Here we go! First KH fanfiction ;D I hope you all enjoy it! There is Axel/Roxas, Riku/Sora, and Demyx/Zexion, yay for couples! :D

"Mom? Dad?" a soft whisper echoed throughout a dimly lit house.

Two boys, hand in hand, walked through the house, hearts racing. The blonde lead the way, holding his brother's hand tight; his blue eyes filled with fear.

"….where are they?" the brunette whispered.

"I don't know…."

The brothers continued walking until they reached a closed room, which had its lights seeping underneath the door. As the door creaked out, the boys held back their screams. Two bodies lay upon the floor and man with piercing yellow eyes held a knife, covered in red.

"Hello, boys."

Roxas opened his eyes, sitting up quickly in his bed. He put his head in his hands, sighing.

Stupid nightmare…. He thought.

"Roxas! Get up, it's time for school!" A brunette yelled, opening the door.

"Sora, calm down…I'm up, okay?" Roxas yawned.

"Sorry, I'm just kind of jumpy for our first day at this school."

The blonde climbed out of bed and playfully pushed his twin. Sora grinned, leaving the room so Roxas could get ready.

Once his brother was gone, Roxas grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a Modern Day Escape t-shirt. He walked over to his dresser and picked up the wristband and necklace that sat atop it. He was ready within minutes; he looked perfect, including his blonde, spiked out hair.

"Rox, what took you so long?" Sora whined as his brother walked into the kitchen.

Sora was wearing a form fitting black shirt with skinny jeans and his green converse. His hair was spiked out more than his twins, and he also wore his necklace. Both boys had similar necklaces; silver crowns.

"That did not take long at all, Sora, sheesh." Roxas stuck his tongue out.

"Boys, be nice."

Aerith leaned against the counter, pointing a wooden spoon at the twins.

"Roxas started it…" Sora mumbled, looking innocent.

"What? You are such a liar." The blonde glared.

"Okay, new topic! Who's ready for school?" The brunette woman gave a warm smile.

Sora raised his hand as if he were in school, while Roxas shrugged. Aerith turned back to the counter, grabbing something.

"Sora and Roxas, I am trusting you with something and if you mess it up, you won't get another chance with it."

The boys looked at Aerith with confusion until she turned back around, dangling a set of car keys in her hand. Sora reached out for them, but the woman pulled her hand back.

"Uh, uh. You have to listen first. You may take the truck, and use it for whatever you need. You share the car and do not fight over it. Got it?" Aerith stated.

"Yes, ma'am." The twins said in unison.

"Roxas, the keys are yours first, since you didn't reach for them."

Roxas grinned widely, taking the keys and hugging the kind woman. The twins grabbed their bags and headed for the door. Aerith walked them out to the car, waving as they climbed into the blue truck.

"Have a great day, boys!"


Roxas pulled into the parking lot of Destiny Island High School with a sour look on his face. They had hit every red light on the way and almost hit a stray cat. Sora gripped his seat tightly as if he was going to fly away at any minute. He didn't enjoy when his twin drove him anywhere.

"Rox, park right there! We won't have to walk far." The brunette pointed to an empty space.

Just as Roxas went to pull into the space, a silver car rushed passed him into the spot. The blonde slammed on the breaks, not wanting to hit anything. Sora leaned forward, trying to look at the driver. A tall, blonde haired boy with a black beanie stepped out of the car, followed by a blue haired girl and a very muscular boy.

The blonde haired boy smirked at the brothers before walking off with his two friends. Roxas glared, turning the car around to find another spot. The only spot left was the farthest one from the school door entrance. Once the cars were parked, the boys made their way towards their new high school. Sora tried to put on a happy face, but the events of the morning kept getting worse.

The blonde boy with the beanie was waiting by the doors with the other two. He looked the twins up and down and smiled.

"Why, it looks like we have two new toys!" the blonde laughed.

"I agree with Seifer, ya know?" the muscular boy nodded, while the girl stayed silent.

"Let's play with them until classes start." The boy named Seifer walked towards Roxas.

He grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer. Sora went to help his twin but the muscular man grabbed him.

"Seifer, that's not fair. They're newbies, leave 'em be."

All heads turned as a group walked towards the boys harassing the twins. The one who spoke had a blonde like mullet and was holding hands with an emo looking boy. Behind them was a tall, muscular built silverette and a tall red head.

"Jealous I got here first, Demyx?" Seifer snorted.

"I'm just trying to help out the helpless from creeps like you." Demyx muttered.

"They're mi-" before Seifer could finish, Roxas bit his capture's hand. Seifer yelped in pain, punching the smaller teen, causing him to fall to the ground.

