This is a follow up fic to Saving a Soul, which was inspired by the fic Broken White by Kithren. All characters belong to Hoshino Katsura.

Healing a Soul

By Uniasus

He had noticed earlier, Walker's new little habit of staring at uninteresting things. Sometimes his expression wound be of horror, sometimes of shock, occasionally hostility, but as of late it had been the begrudged acceptance of something he couldn't change.

Allen Walker was seeing things.

Which was something Kanda knew a bit about.

But his hallucinations were something he never shared with anyone, and it was likely Walker was of a similar mindset. Especially since it Walker's scared him. Kanda's was just annoying most of the time.

However, after what Kanda had seen a few nights ago, the condition of Walker's soul, perhaps talking about it would help Walker. Kanda refused to think of what his own soul in his own mind might look like. He was whole in Walker's mind, but that didn't mean anything.

Kanda made up his mind the day Walker woke up that the next time Walker was staring at whatever he was seeing, he would confront him. But now, Kanda held back. Walker was looking at the window in shock and puzzlement, with a slight frown on his face. It was different from how he normally looked when hallucinating.

"Walker," he said, and Walker jumped, looking over his shoulders to find Kanda leaning against the wall. "What are you looking at?"

"Oh, I saw a really interesting bird fly by."

"Cut the crap." Kanda marched over to stand in front of him, drawing attention his height. Kanda was always taller, but now that Allen was in a wheelchair the difference was very obvious. "Lavi thinks you're thinking when you look out the windows and Lenalee thinks that you want to go outside more, that you feel cooped. But neither is the case, is it? You're looking at the window. What do you see Allen?"

"Hey, you called me by name – "

"Answer the fucking question fucking bean sprout!"

"I don't see anything." Walker pushed on the wheels of the wheelchair in an attempt to get away, but Kanda grabbed the handles and pushed him the other way.

"Hey!" Walker exclaimed and Link's head poked out from the room a few feet away.

"Kanda, I can't allow you to take Walker," the blonde said.

"Tim, distract him," Kanda ordered, and the golden golem left his perch on Walker's lap to go annoy the Crow agent.

"Come back here , Tim!" Walker cried and tried to stop his wheelchair with his hands but Kanda slapped them away. The Japanese started power walking, pushing Walker until he found an empty room, gave Walker a hard push inside, and locked the door behind them after Timcampy zoomed in.

"What's your problem, BaKanda?"

"Stop lying."

"I told you, I didn't see anything, Kanda!"

"But you were expecting too." Kanda meant for it to be a question, but it sounded too harsh.

"Look, I don't want to talk about it, plus there's nothing to talk about anyway." Walker rolled forward and reached for the lock; Kanda swatted his hand away. "Hey!"

"You're going to talk to me."

"Why the fuck do you care Kanda?"

"Because," Kanda huffed up and then deflated rapidly, turning his face away to hide his blush and barely pushed the words out of his mouth, "we're friends."

Walker stared at him in shock and then too seemed to deflate. They stood in the room for a bit of silence, neither looking at each other, until Walker gave in.

"Okay," he breathed. "Since you're asking."

Kanda blinked. What, no fight? Then again, Walker wasn't in any condition to even stand since he was missing a foot. And an ear. Tyki's explanation of souls crossed his mind, they needed social contact. Was Walker's just so deprived it latched on the first one that came across? All he had to do was ask? No wonder Rhode had been pissed at him. Kanda pulled a chair over from a corner and set it in front of Walker before taking a seat.

Walker didn't look at him, he was too busy playing with Tim by stretching the golem's checks. "I, I used to see something in anything reflective. Windows, the bathroom mirror, the silverware. And I wasn't hallucinating!" Walker looked up at Kanda as if to dare him to challenge the sentence. "Tim could see it too."

Walker went back to playing with the golem, and Kanda bit his tongue in an effort to be patient. "I saw…the 14th. I first noticed him in the 14th's room in the Ark, but he followed me here to headquarters. At first he was like what you would expect of a ghost, 65 aside, just a black silhouette with white eyes and mouth, fading to black spirals under his chest. But, he got bigger, more defined, and I found my own reflection…shrinking. As if the 14th was slowly destroying my soul, and I had no way to stop it."

Kanda flinched, because that was essentially what had been happening. And the Musician had been close to getting more than just Walker's soul if Tyki and Rhode hadn't shown up. Neah was too powerful for Kanda beat by himself. Walker however, didn't seem to realize the reality of his statement, or if he did that was for another conversation.

"And just a minute ago then, was the 14th gone?" Kanda hoped Rhode had been able to cut the connection between the Musician and Walker.

"N-no." Tim, having enough of Walker's ministrations, flew out of Walker's hands and landed on Kanda's head instead. Walker glared at the golden golem, but then began playing with his fingers and watching that instead. "But it's like how it was at the beginning now, with him being formless black, smiling and only hovering behind my reflection. He's even smaller now, half the size of me. It's a nice change."

Kanda frowned as he watched Walker continue to play with his fingers after finishing. So Rhode had only managed to partly close the connection between their minds. Which made Kanda's job that more harder. But if he could get Lavi and Lenalee to help, without telling them what he had seen – Walker's soul crucified behind an isolation barrier – that should help. Actually, all he would have to do would be encourage Walker to accept the subtle ways the others were trying to help. And maybe encourage them to prod Walker a little more. That would help him keep his image.

"You're not saying anything Kanda." Walker pointed out.

"Did you want me to?"

"Um, I'm not actually sure."

"Che, stupid beansprout."

"Hey! My name is Allen! And I know you know it!"

"Che." Kanda got up from his chair and walked over to the door. "It's almost lunch, you coming?"

He felt Timcampy flap his wings excitedly, and Walker's face changed to one Kanda had seen him use when analyzing strangers while on a mission. Shit, was he too obvious?

But Walker just smiled, a small grin, nothing spectacular, but Kanda was hard pressed to find any falseness to it like so many that had graced Walker's face lately.

"Yeah, I'm coming."

Link was waiting outside the door, faint worry lines on his face and Kanda pegged him as another potential ally to help Walker as the Central agent came around to push Walker's wheelchair.

"Everything alright?" the inspector asked his charge, and Walker tilted his head back to give a true smile at the older male.

"It's all good Link."

Link however didn't seem to believe him and glanced at Kanda out of the edge of his eye, wary and strangely protective of the teen he was pushing.

"Che, we just talked."

"Talked?" Link echoed, confused.

"I know, who would have thought Kanda could hold a conversation?"

"Watch it, beansprout."

"It's Allen!"

Link just smiled softly. In Kanda's head, he cursed out Walker. All these people who cared for him, and Walker wouldn't let them help. The white haired boy was stupid, that's for sure. But today, today was a step in the right direction he thought. The first of many.

A/N: So, I'm thinking about more companion one shots from other POV's breaking from Kanda's for a bit (hey, he had a full 20 pages to himself!), but they weren't written with SaS, as this one was. I just kinda decided to split this up, with the potential idea of a multi-chap follow up, and I think I will. But don't expect consistent updates or anything. I'm sure most of you know I'm not known for that, which is why I've been leaning towards one-shots.

In any case, I hope you enjoyed this. Review if you love me!