A/N: New story, new angle, another challenge. Hope you like it!

The first thing he remembered was his name. Then, his bodily functions. He slowly opened his eyes to see four worried faces peering down at him.

"Where… where am I?" the last thing he knew was that he was sitting in the common room, fiddling with Hermione's time turner, when there was a lurch and he ended up here, hitting his head. The faces above him exchanged worried glances. The dark haired, charmingly gorgeous one spoke up.

"Welcome into our world, handsome… you're at Hogwarts… in the Gryffindor common room… who are you?" The boy looked familiar… though from where?

"I'm Harry…" it was then he realised; Sirius Black. The boy's name was Sirius. He had seen photographs from Grimmauld Place. This was Sirius in 1977. That meant he had gone back in time. Looking carefully from one place to the next, he recognised all of the faces; James Potter, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. His family. Tears welled in his eyes as he looked at the youthful faces of the four, but his brain was racing as he thought of a plausible lie to tell them all. "I mean I'm Hari…" he couldn't say Potter, but there was no other name coming to mind!

"It's okay, sweetie, don't struggle to remember. You hit your head pretty hard just now. Are you okay?" Lily soothed, grasping his hand. This was his mother. He nodded, and Lily punched James with her free hand. "Potter! Help the poor boy up!" Oh. Not on speaking terms yet, then. Remus had told him of James' attempts to court Lily. With a groan he was lifted by James and Sirius, and deposited on the sofa that he had started out on... 20 years into the future.

"So, how did you get here, chump?" James queried, suspicious. Harry had this one sorted, years of quick thinking and excuses paying off.

"Uh, Professor Dumbledore gave me a portkey. I'm a transfer student from Greece." He had got a bit of a tan from the Horcrux hunting. "He told me that it would take me straight to the equivalent of my House out in Greece; I suppose this is it!" he laughed and the rest of the group did too. Inwardly Harry breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that they seemed to believe him.

"Say, Mr… what did you say your name was again?" Remus asked quietly. Harry looked at the younger version of his surrogate father and was pleased to notice he looked so less… harried.

"Hari Charter." He supplied helpfully.

"Mr Charter. I thought you said your name was Harry?" At the newcomer's shaken head, Remus sighed. "Say, you don't sound very Greek." Harry simply smiled and rolled his eyes at himself.

"I should have said! I originally lived in Surrey, when I was a child, but even then my parents were very interested in Grecian type names hence the Greek version of Harry, H-ah-ri. My father got a job out near Athens and we relocated. I've come back every summer to see my friends and grandparents, so the accent has stayed. Plus, I don't tan very well," he joked, gesturing to himself. Remus nodded, seemingly pacified. "If one of you could be so kind, could you direct me to the headmaster's office? I promised him I would come to him on arrival but I wasn't planning on the portkey being so tricky. I've never used one of these before," he stated, pulling an old quill from his pocket. Luckily none of the group bothered to explore further into the story so Harry's prop was safe. Instead they all nodded, knowing exactly what he meant.

"I'll take you, Hari! I can even wait for you and walk you back if you want!" Sirius cried, latching on to his arm. Harry didn't miss the pained look in Remus' eyes but it was covered before anyone else did.

"I don't know any of you, and I don't want to bother anyone," he murmured quietly, not willing to cause a problem between himself and Lupin.

"Well I'm Sirius Black, leader of this Motley Crew and all round amazingness of Gryffindor. This is my best friend, James Potter, his future wife Lily- Oof!" he was cut off by an elbow to the ribs from the fiery girl, who took over the introductions.

"I'm Lily Evans, that prat is, of course, Siri, his best friend James, and the most lovely of them all, Remus Lu…" she was interrupted by a recovered Sirius.

"My lover, Remy!" He yelled, throwing himself onto the sandy haired boys lap. Remus blushed furiously but didn't discourage him. Harry gave a small smile to the bashful boy, and he knew they would be close in this time, too.

"Well, if I could just get those directions…" not wanting to interrupt an obviously rare but special moment for Remus, the question was directed at Lily and James. Lily smiled.

"It's after curfew so I'll take you. I am, after all, a prefect." This was matched with a smug look at James, who scowled and looked away. "Come on, Hari," Lily tugged on his arm and they left. "So tell me about yourself, Hari," Lily enquired as they walked. "You turn up mysteriously from Greece and land in our laps. I assure you the school will be dying for your story and as your newly appointed best friend I must know all of it to be able to filter their knowledge." Harry smiled widely at Lily's enthusiasm and his heart clenched at the thought that it would be wasted when she would be murdered.

"Well, as I mentioned earlier I was born in Surrey and grew up in a Muggle primary school even though I'm a Half Blood; apparently it was good knowledge of the Muggle world and would help stop prejudice against those not fortunate to have magic. My parents moved us to Greece and I was home schooled as I don't speak Greek and when I got an owl from Professor Dumbledore about my Ordinary Wizarding Levels, asking whether I would like to transfer, I took him up on the offer. I guess I wanted to be back home, in the British Isles." He finished, glad that six years of making excuses as to why he hadn't done this or that had paid off.

"Well, Hari, you are more than welcome here. I promise you that those guys mean no harm, unless of course Siri takes an enormous fancy to you then you'll never be safe. Potter's an idiot but who can blame him; all the attention made his head swell." At Harry's curious look, Lily rolled her eyes and explained. "James was made the youngest seeker in the history of Hogwarts. He now has girls fawning over him every second of the day even though it was seven years ago." She scowled, making it necessary for Harry to bite back a laugh; she was jealous.

"Well then I have immense respect for him. You all seem very nice, though, so I'd be glad to be your friend. Is this it?" Harry faked confusion as to why they had stopped in front of the Griffin statue.

