And the final chapter. Was thinking of doing an epilogue but I think this end just at the right place. I apologize for the wait but I needed time to say goodbye to this story(and I'm being dramatic!)

I hope you like it, I wish I'd written it how I'd planned for it to be written but this didn't turn out so bad either. Thank you to all reviewers, if I could make it to 200 that would be awesome but if not I'm happy with the reviews that I have :)

Also, because this story is now complete, I'm working on one more that I'm in the middle of writing and I'm working on a really long one-shot and then I have ideas for a new story after that which I hope works out for me but if you keep an eye on those when I upload them and tell me your opinions of those too that would be really appreciated!

And... Enjoy :)

Miley POV

'And now, parents and teachers, the class of 2011', my principal announces as my whole grade stands up and everyone cheers. This is it, the end of my high school career. The moment I've been waiting for for four years. And it feels, overwhelming.

A rollercoaster of a year. This is a time that I can think back over the years, things that have happened and things I wish had happened. My breakdown. That was a low point. There's nothing worst than losing something so close to you, like your first love and your best friend to make you realise that life isn't all it's cracked up to be. Some things are just out of your control and you just have to sit back and take it in your stride. I learnt that the hard way. I also learnt that alcohol and promiscuity are not the answers. That was also learnt the hard way. I learnt that although being an emotional person is a good thing, learning to control your emotions and not lash out at the wrong people is the real good thing to do.

I learnt a lot about myself this year. I learnt a lot about other people. I've learnt to think before I speak because otherwise just voicing your opinion will be trouble. I learnt that everyone makes mistakes and you can hold grudges all you want, it isn't helping anybody. The mature and reasonable thing to do is to forgive and move on and that's what I've done. I've forgiven Nick. Even though what he did was horrible and it hurt me, neither of us can change the past and I'm only going to keep going around in circles if I don't move on.


'Yeah', I ask turning to Demi who's standing beside me.

'You okay?',

'Yeah, just thinking',

'Are you coming to Joe's party?',

'No, I can't. My flight leaves at seven',

'You're still going?', she asks quietly as she lowers her head.

Demi and I are back to the way we used to be. We patched things up and I told her about my plans to leave for London. The plan is to start in the UK and from there just travel all of Europe and then the rest of the world. Coming home for Christmas and then going back to travelling. If Brandi's plans are correct we'll be home in fifteen months, and I'll be spending spring break in Fiji or Hawaii or somewhere exotic. She tried to convince me to stay but it might be better for me to leave. Even for a while. Just get my head cleared and... well, who wouldn't want to go and travel the world?

Spending my winter on Safari in Africa, while also doing a little volunteer charity work for those less fortunate, I feel really lucky to be travelling the world, why can't I help out other people? I've changed and I've realized what's important in life and if I feel like I'm helping someone then at least I'm not causing drama and headaches for everyone else.


'But I thought you were going to think about it',

'I did and... I just want to go, I didn't get accepted to Parson's. I have a year to do what I like and you know I've always loved to travel',

'I guess. I was just hoping you'd stay', she says as Nick and Joe come over to us.

'Hey Miles, you coming to our party?',

'I can't. I have plans', I smile. So, not telling Joe or Nick was probably something I'll regret later but I hate goodbyes and that would just be awkward and sad and I don't want that. Especially Joe, he's more emotional than I am. He cried like a baby when we watched Pearl Harbor.

'You're turning down a party?', asks Nick laughing.


'Oh My God, she's back to normal Miley', Joe laughs before hugging me.

'What is normal anyway?', I ask while Joe's hugging me as Nick and Demi latch on too. Group hugs. It's been a while.

'Normal's overrated', smiles Demi.

'Miles, have you got your stuff packed, we leave in half an hour', shouts Brandi from her kitchen. Three suitcases full, is that too many? For a year it sounds pretty normal.

'Yes, chill out', I shout walking out to the kitchen

'You seem tense. You okay?',

'Why is everyone asking me that?',

'I just said, you seem tense. That's why', she says as I lower my head. I'm so on edge.

'Sorry, I'm stressing',

'Are you sure you don't wanna go say goodbye to your friends and I'll pick you up from Demi's?',

'No, it's fine. I'll go put my stuff in the car', I say carrying one of my bags out the door. I struggle with it down the stairs, damn elevator is broken, thanks Gay Jay.

I finally reach the car and push it into the trunk and slam the door down and turn back to the apartment.

'Nick?', I ask as he stands and watches me.

'So... You're leaving?', he asks in disbelief

'I wanted to tell y...',

'So then, why didn't you?',

'I was busy',

'Busy? We were talking for twenty minutes today and we hung out last night for three hours, why didn't you tell me then?', he asks getting angry

'I... I was scared',

'Of what?',

'Saying goodbye to you', I sob as a tear rolls down my cheek.

'So then don't go. If you don't wanna say goodbye to me then don't go',

'I want to go. I don't want to leave you or my family or Demi or even Joe but I want to leave this place and see the world',

'I can't believe you were planning to go without saying goodbye. I know we've had a rough time but how was I meant to feel when you left without acknowledging me?',

'No offense Nick but I've spent the last year doing nothing but thinking about you. I need to go', I say as I turn to go back into the apartment.

