Meet the Extended Family – Fanfiction
Title: Meet the Extended Family
Summary: "What are you so desperate for? What do you need to prove?" His family might be arrogant and they may have expected him to marry what they believed was an acceptable wife, but Sasuke had known long ago that Sakura was perfect for him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Theme: AU
Prompt: "What are you so desperate for?"
Medium: Fanfiction
Rating: K+
Warning(s): Beware the cuteness?
Comments: So this is the first submission involved in SasuSaku Month. Day 1 right off the bat! Yosh! Now onto the drabble (please note, my definition of a drabble is 500 to 2,000 words...) I would like to say that yes, I do realize I have not updated my stories in a long while. I am working on them, slowly and truely. I want to thank you all for your patience in waiting and hope that you can wait a tiny bit longer before I post one of my works (The Only will most likely be finished first). Until then enjoy a month of SasuSaku goodness. Most of these updates are T rated and under. The few that are rated M do not have lemons and are rated for violence and innuendos more than anything. Thus I decided to post this as a 'T' rated story.

XxX SasuSaku Month XxX

XxX Halfkyuubikat XxX




Meet the Extended Family

She was dully strumming her nails across the table. There was no destinct pattern to the clinking noise and she herself did not seem to notice the small habit. Her fingers just constantly twitched up and down as she tapped her fingers again and again against the wood; all the while she stared at the corner of the hotel room that was barren to any decorations or furniture.

Sasuke however did notice.

He watched her face set into a frown and her plump pink lips set into a firm line as she stared at nothing.

It was obvious to him that she was upset no matter how much she had denied the fact on the drive to the hotel; Sasuke had been lucky to have gotten a room at the four star resort without a reservation months in advance. That was one of the joys he supposed of being one of the in-famous Uchiha, although just moments before his hasty call to the hotel's manager, the horrors of being one of the those same Uchiha had also been proven. And Sakura by no means was dealing with the situation happily.

He was certain if he had not been able to find a hotel with an open room for the night, Sakura would have insisted that they sleep in Sasuke's mustang as a last resort. She was that upset about everything.

And by all means she had every right to be, but her displeased expressions and trembling lips did not suite well with Sasuke. His heart always clenched too tightly when he saw her tears and he knew already the girl would always have him wrapped around her finger no matter how much he argued about not being "whipped" to Naruto. Sakura was bewitching by all means. So when her forest green eyes started to become moist with the formation of tears, he had enough with her pouting.


She immediately turned her attention to him, a lone tear slipping down her cheek. Sasuke tensed in response, realizing he would more than likely be dealing with water works the rest of the night.

"Sa-Sasuke-kun," she whimpered.

"Stop crying," Sasuke bit out in what he realized immediately was an overly harsh tone. Although he regretted the words and expected Sakura to lapse further into her sorrow, she surprised him instead.

"I'm not crying." She placed the sleeve of her shirt against her face, quietly rubbing away any trace of her tears. "I'm not crying," she repeated once she was done. Her glazed emerald eyes stared into his onyx ones for a time afterword, while neither of them spoke further. Sasuke realized with slight frustration that Sakura was not going to start the inevitable talk they had to have.

He opened his mouth for a moment and then shut it closed again. Silence continued between them and Sasuke noticed with dread that Sakura's eyes were beginning to tear up again. With a frustrated grunt, Sasuke disregarded any words he had plotted in his head and instead opted to reach around the table and grab Sakura's wrist. He gave it a small tug toward him.

Sakura did not hesitate in getting up from the chair, knocking it over in her haste, before she all but leaped into his arms. Her face immediately buried itself into his neck, while she awkwardly straddled him due to the armrests in the chair and wrapped her arms tightly around him. Sasuke's own arms gently held her to him as he felt hot moisture form against his neck and run down into the shirt he had specifically worn for today.

He let out a small sigh and placed his chin atop Sakura's head, deciding to wait out the pinkette's tears and just hold her in the meantime.

It took a few minutes before she grew silent against him, her quiet sobs calmed. He was about to attempt talking again when to his relief Sakura spoke.

"W-Why?" she asked in a hoarse voice. If it had not been for Sasuke's trained ear he wouldn't have even realized she had spoken. She lifted her head up from his neck and stared directly at him.

"Why don't they like me?"

Sasuke did not reply to her question, because in all honesty he had no answer to his family's actions earlier today. The rude and arrogant attitudes of the members of Sasuke's extended family were people he had grown accustomed to and while the Uchiha were well known for their pride, there was always a warm family mood when they all gathered together. He had expected no difference when he brought Sakura along this time.

