So, guys here's the next chapter. It is the final chapter of the story. And it's VERY cheesy so feel free to skip over it. :)
"No, Zeus! I won't!" Hades yelled at his brother from his throne. Zeus frowned and crossed his arms.
"Nor will I," Demeter said. Zeus frowned harder.
"I'm the king so yes you will!" Zeus snapped. He moved his head like a sassy black girl (AN: I'm black, so this is not meant to be offensive).
"Oh no he didn't!" Demeter yelled.
"I'm not spending a day with him. You can force me to be the God of the Underworld but you can't pay me enough money to spend a day with that brat," Hades said, angrily.
"Hey, he saved us!" Demeter protested.
"He's a menace!" Hades retorted.
"He eats lots of cereal unlike you!"
"Cereal is stupid!"
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Is not!"
"Bring it on, bastard!"
Demeter pounced on Hades and the two immortals began to fight. Demeter was a pretty decent fighter but Hades was way better. They were destroying each other on the floor. Zeus sighed and facepalmed.
Percy and Annabeth decided to spend the day at some fancy hotel. Percy tricked the mortal manager into thinking they had a room together. They both were bored in the hotel so Annabeth decided on reading some books while Percy went out on the balcony.
Percy was on the balcony marveling at nature. When you're a demigod it's really valuable to get a moment of peace. It was nearing sunset when Annabeth came out to join him. (AN: Ready for some mushy romance)
"Hey," Annabeth greeted him, tracing his neck.
"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH, GET AWAY FROM—oh, it's just you. Annabeth, you know I'm ticklish," Percy replied.
"Ugh, this is going to be awful," Annabeth said. She facepalmed.
"You sure about that, Wise Girl?"
"Did you mean it?"
"Mean what?"
"The 'I love her' thing." Percy turned red. He was considering jumping off of the balcony right then and there but something held him back. He knew he had to tell her how he felt. It was time.
"Maybe…I guess," Percy answered. Annabeth frowned.
"That's not an answer," Annabeth snapped.
"So? What do you care? It's not your business!"
"Well, considering that it has to do with love and it's about me I'd say it is my business, Seaweed Brain."
"You're irritating!"
"You're insufferable!"
"You're impossible!"
"You're dumb!"
"I thought we were using insults that started with 'I'."
"Just shut up!"
Annabeth and Percy stood in silence, looking at the sky ahead of them. Percy was uncomfortable. She was so close to his body he could feel the head emanating from it.
"Uh, Annabeth," Percy started, breaking the silence.
"What do you want?" Annabeth asked, sounding bitter.
"I guess I do love you," Percy replied.
"I said it: I, Percy Jackson, love Annabeth Chase!"
"I'll say it, too: I, Annabeth Chase, love Percy Jackson!" The two demigods' lips met each other. Yep, they were kissing on a balcony in front of the sunset. Annabeth wrapped her arms around Percy's neck and Percy held her waist. It was a true Aphrodite moment. Needless to say, Annabeth definitely felt like she was a princess in a fairytale love story.
"Aww, this is definitely a Kodak moment!" a male voice behind them cooed. "You guys had better invite me to your wedding." The two lovers turned around in shock. Standing behind them was Poseidon, the god of the seas himself. Percy let go of Annabeth. She frowned at the absence of his touch.
"Uh, Dad, we're kind of doing something right now," Percy stated. Annabeth bowed.
"Pleasure to meet you, Lord Poseidon," Annabeth said to him. Percy rolled his eyes. Annabeth always had to be the professional one.
"So, I finally get to talk to you. Nice to meet you, Annabeth," Poseidon replied, smiling at her. Percy could feel the tension in the room.
"Soooo…you guys love each other?" Poseidon asked.
"Love? Oh that was just…we were practicing a play," Percy lied.
"Oh yeah? What's the name?" Poseidon challenged. Percy didn't answer and Poseidon smiled at his victory.
"Uh…Lord Poseidon, this is really uncomfortable," Annabeth said.
"Yeah, Dad. Could you come back later," Percy asked.
"Oh yeah, I was going to ask you if you wanted to watch this porno with me," Poseidon answered. Percy's eyes widened with excitement.
"Porno? I'm totally up for it!" Percy exclaimed. Poseidon and Percy ran to the living room. Percy popped in the DVD and they sat back and relaxed with a bowl of popcorn. Annabeth facepalmed. The romantic moment was ruined. Then again...a porno.
Annabeth walked into the living. Percy and Poseidon were staring at the two good-looking people having anal. Percy then noticed Annabeth.
"What is it, Annabeth?" Percy asked, worried she'd chew him and Poseidon out for being perverted. That's when the Daughter of Athena said something that shocked them all.
"Can I watch?"
The End. Sorry to bring the story to a close so soon but I have another humorous story for you all, my wonderful readers. But for now, goodbye! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D