It really shouldn't surprise them anymore when they roll up to a bizarro crime scene and see two men already questioning the locals, one conspicuously underdressed and one conspicuously socially awkward. They get out of Dean's Impala (the government-issued SUV collecting dust at Quantico yet again) and saunter over to the other two men, flashing their badges and nodding reassuringly to the sheriff that looks at them in a way they've become familiar with, asking them, Are these guys for real?

"Agents," Dean drawls. Gabriel looks up at them and smiles, but Castiel remains staring intensely at the deputy. Apparently, he's holding back on pertinent details.

"My two favorite FBI agents!" Gabriel crows happily. Then, because of that damned sense of humor of his, he adds, "Fancy seeing you two here at a crime scene like this," with a big sarcastic smirk on his face.

Sam doesn't bother to hide his snort. "I know. We've practically got the market cornered on the weird and unusual. Funny how they don't bother just shuffling the cases through Homeland Security and directly to you two, isn't it?" Castiel twitches at the mention of Homeland Security but doesn't look away from the deputy he's trying to sweat information out of.

Dean thinks it's funny how Castiel ever became a conman with the way he gets all nervous and shifty whenever they bring up his and his partner's biggest lie. Especially considering they've already come to an unspoken agreement as long as the two guys are being helpful in Sam and Dean's cases, they won't dig too deep in their claims to be from the government.

The sheriff who'd ambled over to the four agents frowned in confusion. "Homeland Security? But these boys said they were from the Health Department."

Sam quirks an eyebrow as Gabriel clasps the officer around the shoulders with one arm and begins walking him away. "Bureaucracy, my friend. Papers have to go through so many different departments before they land on our desks." He shook his head sadly. "Which is why we simply liaison with Agents Smith and Wesson when the occasion calls for it. Now, you say the body was found over here?"

Sam shifts his eyebrow quirk over to Dean, who shrugs and jerks his head at the deputy. Sam looks at Castiel meaningfully, and Dean nods in agreement. He'll get whatever information Castiel has dug up so far while Sam talks the reluctant deputy into spilling whatever Castiel's too heavy-handed to finagle out of him. No doubt it'll be weird, and there's a good chance it will defy at least one rule of physics, but that's the way their cases go now a days. Sometimes it's a hassle trying to solve the weird and inexplicable, but hey, it's their job.