And yet, the moment the newly engaged couple had entered the house, the usually warm air surrounding his Clan had taken a much stiffer turn. Although some of his cousins had welcomed him in, they blatantly ignored Sakura. The day only got worse from there.

It was only a matter of three hours until Sasuke had lost his temper and had announced he and his fiancée would not be spending the night at one of the houses like the rest of the family and would instead be staying at a nearby hotel. At this point he had no plans on staying in town for the rest of the family reunion.

"Your parents like me Sasuke! Itachi-san likes me! Why was everyone else so cruel to me?" As she waited dully for the answer he couldn't give, she lifted her sleeve up to her face once again as a small sniffle escaped her throat. Sasuke pushed away her arm softly and cupped her face in his hands while he used the pad of his thumbs to stroke away the dampness under her eyes.

"I'm sorry Sakura." He said quietly before adding, "We don't have to go back."

She laughed quietly before leaning her cheek into his palm, her eye lids closing in pleasure at the soft strokes of his fingers. "I bet none of them will be willing to come to the wedding," she added quietly.

"We can elope."

A pair of green orbs flashed open at his statement.


Sasuke shrugged his shoulders in disinterest. "We don't need my entire family there for the wedding. We can just have a small wedding with a few friends and our parents or just go before a Judge and sign the papers. I don't need anyone to be there to watch us; I know my choice."

"Wha-What about Mikoto?"

Sasuke scoffed at her weak question. "My mother can survive without planning a glorious wedding for us, besides you saw her today. She probably would support the idea of elopement if we brought it up; she was livid at her brother and sister"

Sakura did not speak immediately afterwards and Sasuke knew she was mulling over his suggestion. He didn't have any doubts that she would eventually agree to his idea. That was however before he felt her hand roughly pull his own away from her face. Confused, he watched her lips twitch before she was suddenly off his lap with her hands clenched at her sides. Her previously solemn eyes were alight with the fire of anger.

"No," she snarled out between clenched teeth. "We will not be eloping! I will not be chased away by your family Sasuke! We won't be going home either! I refuse to be shamed into solitude by them! We will spend the rest of the reunion here and we will let Mikoto plan the wedding like she wanted and everyone in both our families will attend! I'm not going to just let them— l-let them...let them drive me into a corner! I refuse!"


"I will not let them make us marry like cowards Sasuke! I can't!" Her final shriek, left her cheeks flushed a deep red and her breath coming in deep pants. He could feel the ways of distress rolling off.

"What are you so desperate for? What do you want to prove? It doesn't matt—"

"It does! It does matter!"

"Sakura, you—"

"They're going to be my family too! I don't want to spend the rest of my life as the in-law that everyone hates! I don't want them to hate me! ...I-I I'll make them like me, I'll make them change their opinion of me..."

And somehow Sasuke knew that she could do it. His family might be arrogant and they may have expected him to marry what they believed was an acceptable wife, but they were also ones to notice the kindness and talent that others possessed. If they were willing to take the time to get to know her, Sasuke knew they would accept her. It was just that Sakura needed to be strong enough to get pass their initial barrier. That too Sasuke knew that she was more than strong enough to do.

It was her strength that had been able to get passed his barriers and almost none can earn in their lifetime. His love.

Sasuke knew his blossom could make all his seemingly unyielding relatives change their opinion of her.

"The Uchiha are stubborn Saku—"

"Are you trying to say I can't make them like me?" Sakura hissed. Sasuke immediately cursed himself for his choice of words.

"No, I—"

"They will like me! Every. Last. One of them!"

And if Sakura had not looked at him with such a fiercely determined gaze while her teeth ground together in her rage, Sasuke would have laughed at the situation.

Because if the Uchiha family had just overlooked the pink hair, soft eyes, and petite stature that his lovely fiancée was born with, they would have found the strong, prideful, and brilliant woman they believed Sasuke deserved as a wife. They would have realized that by all means Sakura was a woman worthy of the Uchiha name, because she could probably make most of the stoic men in the family quake in their boots from fear of her temper.

And so as his lips twitch upwards into his trademark smirk, he knew that tomorrow they would not be hiding in their hotel room while the traditional family reunion of the Uchiha Clan took place. No, instead he was sure Sakura would be dragging him around and making sure that during the next two days, all his grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and distant relatives made sure they knew she was not going anywhere.

And that was exactly the way Sasuke wanted it to be.

And there we are. Just a note that this is a drabble...just a rather long one. :) Those who have read my works before know I like my long chapters :)

Alternative Universe: Sasuke's entire family is alive and Sasuke used the word "whipped." (Enough said)

"What are you so desperate for": Did you not see that line in the story? Cause was there. :)

Hope you enjoyed!
