Author's Note
Me: Hello readers and hopeful reviewers! This is my first fanfic that I've ever actually posted! YAY! So it'll either suck or be mediocre ^^'
Onilee: It'll probably suck. :P
Me: Shut up! :O Oh, that would be Onilee, she's my mini-angel sidekick...I guess. Disregard anything she says.
Onilee: I'm being held prisoner! Send help!
Me: See? She's crazy.=_= Quick summary: Basically some of my favorite pairings and they're future kids! ^^ Pairings include: GerIta, Ameripan, FrUK, and AusHun. There will be hinted PoLiet as well!
Onilee: Like totally!
Me: =_= Please Review! There's always room for improvement, but be gentle, this IS the first fanfic I've ever posted.
Me: Shut up already, Onilee! Review and I'll give you cookies! BIG ONES!
Onilee: Please enjoy the crap you are about to read!
Me: THAT'S IT! *Tackles Onilee* I'll teach you to F*** with my Author's Note!
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Hetalia! So don't sue me! This is purely fanmade, and I do hope the readers watch and support Hetalia because it kicks serious ass!
Rating: Rated T for language and suggestive themes. (You have been warned 8/)
Hetalia Kids
The Twins
"Almost there. Push!" The doctor yelled to a rather distraught Hungary. She had every reason to be so. She was going to be a mother in a matter of moments. Austria was certainly well aware of this fact, because he was pacing back and forth, nearly yelling, "Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap!"
"You're not helping, Roderich!" Hungary shouted, trying to ignore the splitting pain that racked her body.
She remembered when she found out she was pregnant. She remembered the look of complete shock on Austria's face when she told him. She even remembered when she found out she wasn't just having ONE baby.
She pushed with all her might, and heard the small cry of her new baby girl. Hungary sat up to get a better look at her. She smiled weakly as the baby was quickly swaddled and given to a still panicked Austria to hold. Hungary leaned back into her pillow, knowing she was going to be in labor for a while. She was having twins.
Much to Hungary's dismay, Austria was still freaking out. "Roderich, calm the hell down! You wanna drop her?"
"How can I calm down vhen your still in labor?" Austria screamed, sounding more like a girl than usual.
"I'm the one who should be freaking out! You're NOT the one having twins here!"
Just then Austria's hand slipped, nearly dropping his daughter smack on the ground. He caught her just in time, but that didn't stop Hungary from pulling out her frying pan and nearly smacking him square on the head. She came inches away from his cranium before she realized it was a bad idea to hit him while he was holding the baby. "You're damn lucky that you're holding her and the fact that I'm still in labor!"
Austria nodded, agreeing completely, as Hungary put the frying pan away and attempted not to swear, because she was feeling like she was being stabbed multiple times.
Minutes ticked by like hours as the pain in Hungary's abdomen seemed to rip her apart. Austria was sitting in a chair next to the hospital bed, trying to soothe both the baby girl and his wife, as well as trying to scream with Hungary. Finally the doctor uttered the fateful word. "Push!"
Hungary pushed again with all her might and this time heard a stronger, deeper cry. She opened her eyes to see a little boy, not much bigger than his sister. Hungary sighed heavily as the pain slowly dulled. She smiled brightly at her new son, trying to ignore the tears silently slipping down her cheeks.
He was wrapped up snugly, like his sister, and given to Hungary. Austria, now calmed down, joined them with the little girl cradled in his arms. This was the first time Hungary got a good look at her children. The girl had her father's dark brown hair and vivid violet eyes. The boy had her light brown hair and emerald green eyes. Each was the perfect mix of both of them.
"Vhat should ve name them?" Austria said, beaming with pride.
"I like...Rebeka," Hungary said gazing at her daughter.
"It's beautiful." Austria replied. "I like Zoltan," he continued, holding his son's tiny hand in his thumb and forefinger.
"Perfect. Rebeka and Zoltan. It fits them." Hungary beamed as she stroked their hair.
The twins smiled up at their new parents, neither crying nor whimpering, just
smiling. Austria and Hungary couldn't help but grin back.
Rebeka then turned her head to get a good look at her brother. Suddenly and unexpectedly, Zoltan gave a little cry as Rebeka scratched him. He quickly retaliated by scratching her back. Rebeka glared at her brother and he glared back.
"...Fighting already?" Hungary sighed. "Sibling rivalry I guess."
"Oh, this may be more difficult than I thought..." Austria groaned.
"Did you think it would be easy?" Hungary asked, jokingly. "They are twins after all."
"I-I never thought it vould be EASY!" Austria retorted, "but if they're fighting THIS early, this may end up being a bad thing."
"I guess your right." Hungary chortled. "But, I'm sure it'll be worth it."