Seifer glared before motioning for his followers, walking away. The other teen pushed Sora to the ground, chuckling, before following his friends.

"Ow…." Roxas hissed, rubbing his now swollen cheek.

Sora sat up from the concrete walk way, noticing little cuts on the palms of his hands. They began to bleed as he stood up and headed over to his brother.

"Are you two okay?" Demyx asked, kneeling down by the boys.

"Not really." Roxas mumbled.

"Sorry about Seifer, he's a total jerk." The emo teen said.

"I'll have a talk with him later." The silver haired boy stated.

"Well, my names' Demyx! And this is Zexion, Riku, and Axel." The mullet man grinned widely.

Sora gave a small smile back, trying to ignore the stinging on his hands. Roxas nodded, still rubbing his cheek.

"Hey, blondie, let's go get some ice for that nasty bruise on your face." Axel said, holding his hand out to the blonde.

"My name is Roxas, not blondie." Roxas took the red head's hand.

"Okay, Roxy, let's go!"

Sora watched as his brother a dragged away into the building. Demyx winked at the brunette, walking away with Zexion. He sighed quietly, wishing he was at home, not here.

"Your hands are bleeding."

Sora jumped at the sound of Riku's voice, forgetting he was still there. The teal eyed boy held out his hand to the brunette, helping him up. Sora winced when he took the other teen's hand, feeling the blood smear on his palm. It made him feel sick and light headed. He had a fear of blood.

"Woah, now. Are you feeling okay, kid?" Riku put both his hands on the smaller boy's shoulders.

"I'm…not too fond…of blood." Sora whispered.

Riku bit his lip, looking around the area. He quickly put his hand on Sora's back and under his legs, carrying him. The brunette's face went red, not knowing what to do.

"W-what are you doing?"

"We'll get to the nurses office faster if I carry you, plus, no one is around to see." Riku winked, causing Sora to blush.

It only took seconds for Riku to get Sora to the nurse's offices. As they opened the door, Roxas walked out, holding a bag of ice to his face, with Axel closely behind him. The blonde's eyes narrowed at the sight of the older boy holding his brother.

"Sora, why are you here?" he asked.

All the brunette did was hold out his palms and Roxas understood. He glanced at Riku before walking away with Axel. The silverette put Sora down, opening the door the nurse's office. The nurse, who was actually a guy, waved as the two walked in.

Sora looked at the man with curiosity, not knowing what to make of him. He had white hair and blue eyes, and he was really pale.

"What can I do for you?" he questioned.

Sora had to hold back his laugh at the sound of the nurse's voice.

"Dr. Donald, my friend here hurt his hands. Can you bandage them up, please?" Riku pointed at Sora's hands.

"This will only take a minute…" the nurse stated, grabbing bandages and disinfectant spray.

As the nurse bandaged the teens palms, Sora noticed Riku was looking at him. The nurse mumbled something, finishing up with the bandages.

"I'm assuming you're related to the boy that was in here before you?" asked.

"Yes, sir."

"As an employ at this school, I must enforce the rule of no fighting. Be careful next time."

Sora nodded and headed out of the office with Riku behind him.

"First day and you've already gotten into a fight with the school jerk. Congratulations, Sora, you'll love it here." Riku joked.

Sora just rolled his eyes and continued to walk down the hallway. He pulled out his class schedule, looking around the halls. Riku watched the smaller boy attempt to find his classes, but only to fail.

"Um…I'm lost." The brunette said, embarrassed.

"Really? I thought you were just sightseeing."


"Okay, okay! Let me see your schedule….Ah, you have most of your classes with me. Just follow, got it Sora?"

"I don't like it here…" Sora whined.

Riku smiled, already liking the newest student of Destiny Island High School.


Axel and Roxas had made it to their first class, which they had together, without difficulty. Most of the students in the hallways gave curious looks as the new student. A few of them laughed as they saw his swollen cheek, causing them to receive vicious glares from the tall red head.

"First period, English. Awesome, my favorite class." Axel said sarcastically.

"It's not that hard, Axel." Roxas sighed, taking a seat beside the other teen.

"Oh, Roxy, that because you're probably a genius."

"I am not a genius, and stop calling me that!"

The class quieted down as the teacher walked in, giving off a scary aura. He had blue hair and an 'X' like scar in the middle of his face. He seemed annoyed and tired as he slammed his stuff down on the desk.

"Good morning class." The man mumbled.

He looked at a few papers on his desk, then at Roxas.

"Ah, you're the new student. Roxas, correct?" he questioned.

