Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds just Amy, Maria and some of the cases. Enjoy.

Author's Note: Hey this is the final chapter to this story. I am sorry this is so short but I can't continue this story. It's started to go slow and not have the flow anymore. If I get enough messages or reviews on this final I will write a continuation about her wedding and her having her baby. There will be no lemon or lime. I hope you liked this story as much as I did. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it.

"That took forever. It's good to be back," Morgan said. I smiled. We had just finished a case in California and it had taken two weeks.

"I agree," I replied as Spencer and I walked towards are desks. I sat down and Spencer walked past. I opened my drawer to get out a pen, since for some reason all my pens had disappeared. I stopped when I saw a small black box. I furrowed my eyes in confusion. I grabbed the box and sat it on my desk. Morgan looked over curious.

"What is that?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I have no idea…it was in my drawer. Spencer do you know what this is?" I asked. He smiled. I frowned. That mean he knew. I finally took the box, satisfied that Spencer knew, and opened it. My eyes widened and I dropped the box on the table. Morgan couldn't see it so he stood and walked over to me. His eyes widened when he saw it. There in the box was a silver ring with a teardrop shaped diamond. On the inside top of the box had a message.

Will you marry me? –Spencer

I stared at the ring trying to comprehend what was happening. Finally it seemed that Aaron caught us not working. He stepped out to see us completely quiet staring at the box. He moved forward and saw it. His eyes immediately went to Spencer with a grin on his face. I looked at Spencer and he was smiling with a blush across his face. He stood and walked over to me. He grabbed the ring from the box and got down onto one knee. Tears started to well up in my eyes not believing that this was truly happening.

"Amy I know that we've been together for a year now. I've fallen in love with you. I love your quirks. I love the fact that you put your daughter before yourself, I love it that you let the dog sleep on the bed, that you wiggle your nose when you get frustrated with me, and that you hog the blankets when you sleep. Lately I've been thinking about what my life was like before I met you and I don't like it. I went without you for a day and it was one of the worst days of my life. That's why right now, on my knee, I'm asking you…Amy Morris will you marry me?" Spencer asked lovingly. I sat there in my chair staring at Spencer. I then bounded from my chair to wrap my arms around his neck. I buried my face in his neck.

"I would be happy to be your wife," I said in his ear. I felt him break out into a grin and pull me close.

"I love you Spencer," I said. I pulled away from him just to plant my lips on his. When it was finished I pulled back again. I smiled.

"I have a surprise too. It seems that the condom broke the last time because I'm pregnant," I stated. His eyes widened.

"Your pregnant?" He echoed. I nodded. He then stood lifting me up and spinning me around.

"I'm going to be a husband and a father. Today is the greatest day of my life. I love you Amy," He said in my ear as he sat me down.

"I love you too Spencer," I whispered. I then tilted my head up for Spencer to kiss me. All of the trouble, all of the hard challenges have been for this moment and I wouldn't change it for anything.

The End