Dedicated to..umm..Sidekick.
Disclaimer: If I owned Artemis Fowl, I would be making a least twently in the series, and I hand the Idea over to NCIS
Rule one
Gold may be power, but family and friends are everything
Artemis looked nervously up. He and Mulch were trying to make Christmas presents. Normally they would shop for them, but they decided on the Fifth year anniversary of knowing everyone, they should make something special. They decided it would be an awesome idea to melt down part of the ransom and form it into a picture frame. The dangerous thing with this idea that did not occur to Artemis in the making of the idea, is that he would be intrusting a sharp and hot tool to the dwarf, who was afraid of fire. He had already scorched the rug when he first held it.
Artemis almost messed up the engraving of the name Holly, by nervously looking over his shoulder and the dwarf, who was holding it out facing the door. He finally finished it and slipped in a photo of a freeze frame of them outside the gorilla cage in Rathdown park that he had pilfered from the security camera. He smiled at the memory. In another time.
He then noticed that Mulch had put the tool down and was spending a lot more time near the pictures and looking at them than the gold he was working on. Strange how things turn out. He was about to smile when he relized exactly where the Dwarf had set down the tool. Right next to the oil.
I have no need to describe what happens next. Watch Mythbustes if you are, by any chance interested.
Holly smiled as she put the new photo on her nightstand. She felt a slight bump on the back and turned it over. She raised an eyebrow and slipped out the backing. Written in an elegant hand, the cursive writing spelled what she had a feeling Artemis meant to say when he recited the family motto. Gold is power, but family and friends are everything. She smiled.
Was it just her, or were the edges of the photo a bit charred?
2wh: There's rule one!
PC: 2wh?
2wh: yeah…
PC: explain.
2w: oh. well, On NCIS, there are fifty one rules, covering everything from lawyers to knives, to how to apologize. I was thinking, well, Artemis should have some rules too. You can Google Gibb's rules, but I highly recommend you just watch the show, Not the LA version. The real version. Do it. Now.
PC: someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed
2wh: Don't feel pity for them! They don't watch NCIS!