
~Peter sat in the midst of a scrimmage between the mermaids of Neverland. This game was no longer fun. Patricia, the blonde one, tugged the conch shell out of Kora's grasp, shrieking that it looked better...blah blah

"Girls talk to much-" A pang of some kind went through the boy's head. "Wendy..." It would soon be spring, and last spring, Wendy's great great great granddaughter introduced Peter (secretly) to the new family that would live after she and her family would move out. Wendy made him promise before that he would not bring another to Neverland unless they truly had to or wanted to, Wendy feared for the family's children to realize they could not keep peter, like Wendy once believed.

~A perfectly charming little family. The Father reminded Peter of George Darling and a loving mother of Asian descent. The family's infant, Robert, which giggles more than he cries. But there is also, a girl. A girl, not yet an appropriate to be a full woman but was never the less mature. Ruthie.

She was childish yet grown up in a strange paradox way. Peter liked how she was mischievous and strong, not at all lady -like. If she didn't have certain assets she could pass off as a lost boy. She held all of the Darlings old books and Margret's, Wendy's granddaughter, sketchbook of all the lost boys. Peter thought gleefully, he secretly left before spring just to see her. They would have epic adventures in the was-nursery which is now her room. Her parents once believed in Peter before they grew old and lost their childish spark.

Since peter visited so often, the mainland's time frame began affecting his age. Peter was no longer a little child but young teen. He grew taller, his voice deepen, but still had the childish roundness everyone loved. Peter fed the girl stories of Neverland, hoping to lure her to wishing to go to Neverland.

She enjoyed Stories of pirates the most, to peter's displeasure. He wanted her to admire his bravery and his heroism. Alas, the girl was soon growing too old to believe in Neverland.

Peter leaped up furious, from all the stories he tells her she still has not mentioned wanting to go to Neverland. She agreed that growing older was horrid, but why has she not accepted the option of Neverland? It doesn't make sense. It has been two days, which is a long time. Peter had hoped she would feel obliged to become the lost boys' mother, but she did not offer. In good form, Peter has not mentioned taking her because it would be against Wendy's wishes...

Peter's frequent visits not only affected peter but also the lost boys began to age. Rufio, the king of the lost boys was looking handsome than youthful, his voice also deeper and his muscles toned. When Peter wasn't around, the mermaids would swoon for Rufio.

He could find a loophole! The girl would have to go to Neverland! The power of the promise would not restrict him to doing so! Yes... The plan was going to play out perfectly. He would not grow old and she would not grow old and die too. Problems would be solved. They could have mighty adventures at Neverland, and never growing old!

A perfect plan...