and asked

"Are you going to help?"

The cowl of her cloak nodded vigorously. I nodded back and looked at Leo who was looking unsure about this but then closed his eyes and sighed loudly

"Ok whatever we need to point this thing away from civilization." He ordered and took his leadership pose.

"Donnie again with shutting it down?" He asked

"Well like I was saying I can remove the sword but it might result in a feedback loop that might…" I stopped when Leo shouted,

"RIGHT….You do that!" He turned back to Raph Mikey and the cloaked ninja "We are turning this thing around!" she was off like a shot, whipping around the cannon and slamming herself into its side. I held onto the cannon for balance as it actually moved a few inches from her effort alone. I was in shock so were my brothers

"Whoa-ho-ho-ho he's like super macho ninja!" Mikey laughed and ran over to help him. Raph growled and Leo shrugged in return then ran off to. I concentrated on the many wires before me. I wish I had brought my gloves (Remembered the crowbar but not the working gloves go figure.) I was working as fast as I could as the cannon was being pushed back to pointing at the river. I stopped briefly when I heard a loud voice on an announcer say

"This is the police! You on the pier stop where you are!"

I looked up to see a police helicopter, it wasn't as nice as the ones the ninjas had. I shook my head and went back to work thinking "This whole thing has been happening for how long and just now the police are arriving?"

"Hurry up Don before we end up on the world's most wanted reptiles!" Raph yelled to me, I could have sworn I heard a scoff of a laugh from the female ninja. She must have because Raph shoved her with his shoulder while glaring at her but she shoved him back all the same.

"Enough!" Leo yelled at them both

"Almost there!" I said and took hold of the two wires that I had been working with.

"Oh please don't be too bad…"

I turned my head away at I connected them since I didn't have the proper eye protection from the sparks that flew out of them. A few things happened that can be considered bad…

For starters the cannon began spinning in circles at very fast pace. This caused the girl and my brothers to fly back due to being swatted by it while it was turning. Since I could not get a firm grip on the cannon I lost my balance and tumbled off the cannon as it continued to circle. This didn't bother me too much because I landed on my shell so it didn't hurt that much and I'm 97% sure there is nothing else I can do about the fritzing cannon from up there.

But the thing that did bother me was that it continued to spin and I needed to disconnect the sword and that was proving to be a difficult task because it seemed to increasing in speed. I got to my feet and tried to time myself before running like a mad turtle to try to reach the sword. The beam of the cannon swung past and I made my move but stopped short when my brain kindly reminded me that I should probably have protection for my hands since the sword was beginning to look like a miniature lightning bolt from all the energy in it. Why is it that I think of these things at the last minute? Out of the corner of my eye I could see the cannon swinging back around towards me.

"Ok then, next time we leave on a crazy assignment I'm packing three different pairs of gloves."

I shut my eyes tightly and braced myself for the impact of cannon and to start flying off to the side thus crashing back into the river but it didn't happen. Instead I heard a loud thunk and a rather feminine groan/growl. I opened my eyes to see the female ninja with her arms spread out to her sides and her back pressed up against the cannon stopping it from spinning.

I was shell shocked again by her strength, she was small, small like us and she was holding the thing still by herself! She growled and her boots made a loud scraping sound against the metal of the platform as the cannon moved her forward an inch or two but she was still struggling to hold it back. I ran over to shove my shoulder into the side of the cannon to help her but I heard her mumbling like she was trying to force out words to talk.

"Pardon?!" I asked loudly and moved so I could hear her better but the hood of her cloak stayed facing downwards.

"The. Sword. Glove. You. Need. The GLOVE."

Glove? Glove? I thought back to when she was arguing with the other two ninjas, one of them threw something over the side of the platform… it looked like the same thing that other ninja had on in the museum. And they wouldn't pick it up without that glove…

"You mean the thing that they threw over the edge?!" I asked her

"YES!" she yelled back.

Leo, Raph and Mikey rushed over to help us but I waved them off and yelled to them

"We need the glove that fell into the river or we can't get the sword!"

Leo nodded "You and Mikey go find it! Raph and I will stay here and try to steady this thing!"

I gave him and thumbs up and spared one more glance at her downcast hood before running and diving into the river with Mikey right behind me.


The pain is excruciating. I felt as if the weight of an elephant was being pushed against me but I wasn't gonna go down without a fight. It was the least I could do but why oh why did I always have to play the hero? It was like a bad habit and it was going to end up costing every bone and muscle in my body one of these days. But I just couldn't stand there and let him get hit now could I?

I lost a few inches of ground to the pressure from the cannon but that was it. I was holding strong with every last bit of might that I had because it would be worth it! If I can just hold it still while the turtles disconnect the sword it will all be worth it in the end. I told him about the glove and told myself that he was smart and quick he'll find it soon. He has too.

I felt the pressure being lessened, I thought with triumph that the cannon was giving up and accepted that it had met its match but then I had to remember that it was a mechanical object that didn't have a mind of its own so it couldn't surrender per say. Maybe because of everything that is happening it causing me to think strangely.

