Hey guys alright so this will be my first ever chaptered story at least I'll try to do it not quite sure how though and it'll probably be a short chaptered story.

Nala was lying down at the mouth of the cave watching all the other cubs play tag and run around outside. She longed to do the same but her parents Mufassa and Sarabi had stopped her from doing so in order to make sure she doesn't get hurt. She had just wished they could see it her way but, she knew they were too stubborn to listen so she had given up trying a long time ago. And now she lies down and watches all the other cubs play.

"Nala are you alright sweetie?" her mother asked startling Nala a bit

"I'm fine mom…" she said after calming down.

Sarabi felt sorry for her daughter she knew how badly she wanted to play with the other cubs but she knew she could not allow her to get hurt.

"I worry for you Nala" she told her sincerely

"Don't worry mom I'll be fine.." she replied and walked into the den not even looking at her mother.

Sarabi felt her heart sink she had made her like this. She had to confront Mufassa about this she thought to herself and walked over to find Mufassa.

She found him sitting on top of Pride rock gazing out into the savannah.

"Mufassa?" Sarabi asked concerned.

"Yes Sarabi?"

"Mufassa Nala is very upset I asked her if she was alright she didn't even glance at me.." Sarabi said ears low.

Mufassa looked at his queen feeling sorry for her. He didn't like seeing his daughter so upset and his wife sad.

"Alright tell her that she can play outside on one condition she doesn't EVER go past the waterhole."

Sarabi darted up and nuzzled him.

"Thank you Mufassa." she said as she walked over to the den with good news

"Nala?" Sarabi asked

"Yes mother?" Nala replied half curious at what she was going to say and half annoyed

"Mufassa and I have talked it over and we came to the conclusion that you can play with all the other cubs BUT you can never go past the waterhole is that clear?" Sarabi stated firmly.

Nala couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was finally going to play with the other cubs! She sprinted to her mom and nuzzled her hard.

"Oh thank you mother!" Nala shouted and ran outside to the other cubs.

Sarabi smiled at her daughters excitement and walked back to Mufassa

Nala sprinted off to find the other cubs playing tag.

"Hi I'm Nala!" she introduced herself to a nearby group

"Hi Nala!" they all exclaimed in unison.

"I don't think I've seen you around before are you new?" one of the cubs asked

"No I'm not new my parents wouldn't let me outside for fear I might hurt myself." Nala stated firmly.

The cubs looked shocked and gave Nala a confused look'

"Who're your parents?" the same cub asked.

"Sarabi and Mufassa." Nala replied in an unimpressed tone.

"Soo you're the princess?" he asked amazed.

"Um..yea" she replied.

"That's so cool I'm Chumvi." He said smiling.

All the other cubs gathered around to greet her. Nala couldn't have been happier she finally had friends to talk to and on top of that she was popular. For the whole day Nala and her newly found friends played tag until it was time to go in.

Sarabi and Mufassa were waiting for Nala at the mouth of the cave.

Sarabi smiled "Did you have fun Nala?" she asked.

"Yeah mom I had so much fun and I made a lot of friends and I'm really popular and…" she was cut off by her fathers laughter.

"Slow down Nala we're glad you had fun." Mufassa said.

Nala nuzzled her parents "Thanks mom, thanks dad."

"You're welcome Nala now get inside and get some rest." Sarabi stated.

Nala walked into the den leaving Sarabi and Mufassa to talk amongst themselves.

"I don't know why we were so worried Mufassa she had a good time and made lots of friends and she didn't get hurt." Sarabi said gazing out into the savannah.

"That may be true but nevertheless I'll still be watching her." Mufassa stated walking back into the den.

Sarabi sighed and followed him.

The next morning Nala awoke more excited than she had ever been. She darted off towards the waterhole to get a drink before waiting for her friends. She looked out across the waterhole and saw something that caught her eye. She saw a wasteland at the end of the waterhole. Trees were bare no bushes not even grass. She knew she could not go past the waterhole but a quick closer look wouldn't hurt right? She'd just take a quick good look and get out of there as fast as she could. And with that she walker farther away from the waterhole.

Nala was amazed at what she was seeing. She had never seen anything like it before. She had always believed the whole world looked like Priderock beautiful and full of life. But this place was dead everything was dry and she couldn't see a water source anywhere. As Nala was walking she looked back to see how far she was going away from the waterhole she figured she wasn't that far and decided to walk a little farther. As she walked she noticed a large gorge at the end she peeked down and noticed rocks at the bottom. It gave her a shiver just to think about accidentally falling In there.

Suddenly she heard laughter coming from behind her. She swung around and saw three hyenas one female the other two male. One of the males looked serious while the other looked as dumb as a rock. The female approached Nala she assumed that was the leader.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" she spoke."I don't know dinner perhaps?" The serious male spoke.

The female spoke "and I am really hungry" she said with a smile.

They all laughed in unison and lashed out at Nala. Nala ran as fast as she could back to Priderock. She kept her eyes on the hyenas making sure they weren't catching up they were gaining up on her and Nala panicked and tripped over a rock.

It was the end she was going to die her life flashed before her eyes. She wished she had never left the waterhole. She closed her eyes and waited for the hyenas to sink their teeth into her skin. However that did not happen she heard roars and opened one eye cautiously to see if they had left or she had lost them. But all she saw was brown fur. And it was moving! She opened both eyes and saw a cub fighting off the hyenas scratching their faces and bit their ears until they whined and ran off. The cub looked at me with concern.

"Are you..ow..ok? Did they hurt you?" he asked sincerely.

"yeah I'm fine..thank you..you saved my life."

"yeah..don't mention it…." he replied before collapsing onto the ground.

Alright that's it for now after I publish this I'm immediately working on the 2nd chapter alright tell me what you guys think later!