Hungary looked down at the twins, who had gone back to softly smiling up at her and Austria. 'I know I'm right.' she thought. 'It'll be worth it.'
The First Son
"VE~! Today's the day!" Italy beamed as he woke up earlier than usual, Germany still sleeping in bed beside him.
Italy hopped out of bed and began getting dressed. Unable to hold back his joyful "VE"s, he soon awoke Germany.
"Italy?" Germany asked, rubbing his eyes and brushing his blonde bangs away. "Vhy on earth are you up so early?"
"Today's the day Germany!" Italy kept smiling. "We're going to be parents! Remember?"
Germany's eyes widened, and his mouth broke into a smile. "I should've guessed."
Germany remembered when they first made the decision to have a child; it wasn't an easy choice. They finally settled on having a surrogate mother, and decided to use Germany's DNA. Finally, the nine months had passed and today was the day.
Italy, of course, was one step away from bouncing off the walls. He'd always dreamed of being a parent, settling down, starting a family. Of course originally he had thought he'd be with a cute girl, but doing it with Germany was much, MUCH better.
Germany got out of bed and went to take a quick shower. Italy, now dressed, made his way into the kitchen to make breakfast, humming a jovial tune all the way.
When Germany came down, with his hair slicked back in its usual manner, they both sat down and ate breakfast together.
"It's going to be a boy." Italy said, breaking the silence that hovered over the table. "We should think of a name."
Germany scratched his head and began going through every name he could possibly think of. "Vell, how about Viktor?"
Italy paused thoughtfully and then his face lit up. "It's perfect! It sounds tough and manly!"
Germany chuckled at his gleeful counterpart and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Italy giggled like a young school girl and kissed him back.
Soon after breakfast they both hopped in the car and drove to where they were to pick up their son. The whole way Italy repeated "Viktor...Viktor...Viktor" over and over, as if to memorize it.
When they were finally there, Italy leapt out of the car and let out an elated "VE~!" as he saw the clinic.
Germany got out after him and they both made their way inside. At the front desk the nurse asked in a dull, monotonous tone, "Name?"
"Feliciano Vargas," Italy said, a dumb grin plastered on his face. "And this is my husband Ludwig."
"Ah, yes," the nurse muttered in her same tone. "You're here to pick up your son." She turned to the nurse behind her. "Joyce, show them to the nursery."
Joyce smiled politely and led them to a window of a room. Inside were at least a dozen babies all wrapped in pink and blue blankets.
"Aww, they're all so cute!" Italy grinned. "But which one's ours?"
Joyce looked down at her clipboard. "First row, third to your right." She pointed to a small baby, wrapped in a blue blanket, sleeping peacefully.
"VE~!" Italy cried, "That's our little bambino!" Italy pressed is faced against the window glass and smiled quite possibly the biggest, most blinding smile of his life.
"Just fill out some paperwork and you'll be all set." Joyce said, handing Germany some papers.
"Thank you," Germany replied, giving a soft grin to Italy and his son on the other side of the glass.
While Italy was busy staring at his new son, Germany sat down and filled out the paperwork. As soon as he got Italy to sign a few things, they were all set to bring Viktor home.
Soon enough, Viktor was strapped in a car seat and buckled in. Italy volunteered to stay back with Viktor to make sure he was okay. Germany drove them all home.
When they finally reached home, Italy cradled his son in his arms and sat in one of the armchairs. Viktor had his father's blonde locks, poking out from underneath a blue cap and, according to Italy, the same peaceful expression Germany had while he slept.
Germany squeezed next to Italy as Viktor began to wake up. His eyes were the same beautiful blue as Germany's, so crisp and clear.
"Hey there, bambino." Italy smiled as he clutched a newly awakened Viktor in his arms. Viktor whimpered at the sight of the strange new people looking down at him, but was quickly calmed by the gentle rocking of Italy.
Germany stroked his son's hair gently, soothing him and letting him know that he wasn't going to hurt him.
As Viktor gazed up at his new parents, it hit them both that he was theirs...all theirs.
Son of the Hero
"C'mon officer, that wall totally cut me off!" America explained to the shocked and annoyed cop, smiling like nothing had happened. Japan standing next to him, apologizing fervently.
" drove a van through a wall to a hospital." The officer pointed to a large blue van sitting in the hospital waiting room, surrounded by bricks and drywall. "You could've killed someone!"
"Ah," America grinned smartly. "But I didn't."
"That's not the point!" The officer shouted, frustrated. "Sir, have you been drinking lately?"
"No way! That's for tonight!" America replied.
"He's not drunk, sir." Japan said, looking extremely nervous. "I can assure you of that."