"Guess you are Mr. Tough guy huh?" A gruff voice said beside me. That voice belonged to the Red bandana turtle; I think his name was Raph. The turtle ticked me off plenty before and I was sure that we were going to always hold a grudge to each other but I could have sworn that a hint of respect in his voice.

But then again with me thinking strangely and all…. Maybe it's the stress?

"Or maybe you're finally loosing it. You are holding back a rather large and heavy metal object you know…"

"AHA crowbar! This should work!" The blue bandana turtle shouted. What on earth was he talking about? I felt the pressure from the cannon let up completely as it were now jammed. That probably had something to do with it. I slumped forward on my knees and collapsed down onto the platform.

I welcomed the cool metal against my face as I smashed down face forward. The red bandana turtle was saying something to me but I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy listening to something else. I was listening to buzz of the sword; it was frantic, like it was panicked. Somehow… somehow I know I heard it before, somehow I could remember feeling its panic and hearing its constant yells only from what I remember…it was wasn't just from a sword it was everywhere. Like it was all I could hear.

The way the platform kept vibrating, like it was ready to crumble to pieces it reminded me of Stocktronics but with it combined with the sound of the sword it was like the mix of the two was pulling me back somewhere. Somewhere that I had forgotten all about…

I opened my eyes, I could just barely hear the blue bandana turtle yelling something to someone but I didn't care what he was saying because it felt like a dark place in my mind that was always being concealed behind a veil of confusion was being lifted up.

Pain and dread. Screams, panic, the constant buzz, the world was falling apart everything was falling apart it a pit of pure horror. It was a memory I just knew it but everything is so blurry! I'm remembering a place, a place where everything is alive even the metal but it's all falling away and deep down I know the reason why but I just can't remember!

Everyone is screaming and running in different directions so they don't get crushed by the crumbling buildings and running so they don't get caught… but caught by what?!


I blinked, I was being pulled back out from the memory, I didn't want to. I didn't understand everything yet! I was being hoisted up my arm was being slung over some one's shoulders. I turned my head to see who and it was the red bandana turtle. I wanted to tell him to leave me be, that I needed to remember and how can I do that if I can't concentrate?! I could hear someone yelling to me, it was a woman's voice…

The buzz from the sword is gone and the veil was falling back into place and I couldn't see the memories anymore. I saw 'Donnie' with the glove and the sword in his hand. He had the goggles pulled up from his face so I could see the white holes of the bandana were. He turned and yelled


They all started jumping away off the platform, I was picked up bridle style by the red bandana turtle and he carried me as he ran after the other turtles. I felt groggy, completely exhausted from everything that had happened but I was trying to wrap my brain around what had happened… what did happen? What was I trying to remember? I couldn't keep my eyes open, I couldn't get my brain to think anymore and the world was going dark so I decided to rest my eyes for a bit.


Once my brothers and I were safe on the dock again we watched the cannon and the platform fall into the river. Once the cannon went under it was an explosion of water and flashing blue light then the water settled again and it was as if the platform and everything else didn't exist.

"Whoa awesome light show." Mikey said. I nodded in agreement this was definitely one of the most eventful nights of our lives. I looked over at Raph who was carrying the female ninja over his shoulder, she hasn't moved or spoke or done really anything besides breathe. She must be unconscious. I had a feeling this was probably a big night for her too. I looked down at the sword in my hand, it was special no doubt about it but she was trying so hard to get it…

"Speaking of light shows…" Leo said and pointed upwards. It was the police helicopter with its search light out. We all ran to the shadows when it focused on the river where the cannon had fell in. We all stopped once we got back to the battle shell and you have no idea how thankful I was to have it because I was worn to the bone tonight and we would have had to run back. I glanced over my shoulder at Raph who was setting down the female ninja so she was sort of sitting on one of the crates in the warehouse.

I still couldn't believe she was capable of holding back the cannon…or that she leapt out to save me. I went in the battle shell and secured it inside by strapping it down on one of the wall seats. I turned and grabbed the first aid kit then went back outside and knelt down next to her. I was amazed that the hood of her cloak remained covering her face.

"Alright we need to figure out what we're going to do about this…" Leo said from behind me.

"We'll he did help us out, I mean it just wouldn't be right if we just left him here like this…" Mikey began. I turned my head to look at them.

"Doesn't change the fact that the guy is a part of the enemy, He was there helping them steal the sword we all saw him!" Raph argued and folded his arms.

I shook my head "She." I said correcting them.

They all turned to look at me at the same time all wearing blank expressions.

"She?" Leo asked

"She. Our friend here is a girl." I nodded then snorted with laughter as they continued to look at me in silence while they wrapped their heads around the information they just received.

We all flinched though when Mikey erupted into laughter


Raph growled and swatted him on the back of the head.



I shook my head again and turned back to her, she had to been out cold if she didn't react to Mikey and Raph. I slowly reached up and carefully pulled back the cowl of her cloak. Her face looked… relaxed though was a very unhealthy pale color like she was sick or something. I put a hand to her forehead; she was burning up and sweating a lot.

