Disclaimer: I don't own ANYTHING!

Summary: Challenge issued by T-Rex 989. Sorry it took so long. But the challenge was if I could make a D.P. story that shows the battle btw. Danny and Freakshow in Reality Trip from the P. of those on the ride

A/N: Between having writer's block for Danny Phantom, other stories, work, getting ready to go back to school, getting it to where you could follow along by listening to the episode while reading (see disclaimer), and many other excuses, it's taken me a while (Challenge was issued last January). But I finally got the first one done. So, T-Rex 989…This is for you

A/N II: Sorry about the delete. I had to go back and fix something. It's nothing major, but I wanted to make sure it was right.

The Worst Ride Ever

Jack's POV

I was sitting in the circus cart wishing I had some fudge on me when suddenly a green cloud of that ghost's tattoos appeared.

To my shock, it was Sam, Tucker, and Danny who was in his recently discovered ghost form.

"Well, well. Look what the bats dragged in. With my reality gems" the freak that captured us said walking up to the kids

"I don't think so." Danny said holding the Fenton thermos close to him. Suddenly, a few of the ghost-tattoos took it from him and the ghost used ectoplasm to tie up the three kids "Wha- Oh no"

Freakshow then started putting the gems into the fancy metal glove on his arm

"The gem of life, the gem of form. The Gem of fantasy. And put them with the power source and… thanks to you I now know how to activate the gauntlet"

The guy started laughing as he started pushing the gems in a certain pattern. I tried to bend the bars on the car, but they were too sturdy. I didn't care what happened to me, but if ANYTHING happened to Danny, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and Maddie, I would never forgive myself.

Apparently, Danny was thinking along the same lines as he struggled to escape the ecto-rope.

"Danny! Stop him!" Sam shouted at him

"I can't break free!" Danny told her as he struggled

"Thanks to you. I am now Ringmaster of all reality" Freakshow said before turning the blue sky purple and a few other changes to reality

"Neato huh?" Freakshow asked the kids

"Let 'em go, Freakshow. I brought you the gems. We had a deal!" Danny ordered him

"The deal was bring me the gems if you want to see them alive again. Well, here they are…alive…for now." Freakshow said pointing to us.

Figures this was one of those play-on-words moments for the villain.

Suddenly all went blank.

When I came back around, I found myself in the back of a roller coaster with Maddie and Jazz in the same car with me and the Foleys in the car in front of us, the Mansons ahead of them, and Sam and Tucker in the front car. Suddenly the car started going.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Freaks of all ages. May I direct your attention to the center ring where Danny Phantom, a.k.a. Danny Fenton will attempt to rescue his friends and family from a ghastly doom of my own construction" Freakshow's voice came.

Normally, I'm all for a roller coaster ride, but not this one. Especially at the sight of the fire-breathing Jack-in-the-Box and the crushing rock hammers and the ride taking a ski-jump into a pool of what looked to be nuclear waste.

Suddenly, Danny appeared in front of the car apparently going to try to use his ghost powers to stop the car.

Then Danny flashed yellow and turned a brownish color

"Hey! What did you…oh man" Danny started clearly being unable to move

Before I knew it, we were past where he had been and there was a splattering sound

"Only to be stopped at every turn by the master of all reality" Freakshow's voice came

"Danny!" Sam shouted

"It can't be!" Tucker exclaimed in shock

I knew what that meant. But I didn't want to believe it

"NO!" I shouted horrified. But Freakshow's declaration and the horror in Sam and Tucker's voice made it all too real

My one and only son was lost to us forever

"Danny! NOOO!" Maddie shouted just like any distressed mother. She then gripped onto me and started sobbing.

I had to remain strong for her and I tuned out the human responsible for the my son's destruction.

I then notice that we're approaching that Fire Breathing clown. I gripped onto Maddie. Soon we were going to be with Danny again.

Just when we passed the clown, a familiar shape appeared and created a shield of ecto-energy between us and the jack-in-the-box

"Danny!" Jazz exclaimed excitedly

"He's alive!" I add happily

My son's okay. Looks like his being a ghost IS a handy trick

"He has ghost envy! Use psychology!" Jazz shouted at Danny

"Psychology? That's it!" Danny exclaimed as he translated whatever Jazz had said

Danny flied along side the cars and blasts the crushers just before we approached them. I noticed he had a smug smirk on his face when he did it

"Oh no. You do not get to leave this world with a smile." Freakshow told Danny apparently not happy with my son.