"Yeah, sure. I'm going to have to ask you to breathe into this." He held out a breathalyzer to America.
America sighed and breathed into it. The officer checked the test and his eyes widened in shock. "You're clean? But-!"
"Told ya!" America interrupted.
"He's not drunk," Japan continued, "he's just an idiot."
"Well, you'll still have to pay for damages." The officer said, ticked off.
Japan reached for his checkbook, "H-How much?" He asked anxiously. The officer handed him a slip of paper with the cost for repairs. Japan choked and solemnly wrote down the amount, muttering, "As if we weren't already knee-deep in debt."
"Don't worry, Kiku!" America said enthusiastically. "We can just borrow the money from China!"
Japan sighed heavily and handed the check to the officer, who thanked him, gave it to a waiting nurse, and left.
"Why me?" Japan asked, hand covering eyes.
"Well, now that that's taken care of, let's go get our son!" America began bolting toward the maternity ward Japan ran after him.
"You know, we didn't check the gender!" Japan called after America. "It could be a girl!"
"Nah, it's totally a boy!" America replied. "My hero instincts tell me so!"
When they finally made it to the maternity ward, America went right up to the front desk. "My name's Alfred Jones. I'm here to pick up my son."
"Or daughter!" Japan interjected.
The nurse looked down at a clipboard, and said, "Right this way." They followed her down a hall and into a small room. "He's right here." She picked up a little blue bundle and handed it to America. Inside was a small boy, with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. A mirror image of Japan.
"Told you it was a boy!" America grinned at Japan, as he gazed over his shoulder.
"...How did you-?"
"Hero's instincts!" He turned to his son. "Hey there little buddy, I'm your new dad, and this is your new mom." He motioned to Japan.
"Wait a minute!" Japan exclaimed. "I'm just as much a father to him as you are!"
"Sure you are, honey." America winked jokingly, holding Kobey close to his chest, wondering if it was possible to have a heart attack because of sheer joy.
"Now I just need a name, and for someone to fill out these papers and you can be on your way." The nurse handed them a series of sheets and a pen.
"Kobey," America answered before Japan could say anything. After all, he had been dead set on that name. "I'll fill out the papers. Here Kiku, you should hold him." He handed Kobey to Japan and took the papers from the nurse.
Japan cradled Kobey in his arms and gently rocked him. Kobey's smiled up at Japan and slowly began to close his eyes. Japan began to feel much calmer as he held his son close to himself, feeling his tiny heartbeat and watching his chest rise and fall with each breath he took. Japan saw Kobey as a tiny miracle.
"Done!" America suddenly declared, so loud that he nearly woke up Kobey, who was now napping. "Alright, let's go home!"
"But our van is in a wall," Japan pointed out.
"Don't worry, I'll get it out!" America said as he ran out the door.
"I don't like the sound of that," Japan uttered, following close behind America.
Japan made it to the waiting room just in time to see America kick down the wall around the van, creating a space large enough for them to drive out. "TA-DA!" He proclaimed. "See, told you I could get it out!"
"I'm driving!" Japan announced, securing Kobey safely in the backseat, praying silently that he would have the patience and integrity to handle both America and a newborn, and also praying his son would live through the car ride home.
French or English?
"For the last time, I'm not naming him Désiré!" England shouted at France while he was driving their car home, a small blonde baby sleeping peacefully in the backseat.
"Well, I refuse to name him Thomas! That's far too boring!" France yelled back.
"Shut up, Frog!" England retaliated.
"Nice comeback. No really, I'm shaking," France mocked.
"Are you freaking mocking me?" England shouted, preparing to punch France.
"Maybe I am!"
"You're damn lucky I'm driving the car you French bastard!"
France huffed, "Look, we're not going anywhere with this and if we keep shouting like this we'll wake him up."
"...You got a point." England reluctantly replied. He absolutely hated it when France was right. "But what ARE we going to name him?"
France scratched his chin and considered his options for a moment. "What about Leon? That sounds nice, right?"
England looked at France for a moment, finally managing to choke out, "Actually, I like that name."
France smiled triumphantly. "Leon Bonnefoy does have a nice ring to it."
England nearly stopped the car in complete shock, "Wait a minute! Who said his last name would be Bonnefoy?"
"I did!" France said angrily, "It sure as hell will NOT be Kirkland!"
"And what's wrong with Kirkland?"
"It's far to English for my tastes!" France stopped for a moment. "We're doing it again."
England sighed, realizing France was right...AGAIN! "God, we really gotta stop arguing."
"But, how are we going to solve his last name crisis?" France pointed out.
"How about this?" England suggested, "Let's mash the two names together. Something like...Kirkfoy, does that sound okay to you?"