"Yes, sir." The blonde replied.

"Well, I'm Mr. Saix and welcome to Honors English. Class, this is our new student, treat him nicely."

A few students snickered, whispering something about he was already treated 'nicely' by Seifer. Axel turned around and cracked his knuckles, as if to threaten the class. The students stopped as they heard the red head, knowing he could cause a great deal of pain to anyone.

"Axel, turn around now." Mr. Saix said, writing something on the chalk board.

The tall teen stuck his tongue out, not scared of what would happen. Roxas figured he would get in trouble; instead, a piece of chalk hit Axel right on his forehead.

"Don't annoy me, Axel." The scary teacher hissed.

Roxas looked at the clock, wishing that the day would end faster.


By the time it was lunch, the news of the two twins had spread like wildfire. Seifer boasted about how he managed to defeat Roxas in a fight, claiming him as his own. Everyone knew that when the blonde claimed somebody, that person was not to be touched by anyone else. The only person who seemed to not care was Axel, who had his arm draped around the smaller boy.

Sora on the other hand had gotten popular with many other the girls. A few of them even offered him their numbers for him to call. Riku laughed every time he got a new number, causing the brunette to act shy around the girls.

"Let's meet up with Roxas, I want to see how he's dealing." Sora said, walking with Riku to the cafeteria.

"I'm sure he's fine. He's got that idiot with him in case anyone tried to cause trouble." The silverette stated.

"I still want to see him."

"Whatever, your majesty."

Sora playfully punched Riku at the sarcastic comment. Once they reached the lunch room, Riku spotted Axel at a small round table with Roxas behind him. Demyx and Zexion were also at the table, sitting close together. The two teens approached the table, pulling up chairs to sit down.

"Hello Riku! And Sora! You guys missed out on the story I just told!" Demyx grinned.

"I'm sure it was a great story, Dem." Riku pretended to be interested.

Roxas motioned for his brother to sit beside him, seeing as the only thing they had together was lunch. Riku sat on the other side of Sora, right beside Zexion, who hadn't said much.

"How had your day been, Rox?" Sora asked, shoving a cookie into his mouth from his packed lunch.

"I hate it here." Roxas replied bluntly.

"You don't hate me, do you Roxy?" Axel asked, slyly.

"I will if you keep calling me that."

Sora giggled as his brother argued with the taller teen. He enjoyed the company of his new friends. Demyx, who wasn't paying attention, looked off to the side of the table, narrowing his eyes. Zexion followed his gaze, biting his lip nervously.

"Demyx, what's up? What are you looking at?" Riku tried to see what the other two were looking at.

Soon the whole table was trying to figure out what was going on.

"That guy over there, talking to Seifer." The mullet man hissed.

Axel had never seen his close friends eyes filled with hate. He then looked at how the emo teen was now looking down at the table, and how Demyx's hand was gripping Zexion's hand tightly.

"Ignore him, Dem. That's Lexaus, and he could kill you if you ever got into a fight with him. Plus, he's in with Seifer's crew." The red head stated.

Roxas held his breath as Seifer looked over at him like he was prey. Just as the blonde was going to turn around, Seifer and Lexaus started to head over to the table. Sora and Riku glared at the two approaching boys.

"Hello again, newbies." Seifer grinned.

"What's wrong, Zexion? Do you miss all the fun we had?" Lexaus laughed.

Riku put his arm on Demyx, trying to calm him down. Zexion refused to look away from the table. Seifer leaned in closer to Roxas, putting his hand under the teen's chin.

"You're mine, got that? No one else's, newbie. I hope you're having a great first day." He smirked.

"Seifer, back off." Axel said, standing up.

"Oh, does our little pyro maniac like my property?" Seifer moved away from Roxas and stood in front of the tall red head.

"Axel, stop it." Riku stated.

Sora and Roxas could only watch as their new friends defended them. Roxas watched as Lexaus's eyes stayed glued to Zexion's thin frame. The effect he had on the thin teen was almost horrifying, like he could control him.

"Back off." Demyx growled.

"C'mon, Lex. We've got all year with them, don't worry. I'll see you later, Roxas."

Seifer and Lexaus walked off, not looking back. A few surrounding tables had watchful eyes, hoping there would have been a huge fight.

Demyx relaxed a little, putting his arm around Zexion. The thin teen closed his eyes, leaning on the taller boy. Axel sat down, clenching his fists in anger.

"I really hate it here." Roxas whispered.

:D my, oh, my! What a lovely first day of school! Tehe! I hope you guys liked it so far!

Please review! :)