"Why wouldn't I smile?" Danny asked as if putting his plan into action "So what if you're the most powerful human on earth? No matter what you do, I'm half ghost and…uh…you're not"

"I am the master of all reality" Freakshow bragged

"Oh sure, but can you do this?" Danny asked avoiding a blast sent at him by the metal glove thingy by stretching his body into a C shape that no normal human can do.

The Crowd cheers…for my son

"What? NO! He's not the star of this circus! I am! ME!" Freakshow said desperately

And the kids think I'M conceited?

"Ghost powers" Danny listed as he vanished and then reappeared with ectoplasm surrounding his hands. "Ghost energy. Ghost! Ghost! Ghost!"

As Danny repeated the word ghost, he sent three blasts at Freakshow's top hat making a smiley face in it

Again, the crowd cheers

"I WILL NOT BE UPSTAGED BY A GHOST!" Freakshow yelled throwing a tantrum

The Crowd Boos and throws trash and food at the giant Freakshow

"Uh…half ghost technically. But still WAY cooler than you." Danny bragged

"Enough! I may be loosing control of the crowd, but I control all reality. And if you think being a half ghost is so cool," Freakshow yelled. His glove thingy glowed white and when the flash died, he had turned himself into a full ghost with multiple arms, three eyes, and a face on his chest. "What do you think of me, now that I'm ALL ghost!"

Maddie gasped and I watch from the moving car horrified. Now Danny was going to have to fight a tough looking ghost

However, Danny smiled and grabbed the thermos that had held the gems

"I think this got a LOT easier" Danny said

Maddie and I shared a confused look. Then Danny opened up the thermos and energy shot out and sucked the larger ghost into thermos.

"Hey! It works" I pointed out to Maddie

"Yeah. But we have more pressing issues" Jazz said pointing to the front.

Everyone, who had been watching Danny in action turned and we noticed that the end of the track is coming up.

"AAGGGHHH!" we screamed

Just when we went off the ski jump, we fell into the pool.

However, instead of nuclear waste, it was water. When I surfaced, I noticed that the container was a giant rubber ducky pool like what we had used for the kids when they were little.

Danny landed on the edge of the pool looking frantic and wearing the glove thingy.

"Are you guys okay?" He asked before noticing the other two sets of parents "Oh. Hi Mr. and Mrs. Manson. Mr. and Mrs. Foley."

Suddenly, the ghost apprentice appeared with her tattoos to back her up. However, Danny just smirked and the glove turned yellow

"And as for you…"

She then turned into a fish, hammer, apple, and teddy bear before back to normal

She fled screaming

Danny then flew up and flashed the glove white. Everything turned back to normal and the crowd vanished.

When everything was set right, he landed and then turned back into the Danny Fenton I know and love.

Who'd have thought? My son. A superhero?

"Danny!" I exclaim to catch his attention

"Young man" Maddie added sternly.

It had been agreed on earlier today that we'd start this conversation off sternly to teach him not to lie to us again and then express how proud we are of him.

His shoulders dropped as if this had been the moment he had been dreading

"I-I'm sorry" Danny apologized as we walked up to him

I can't stand this look on Danny's face, so I pulled him into a tight hug. I then released him and gripped his shoulders and looked him straight in the eye.

"We're very proud of you, Son" I told him.

I can't wait to tell Vlad that my son's a hero.

The SECOND I released him, Maddie hugged him

"Oh my baby boy!" she exclaimed and kissed him on the cheek

Danny pulls away

"But I lied to you. Over and over for a really long time. If I were you guys I'd be furious." He argued

"Well, Of course you lied to us. We never gave you a reason not to" Maddie explained

"All this time we've been yammering on about destroying and dissecting ghosts, I'd have been terrified too if I were you" I added having been thinking about it since Jazz brought it up.

"We love You Sweetie. YOU." Maddie stated as if trying to drill that into his head.

"Whether you're ghost, boy, or something in between" I put in hoping that he would understand the message that he DIDN'T have to hide this from us

"And I appreciate that. More than you'll ever know." He said hugging us

When he pulled away, he looked at the glove thingy and added, "Or will ever remember"

Before I could make sense of that, all went blank.

When I came back around, I was working on the ectobazooka in the spare room..

Odd. I could have sworn I was taking a shower.

Suddenly, I saw that annoying ghost kid out the window.

"HEY!" I shouted at the bane of my existence. "Yeah You! You've got a lot of nerve floating around like that!"

I then pulled out my ectobazzoka

"When I get my hands on you, I'm going to tear you apart molecule by molecule!"

He dodge the blast and waved at me cheekily

"Have a nice summer!" he called out to me with a wave before flying off

I shot at him again and hit him in the rear, but he was too far away to do too much damage. Just a sharp sting to the butt.

One day I'll get that ghost punk!

The End