Hey Guys,i know that it has been awhile but heres the next chapter. I love all of you for your good reviews. Thank you all so much. :)

I hope you like this chapter and I don't own anything but Jack. :)



I had been running for at least 30 minutes and there was no sign of strigoi following me anymore, I had left my Roza and Jack alone with those strigoi. I needed to hurry, there was no way I was slowing down now. They needed me and I needed Roza.

From what I could remember Court was at least another 3 miles, it would probably take me another 30 minutes, and I hoped that I would be fast enough to save her. I ran, and ran, and ran never really noticing my fatigue the adrenalin surge was still coursing through my body.

I finally saw them, the soft glow of court lights. Finally I could get the help that I needed and save her from Tasha and Mason. I burst through the Court gates and ran to the Guardian headquarters.
"Dimitri, man. How did you escape? Where are Rose and Jack?"
I glanced in the direction of Adrian and Christian, but had no time to stop and talk. I needed to get to Hans, they both knew that I wasn't slowing down so they began to follow me keeping pace as best they could.

I just kept sprinting until I hit Han's door, nearly knocking it down with my force. Both Adrian and Christian were right on my tail, all of us bursting in on Hans.
"I need a group of guardians now, there is a strigoi hideout near here and they have captured Rose and the new guy Jack. We have been there for about 3 or 4 days and all of us were in pretty bad condition."
He looked over me and noticed the small cuts and bite marks that covered my skin. He sighed and then both of the moroi shouted obscenities at him, surprising both him and myself.

"I can't, they aren't moroi and I am not allowed to send people if they aren't." I charged forward and pushed Hans up against the wall holding him off the ground.

"You will send people to help them or else I will make sure you won't be able to walk or talk ever again. Do you understand? This is two dedicated guardians that need saving now."
He gulped and nodded his head.

"I will give you 15 men and I do hope that all of them return."
I thanked him and ran from his room, making my way to the garage at court in order to get there faster we would need a few cars.

Finally all 15 men were at the gate and ready to fight. We took off on our way to save my Roza, I knew that she was alive I could just feel it, but if she wasn't those strigoi had better run…


I was still unconscious and stuck in my own thoughts, I really hoped that Dimitri had gotten away and managed to get some help. We both needed to get out, my mind wandered to the condition that Jack was in, he wouldn't make it much longer he has taken way to many hits.

I could feel my self waking up and I took in my surroundings, both Tasha and Mason were stil standing in the room, but rather than me they were consumed with Jack. His face was full of agony, he looked up at me and his eyes were filled with pain and even tears. His eyes met mine and a hint of relief flashed in them. Tasha seemed to have noticed that Jacks attention had changed to me, both turned around and smiled, a sick evil smile full of hatred and anger.

"Well it's nice to see that our guest of honour is awake again, is the pain to much to handle Rosie?" Masons cruel smile turned to a smirk as he and Tasha forgot Jack and made their way over to me, I prepared myself for the pain to come. But just couldn't help a stupid remark.

"You're a sick bastard, but I'm sure I take pain better then you do because, you Mason are a weak asshole."

"Shut up you stupid little bloodwhore" he growled, ahh so I finally struck a nerve. I smirked as he stalked towards me and slapped me right across the face forcing my head to the side with an extreme amount of force.

"Let the torture begin."

Mason and Tasha were consumed in my torture, probably making me pay for Dimitri's breakout. He was gone and neither me nor Jack knew when he would be back. I was constantly in agonizing pain but I refused to show just how much it hurt to my captors.
I knew that it was a long shot for Dimitri to come back with help, but I knew he would be back with it or not. The pain was getting worse as the full extent of Dimitri's escape was taken out on me.

"So this is how your 'lover' repays you, you little bitch" her scowl grew as I kept up the same stotic mask I had grown accustomed to. I looked out of the corner of my eye to spot Jack drifting in and out of consciousness. That man has taken so much pain for me in such a short time; he really is a true friend. If we ever made it out of this I would be forever in his debt.

