Title: Quizzin' It

Summary: Kim takes a survey/quiz on facebook.

Rated: K+

Pairings: Jack/Kim, hinted Kelsi/Jerry

Disclaimer: I don't own Kickin' It.

"Hey Kim, whatcha doin'?" Jerry asked her as him, Jack, Eddie, and Milton walked into the dojo.

"Oh, just survey quiz thing on Facebook." She said smiling.

"Well… when you're done with that, we'll be over there." Jack said "Come on guys lets go."

Kim's Survey

Name: Kimberly Anne Crawford

Nickname: Kim/Kimmy

Gender: Female.

Age: 15 (A/N Idk her age. They look 15 so im going with it)

Birthday: July 4. (A/N Idk her birthday either so im just gonna go with the fourth of July)

Job: I don't have a job.

Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee (:

Current Town: (A/N I don't know what town they live in or their school, can someone who knows these two things PLEASE tell me?)

Favorite thing to pass time: Karate at the Bobbi Wasabi Dojo.

Sports: Cheerleading/Karate.

Siblings: Jax Collin Crawford (5, male)

Pets: 5 horses, 2 dogs, 2 goats, 4 cats, 3 ducks, 7 chickens, 2 fish. (A/N I don't care where they live imma say she lives on a farm, mkay?)

Your Crush: Jack Howard.

How would you like the privacy for this survey to be? EVERYONE ~ ONLY FRIENDS ~ PERSON MUST ASK PERMISION TO SEE ~ CREATE SETTING

"…and… save." Kim said to herself closing the window on the laptop Rudy leaves out for them to use.

"Kim! Come on its time to sparr!" Rudy called to her.

"Okay! O-o-okay" She stuttered out.

Fifteen minuets later.

"Bye guys!" Jack called to his friends as they left the dojo. "Hm… Kim forgot to log her Facebook out-" Jack paused for a moment, a smirk making its way across his face. "Well, it won't hurt to see what she was doing earlier, now will it?" He asked himself.

The Survey

Name: Kimberly Anne Crawford

Nickname: Kim/Kimmy

Gender: Female.

Age: 15 (A/N Idk her age. They look 15 so im going with it)

Birthday: July 4. (A/N Idk her birthday either so im just gonna go with the fourth of July)

Job: I don't have a job.

Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee (:

Current Town: (A/N I don't know what town they live in or their school, can someone who knows these two things PLEASE tell me?)

Favorite thing to pass time: Karate at the Bobbi Wasabi Dojo.

Sports: Cheerleading/Karate.

Siblings: Jax Collin Crawford (5, male)

Pets: 5 horses, 2 dogs, 2 goats, 4 cats, 3 ducks, 7 chickens, 2 fish. (A/N I don't care where they live imma say she lives on a farm, mkay?)

The Person You Like: Jack Howard.

Jacks eyes widened as he read the last line.

"Kim likes me?" He said loudly.

"I what!" Jack quickly slammed the laptop shut whirling around to face where the high-pitched shriek had just come from.

"Kim! Uh, um, well, I-I-I um…" Jack stuttered searching for an excuse.

"Jack! You read my survey! I can't believe you! That was private and you just walk in and read it like its yours! I thought I could trust you Jack and you go and do-" Kim was cut off mid-rant by Jack pressing his lips to hers.

"I like you to." Jack said.

"Y-You do? Really?"


"Well. Then do you have something to ask me?"

Jack rolled his eyes, chuckled a bit, and sighed before answering.

"Kim, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked looking down into her eyes.

"Yes!" she shrieked hugging him.

"Yes." Jack sighed quietly hugging her back.

Kim leaned up and pressed her lips to his again, wrapping her arms around his neck. Jack's arms made their way around her waist as he pulled her even closer.


"Well look at that."


"Its about time!"

The couple broke apart and turned to the entrance of the dojo only to come face-to-face with Jerry, Rudy, Eddie, and Milton.

"We ruined the moment…" Milton said looking down sheepishly.

"Uh!" Kim with a 'humph' stomping her foot much like a child would.

"You guys were spying on us!" Jack said slightly annoyed.

"Maybe…" all four said together.

"Ya know, you four never fail to amaze me with the little stunts you pull." Kim said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yea well. You love us anyways." Jerry said.

Jack and Kim looked at each other before they both smiled.

"Aw, come here." Kim said opening her arms her three friends and her sensei all ran over to the new couple.

"I have one question though." Eddie said. "How did Jack get into your facebook Kim?"

All heads turned to face Jack.

"Um, well… you see…"

"JACK!" Kim screeched.

"Well… gotta go!"

A/N: Did ya like it? Im not sure how I feel about this one, I feel like I kinda rushed it, but that's just me. Review please!