I could hear my brothers bicker behind me as I finally took a good look at her. Her face was a little too thin, the dark circles under her eyes were darker than before but other than that her face was smooth not a mark on it. I thought back to when she froze on the ship and every attack she made to me was never going for real damage like the other ninjas.

"Why did they just leave you there? What's your part in all this?" I whispered though I knew she wouldn't answer.

"Do you think she'll be ok?" I jumped at Leo's voice behind me.

I coughed to regain my composer but said in a clear voice "I think she has a fever. But in order to tell if she has any injuries I'd have to..." I trailed off thinking about removing her cloak. It made my face heat up though really I would only be taking off her cloak...but then again I'd probably need to remove her shirt too to see if any damage was done to her back and shoulders…

"Uh, Donnie you ok there your head is turning into a tomato because your face is so red." Mikey said.

I coughed again.

"Anyways guys, we need a plan or an idea or something." Leo said then giving me a look. I just clasped my hands behind my back and looked up to the ceiling of the warehouse to avoid him.

"As much as I'd hate to admit it Mikey's right we can't just leave an unconscious girl in New York City in the middle of the night." Raph sighed

"We could drop her off at April's?" Mikey suggested with a shrug

"No good, April would be defense less around her." Leo shook his head.

"We can't just drop her off at the ER either." Raph added.

We all folded our arms trying to think. "I don't know about you guys but if we bring her back to the lair Master Splinter is gonna wax our shells." I said and we all shuddered at the thought of Master Splinter waiting back at the lair with his walking stick.

"I don't know if we have another option…" Leo said finally after another minute of silence.

"Hello she's the enemy!" Raph said

"I know but…"

I looked away to the girl again figuring I'd find something cool to put on her head but gasped when all I saw an empty crate.

"She's gone!" I yelled and looked behind the crate but there was no unconscious ninja there.

"Whoa she pulled a ninja vanish act!" Mikey shouted though it sounded like he was impressed.

"Sped out we need to find her!" Leo ordered. I stood up and looked around the warehouse though it was useless, how long was she gone?

"Dude we don't even know her name!" Mikey protested

"She couldn't have gone far! Common!"

We all went in opposite directions and looked for a good three hours but we didn't find her. We couldn't even find a trace of anything. We ended up calling it quits for the night and went back to the lair though the whole drive home I thought about how sick and unwell she looked.

We showed Master splinter the sword in hopes that he might have some sort of clue as to what it was but he couldn't tell us anything except that it's design was 11th century Japanese and that it's metal was unlike anything he's ever seen. That was good because we got out of punishment for sneaking out because Sensei was occupied by the sword and the story of the ninjas. We did tell him about the female ninja as well, he seemed confused like we were and ended up meditating for the rest of the night.

I tossed and turned in my cot half the night thinking about her, about the sword, about everything but I was mostly worried about her. I hoped she found a good place to rest because she needed it but I also hopped she got to somewhere where she could be treated for her sickness. I would have felt better if I could have treated her myself but she were here we would constantly be on guard. Tomorrow I decided that I would study the sword and try to figure out its mystery and hopefully we'll be able to find out the truth about the ninjas soon.

Until then I guess all I can do is hope for the best and try to get some sleep.


I huffed and coughed as I stumbled down the alley. I felt too warm and every one of my muscles ached, I finally slumped down against one of the dumpsters. At least I got this far, I got away from the turtles…but I lost the sword.

I lost the insurance of Dr. Stockman's and I's safety and wasted the chance my friend gave me. I'm a failure. Tears rolled down my cheeks but I didn't do anything to wipe them away since they actually felt cool against my face.

I can't go back to the Foot HQ maybe they'll think I died or something. But I can only imagine what sort of bogus story the techs came up with to pin the blame on me for the failed mission. And if The Shredder sees it as my fault then he'll see it as Dr. Stockman's fault because I'm his creation…

I can't go back…What am I going to do?

"Get back the sword. Take it to the Shredder and everything will be fine. Or better yet, use the sword against him…"

I nodded slowly to myself. I just had to get back the sword. It's the answer. Not only that but I think that it has something to do with my past because of all those flashbacks… It's the answer to all my problems I just know it!

My eyes slowly slid shut and I rested my head against the dumpster, I couldn't believe how tired I was... I'll just rest here then I'll figure out what to do in the morning…

"Hey buddy? You ok pal you don't look too good…"

(Author's Note)

I updated! Finally! And look long chapter yay!

I'm sorry yet again for the slow update you see at the last minute I decided that I wasn't cool with my plan for the next few episodes and I made some major changes. But I have a feeling it'll all work out so it good man it good.

Oh my god guys, I can't tell you how many times I watched TMNT season 1 episode 6. Like half of the views are from me. Seriously. I could recite the whole dialoge to that episode if you asked me. It was that bad XD but I wanted it to fit how it went in my mind so...yeah...

Thanks for reading hopefully now that I'm past this major part updates will come alot faster but you all should know by now that you can't trust me when it comes to that XD I know I don't trust me aha.

Thanks again my lovelies and I will see you in the next chapter :) (whatever year that's gonna be...)