The torture continued for what seemed like eternity, Mason was enjoying himself so much as he continued to inflict pain on me. Tasha had begun to cut tiny little slices into my face numerous times, and the blood loss was stating to hit me as drowsiness was starting to consume me. I was starting to lose faith in the belief that Dimitri was coming back.

Both of them were beginning to become bored with my torture and resorted to feeding off me. The continuous bites were pure agony, they would never bite long enough for the endorphins to kick in. Eventually the pair decided to leave the cabin for a while thinking that we were both to weak to escape, leaving me and Jack alone.

Bad idea.

"Rose are you able to break free? My gaze drifted up to Jacks face as he looked more awake then I had seen in days.

"Yeah I think so"
I tried to move my hands to where I kept a switch blade in the back of my pants; I touched the tip of the knife while struggling against the ropes that bound my hands. I managed to turn the blade around and began to cut the ropes that bound my hands.

"Jack what are we going to do? How are we going to get away?" He looked over at me as I finally broke through my bonds and jumped up to help him.

"Were going to do it your way and wing it." I smirked at his choice of words as I searched for our stakes. I scanned the room whilst Jack kept an eye out for our captors. I finally found our stakes stashed away in a duffle bag on one of the tables in the corner. I tossed one over to Jack and he caught it skilfully.



"Ready?" I looked around the guardians that I had managed to gather, Adrian, Christian and Eddie were among them. Most people around the van nodded.

"Ok, were going to go in three groups of five, you five" I pointed to the first group "will come in from the right. Then you will all attack from the left" I pointed to the second group. "And you will all attack from the back and ensure no one escapes. Eddie, myself, Adrian and Christian will attack from head on, Tasha is mine and if you find Mason Ashford, he needs to be captured not killed we are going to restore him."

Everyone nodded along as I explained my plan. We were going to get Roza and Jack back. We finally arrived in a position where we were able to get ready.

"Is everyone in position?" murmurs of yes sounded through our walkie talkies. "Ok start closing in be ready for anything." Adrian and Christian were in between me and Eddie, Christian was ready to light up and strigoi that came near us. I was so vigilant while trying to be as calm and collected as possible. MY head snapped to the left as I heard rustles in the bushes.

"Be prepared, I think someone is coming, Christian if it's a strigoi light up their head ok?" I looked over at him and saw his brief nod. Someone suddenly broke through the bushes, Christians hands lit up with flames but instantly I knew it wasn't a strigoi. It was Jack.

"Jack, how did you escape? Where's my Roza?" He looked up with heavy eyes as I knew that Rose wasn't following him. I studied his face and noticed that he was covered in fresh blood and bite marks.

"Dimitri we were separated, she went after Mason. I don't know if she will come back, she's in pretty bad shape." I couldn't believe that, no matter what she was coming back. I began to advance in the direction of the cabin faster and faster until I started sprinting. I could hear the others following me, when I finally broke through into the clearing at least five strigoi bodies were lying on the ground.

"Mason, how are you even strigoi, I saw you die." Oh no dangerous topic, I rushed forward and stood beside Rose, she visibly relaxed as she realised I was here to help her. I looked over at Christian and slightly nodded as he lit up Masons head and arms, Adrian and I rushed over to Masons burning figure as Adrian pushed the stake through Masons, it didn't go right in so he kept pushing until the bright light filled the area around us and Mason was restored to the Damphir he originally was.

"Mason" Rose breathed out, tears filled her eyes as she realised that she had finally gotten her best friend back. I was overwhelmed by the light that had emitted from Mason and Adrian, and I didn't notice Tasha closing in on Christian until she was right behind him.
"Christian duck" She lunged and hit Rose square on in the chest throwing her back until she hit a tree behind her knocking her out cold.


There you go Chapter 12 :)

Love you all for reading. Please review.

Can i get 10?