"Mon cher, that's genius!" France exclaimed, kissing England on the cheek. England blushed a little and tried to refocus his attention on not rear-ending the car in front of them.
France looked back at Leon, still sleeping peacefully in the back-seat. He ran his fingers through the little boy's golden locks, watching as he stirred and slowly opening his sleepy azure eyes.
"He's really handsome isn't he?" France remarked. "He's got your hair, mon cher."
"Yeah, but he's got your eyes, frog," England chuckled.
France looked back at Leon, who seemed to be smiling brightly. It was a wonder he slept through the whole argument. Which was good, since there were plenty more to come. Somehow France knew that this was the beginning of a perfect family.
La Nostra Bambina
Two-year-old Viktor sat on his bed and sulked. He wasn't too happy when he heard he was going to be a big brother: he had quite enjoyed being an only child and he wanted to keep it that way, thank you very much.
A knock came on his door. It was his father. "Viktor? Are you in there?"
Viktor grunted in response, clearly wanting to be left alone. Germany took this as a yes and walked right in. "Your mother's back. Don't you vant to meet your new sister?" So it was girl.
"No!" He said firmly and turned his back to Germany. "I don't want a little sister! Can't we take her back?"
"No ve can't," Germany said firmly. "And your mother vants you to come downstairs to meet her."
"But I don't wanna!" Viktor whined.
"Viktor." Germany's voice was a warning. He knew he'd better get his butt downstairs or there would be consequences. So, he reluctantly got off the bed and followed his dad downstairs, huffing frustratedly the whole way down.
When they finally reached the living room, Viktor saw his mom sitting on the couch, rocking a small pink bundle in his arms.
"There. I saw her." Viktor turned to leave.
"Not so fast, young man." Germany picked Viktor up and slung him over his shoulder, "Come on."
"Dad! Put me down!" Viktor whined. Germany did eventually put him down, right next to Italy and his baby sister.
Italy smiled at him. "Say hello to your new little sister, Lexiella." He pulled the blanket away from her face so his son could get a better look.
Viktor gasped when he saw Lexi's angelic face. She had soft reddish-brown hair, beautiful hazel eyes, and a soft smile. She raised a tiny hand out to Viktor, as if to say, "Hello." Viktor was amazed at how small and fragile she looked: he felt as if he could break her if he touched her. He gently took her hand in between his forefinger and thumb. Lexi squeezed his fingers affectionately. He realized she was stronger than she looked. He couldn't help but smile.
"I think she likes you," Italy whispered to Viktor.
"C-Can I hold her?" Viktor asked, feeling a little embarrassed.
"Ve~! Of course you can, just be careful." Italy placed Lexi in Viktor's awaiting arms, making sure neither of them dropped her.
Viktor pulled her close to his chest, hugging her tightly. She felt so warm against his cool body. He felt her heart thumping against him. It was strong and sure, and it was beating with his heart. He leaned down and softly brushed his lips against her forehead, in somewhat of a kiss. She giggled a little and placed her hands on his chest, attempting to hug him.
"She's...beautiful," Viktor muttered. Both of his parents smiled. Italy wrapped his arm around his son, while Germany sat on the other side of him and brushed Lexi's hair from her eyes.
'Lexi...I'm making a promise to you right now.' Viktor thought. 'No matter what happens to either of us, I swear that I will guard you with my life. I'll protect you and keep you safe from all the bad in this world. Cross my heart!' Lexi's smile seemed to get bigger as if she'd heard his thoughts.
"I love you," Viktor whispered into Lexi's ear, wondering if his parents heard him.
He guessed they did, because the next thing he knew, he was being smothered in a family group hug.
Ending A/N
Me: v~v I'm terribly sorry if you feel I wasted your otherwise productive life. But, I'm at least glad you took the time to read it till the end of chapter one.
Onilee: You should waste your life in other ways, like playing "Angry Birds"! ^_^
Me: *puts Onilee in headlock* Chapter 2 is hopefully to come out soon. I'm a horrible procrastinator so bear with me.
Onilee: It's true! It took her a week to post this even though she had it finished!
Me: *tightens headlock* This chapter is dedicated to my friend AkiraWolfWriter888, (I strongly advise you to look up her fanfics, they kick ass!) who Grammar-Nazied and critiqued this before I posted it, so it would be better than some of the crap I DO read on FFN.
Onilee: Yeah thanks! You made her think she's better than Prussia!
Me: I won't hesitate to kill you if you give me a reason, Onilee. Please Review! The cookies are begging to be eaten!
Onilee: She means: "DO IT OR I'LL KILL LEXI!"
Me: THAT'S IT! Where's my gun!