"This is Professor Dumbledore's office. I'll wait out here for you, shall I?" Lily said kindly. Harry nodded and turned back to the statue. "Sugar Paper," Lily giggled.

"Thanks, Lily," Harry replied as he stepped onto the top step of the newly appearing staircase. "I'll be down as soon as I can."

The office was exactly as it had been in Harry's time; full of eclectic Muggle items and random wizarding objects.

"Mr Charter, I presume?" Harry whirled around to come face to face with a younger Dumbledore. "Lemon drop?" Harry shook his head and the old headmaster strode to behind his desk and gestured to the seat the other side.

"Professor Dumbledore, I'm Harry Potter. I'm from twenty years in the future. I don't know why I ended up here or what I'm going to do…" he was cut off by a wave of a hand.

"Harry, it does not matter how you arrived, now is the time for planning your future. You need robes, books, money, and an alibi. My sources tell me you have a very solid background in… Greece, was it?" Harry nodded. "Well all that is left for me, really, is to set you up with material items, and announce you to the school. As tomorrow is Saturday, you may go to Hogsmeade with one of the prefects… I think Mr Snape will do. He doesn't normally go with a group, so he will not be inconvenienced and have to split off from anyone. I shall summon him now." Dumbledore strode to the fire and Floo-called Snape. Harry was internally kicking himself; it was sheer dumb luck that he had been stuck with the man who hated him most in his own era. As a boy stepped through the Floo, he could not help but realise how much healthier Severus Snape was back in his teens, still pale and underweight but less worried. He was sporting a blackened cheekbone and blood dribbled from his lip but he carried himself with the same pride as always. Harry didn't want to admit it to himself, but Severus Snape was more attractive in this time than his own.

"You called, Headmaster?" Snape sighed wearily, healing his wounds. Dumbledore nodded and gestured to the seat next to Harry. The young Potter noticed with slight anger that the headmaster completely ignored the state of the Slytherin.

"Yes, Severus. This is Mr Hari Charter. He's a transfer student from Greece and tomorrow you will be escorting him to Hogsmeade to buy some new items. I hope this doesn't inconvenience you too much, dear boy," Dumbledore rambled, his tone telling Snape that he wasn't allowed to let it be an inconvenience.

"Yes, Headmaster, that will be fine. Will I have to do anything else?" It was clear from the sigh placed at the end of Snape's statement that he hoped there would be nothing else. Unfortunately, luck was not on his side.

"Due to Mr Charter not knowing his way around this castle, and having studied a completely different curriculum back in Greece, I feel it is best if you stay with him for the rest of the term, and possibly afterwards. Now I know this may cause friction with the Gryffindors, due to Harry being in their house so I have made the decision that you and he shall be sharing private quarters over in the Eastern Wing of the castle. Mr Snape," Dumbledore held up a finger to stop the protests falling from the Slytherin's lips. "You were going to be moved any way for your apprenticeship with Professor Slughorn so there is only a slight change in the plan. Hari will be staying with you and the both of you shall dine at the Professor's table in the Great Hall. For Hari to sit there, I would like him to apprentice under another professor, or perhaps even become a Potions apprentice too?" Harry frowned. He had wanted to become a Potions Master, he realised in sixth year, but he knew that back in his time Snape would never let him. This would be the ideal opportunity for him to gain the qualification and, once he figured out how to get back, retain the knowledge for his future.

"I have considered a career in Potions myself, Headmaster. If it is no problem I would be most happy to apprentice for my Potions Mastery." Harry spoke boldly, making sure the glare Snape was sending him was ignored. Dumbledore clapped his hands gleefully.

"Well then, it is settled. You shall both apprentice under Horace, you shall have your rooms on the fourth floor of the Eastern Wing behind the tapestry of the Elven Court. They will accept you and let you chose a password of your own, but please decide on one you will both agree on; we do not want one of you changing the password without informing the other, do we? No, we do not," Dumbledore stated firmly, chuckling slightly. "It is late; I shall send a house elf to your respective common rooms to inform your houses of the change, and Mr Charter – I think it would be best for you to tell Miss Evans downstairs." Snape perked up at the mention of Lily, and Harry's heart clenched; of course Snape would be in love with his mother. It was seventh year meaning the events pushing her away and breaking his heart had taken place. It also meant that Severus had taken the Mark the year before, so depressed by the rejection of his love that he would do anything to end his suffering. "I shall see you boys at the head table, bright and early tomorrow. For now I must feed my Nargles." With that, the old eccentric bid the boys goodnight, and toddled off through one of the many doors in his office.

"Come, Charter, go speak to the woman downstairs. I would like to go to sleep. It is, after all, after curfew." Snape spat, hands shaking. Harry went over to him and stuck out his hand.

"It is hardly prudent for us to stick to surnames when we will be in such close quarters, Mr Snape. Call me Hari," he waited for a reciprocating statement but all he got from the young potions master was a glare directed at his hand. "Severus, it is just a hand. It won't bite. I will, however, if amicable behaviour is not in your cards. Would a hug be better?" Harry moved forwards with a grin, but Snape quickly shook his hand. Inside, a tiny bit of disappointment reigned. Was he really that repugnant, even to the version of Snape that didn't know his heritage?

"Fine, Hari, I shall agree to this demand. Now let us leave. Dumbledore's office is unnerving without the man." They walked out of the room, oblivious to the twinkling blue eyes peering from behind the door the Headmaster had left from.

"Severus will finally get his happiness, Fawkes. Harry made the first bridge and more will come, fast. Merlin knows that these two are the ones the prophecies speak of."