'Don't go. Please, stay. I love you. I don't want you being in a different country. I want to be with you. I want us to be together, I know you do too', he says walking over and stroking my cheek.

'I know, I do. I love you too but I can't stay Nick', I sob. My tears are covering my face, it's definately a good idea that he's saw me worst than this or he would have took off running before this.

'What can I do to make you stay Miley?',

'Nothing', I whisper and he lowers his head. He lifts his head again and kisses me as I kiss him back.

'Come with me', I whisper as we break apart. He lifts his head and looks at me.

'I can't Miles. I would if I could but I leave for college in a month and I can't mess that up. My dad would kill me',

'He can't reach you if you're in a different country', I smile as I try and lighten it up but he's still as serious as ever.

'I wish I could Miles. You have no idea. But... I can't',

'Then maybe one day, if we're meant to be. We'll meet again Jonas', I smile as I break apart from him.

'Or you could just not go', he smiles

'That's not an option', I laugh as I wipe my face and walk back into the apartment.

'I'll miss you', he shouts after me and more tears start streaming down my face. Damn him, why did he have to say that? Now I'm feeling even worse.

Brandi meets me halfway up the stairs and throws one of my bags at me to carry it down to the car. I pull it down the stairs and look out to see if Nick's still there, he's gone. I don't know why I was hoping for him to still be there. Selfishness I guess. I can't expect him to be there at my beck and call. Brandi pulls me out of my daydream and tells me to run and get the other bags.

We drive off the to airport, saying goodbye to my family and my new little nephew, Colton. He's so beautiful, he's only three weeks old. I've tried to see him as much as I can before leaving. Noah dotes on him too.

'What did Nick say?', asks Brandi from the driver's seat.

'How did you know I saw Nick?',

'I'm not blind Miles',

'Oh, he just... he was saying goodbye',

'And that's why you were crying?',

'Yeah, I'll miss him',

'Just don't cry yourself to sleep like you did when you first moved in', she says quietly

'I'm sorry, will that annoy you?', I ask sarcastically

'No it's just that I know I can't help you when that happens',

'Yeah I know, I'll just have casual sex with strangers to heal the pain',

'Don't be so dramatic Miley',

'I'm not',

'I don't know why you do this to yourself Miles',

'Do what?',

'If you love Nick and he loves you, why did you spend the last five months being miserable?',

'Dignity, stupidity. I don't wanna talk about it because I'll just make myself miserable',

'And you think he'll wait for you?',

'I don't know. I guess, I hope he does but I can't stop him from living his life and when we come back and he's found someone that makes him happy then I'll be crushed but I'll be happy for him. I can't have my cake and eat it too, I'm choosing to leave for a year and I can't expect him to put his life on pause',

'That's very... mature of you Miles. I'm proud of you',

'For what?',

'For being an adult about this. But I kinda have something to tell you', she says as we get out of the car in the airport and I start lifting my bags.


'I'm not going with you',

'To where?',

'To London. I'm not going', my head perks up like she's just slapped me and I look at her face to start laughing.

'What do you mean you're not going?',

'I've travelled before and I have too much studying to do for college so I can't go',

'Then why did you bring me all the way here if we're not going?',

'Because, you are still going. I'm just not going with you',

'I'm not going alone',

'I know, I've found my perfect replacement',

'Who? Gay Jay?',

'No, lift your stuff, they'll be waiting for you at check-in',

'Brandi, this is a weird fucking joke',

'It's not a joke. Just go. Email me or text me when you get there so I know you are safe and stay in contact',

'Oh My God, you're actually serious?',

'Yes, now go. Go travel the world',

'Who's waiting for me?',

'The sooner you go, the sooner you'll find out', she smirks and I'm completely dumbfounded.

I lift my bag and roll my suitcases behind me, I'm so nervous and I don't know why. Well I do but I still don't even know what the hell is going on here. I walk right up to the door and turn back to Brandi, waiting for her to burst out laughing and then tell me it's a prank but she doesn't, she waves at me and watches as I walk in the door. Sweaty palms and biting my lip, looking for someone I know but everyone here is strangers. I look back out to Brandi who gestures or me to keep walking. I start walking towards the check-in desk and drop my bags when I see who's waiting for me.


He smirks at me and my face just freezes, what the fuck is going on?

'What are you doing here?',

'I'm coming with you',

'What? Why?',

'Because Brandi needed a replacement and who else could stick you for a year?', he chuckles

'Gee, thanks',

'I think this could be good for us. No Delta, no interruptions, just us... and paradise',

'But I thought you couldn't come, with college and your dad and all that other crap that seems to turn up',

'Let's just say, I'd rather be doing this with you, besides I can apply for college next year and my dad will forgive me eventually',

'So we're doing this?',

'Under one condition', he says solemnly


'If I promise to never hurt you again and vow to always be there for you, will you be my girlfriend again?',

'Well, when you put it like that...',


'I'd love to be your girlfriend again', I smile as he leans down to kiss me.

Wasn't that adorable? Now I just need the real Niley back together and hopefully Jemi and then I'll be ecstatic!

Review? :)